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LegoDnD: The supernatural solar eclipse not only blinds everyone in darkness, it also lasts long enough that the shadow it casts kills all plant-life. I cast Forest's Embrace to put the flora on life-support. How do you like your last fruit, next user?
Something got lost in translation somewhere, and the spell you actually cast is "The Word for World is Forest" (from SaGa Frontier 2; used by the final boss). It hurts a lot, but I survive, albeit not in good health.

To heal myself, I cast Sensitive Rain (from The Alliance Alive), which heals everyone in the area, including both myself and the next user.
The healing works so well that I no longer have arthuritis; I jump with joy and cast Haste on the next user so we can have a race to celebrate.
LegoDnD: The healing works so well that I no longer have arthuritis; I jump with joy and cast Haste on the next user so we can have a race to celebrate.
In my haste, I mix your spell with mine, and cast Make Haste While The Sun Shines. Let's see where that leads.
We both keep running until the Sun sets and suddenly face-plant into the ground with the worst aches our legs have ever felt, so bad we can't even stand for a week. I cast Campfire so we don't freeze to death in our sleep. The next user finds us asleep with the fire still going...
Post edited November 08, 2021 by LegoDnD
LegoDnD: We both keep running until the Sun sets and suddenly face-plant into the ground with the worst aches our legs have ever felt, so bad we can't even stand for a week. I cast Campfire so we don't freeze to death in our sleep. The next user finds us asleep with the fire still going...
So, I find some sleeping people at the campfire, so I cast Remove Sleep to awaken them.

It just so happens that the next user is also sleeping by the campfire, and is therefore affected by the spell.
Startled from sleep, I cast Bottled Lightning at the noise.

(All my spells except the first have been event cards from Faeria, by the way.)
I'm magically transported to California's Lightning in a Bottle Music Festival, where I join a save-the Earth seminar in which all attendees hover a foot and a half above the ground in a lotus position.

In a burst of inspiration, I throw a powerful Chinese Apples spell so that oranges grow on everything, including the next user.
Post edited November 10, 2021 by instaboy
instaboy: In a burst of inspiration, I throw a powerful Chinese Apples spell so that oranges grow on everything, including the next user.
It seems that the lemons just fell off me rather than sticking around.

I then cast The End (from Final Fantasy 8), except that the version I cast is much weaker than the FF8 version. It does, however, have the same animation. (By the way, I learned about what the spell does before seeing the animation, and the animation is *not* what I expected.)
The End shoots me off to Andromeda where Star Wars happened. I'm on the Endor coastline and cast Shifting Tide to move the land closer to the Death Star Ruins; the next user is riding the land along with me.
LegoDnD: The End shoots me off to Andromeda where Star Wars happened.
I agree. The similarities are striking - cf. attachment.

LegoDnD: The End shoots me off to Andromeda where Star Wars happened. I'm on the Endor coastline and cast Shifting Tide to move the land closer to the Death Star Ruins; the next user is riding the land along with me.
The remains of the Death Star merges with the disconnected planetary crust and its rapidly dissipating atmosphere, to be found new uses for by a group of survivalist Ewoks headed by GOG bear.

I summon Reveal Possible Futures so that the next user might see what steps are required to avoid galactic genocide at the hands of Ewoks.
Post edited November 11, 2021 by instaboy
Seeing that Ewoks are even more obsessed with conquest than humans, I cast Doomsday to destroy the entire continent and every Ewok on it. The next user and I were on the ruins and therefore physically unaffected, what's your response?
LegoDnD: Seeing that Ewoks are even more obsessed with conquest than humans, I cast Doomsday to destroy the entire continent and every Ewok on it. The next user and I were on the ruins and therefore physically unaffected, what's your response?
I cast A New Beginning. It's a spell with an animation in the same style as The End, but its effect is not to destroy, but rather to create. The next user is in the area affected by the spell.
dtgreene: I cast A New Beginning. It's a spell with an animation in the same style as The End, but its effect is not to destroy, but rather to create. The next user is in the area affected by the spell.
Sorry. I reverted to newborn, and it took a while to age myself back up to where I can type this post.

To save others the same trouble, I'll just leave this Revert To Previous Age scroll here.
I intend to use it to become a child again, but instead it sends me into the prequel era alongside the next user.
Post edited November 15, 2021 by LegoDnD
Come on then, Zancas. We have windmills to fight.

I leave behind a rune to let a different reality rain down upon the next user.