Posted September 20, 2013

The slowdown problem with big/lots of ships and planets seems to occur to everyone using DOSbox. Fortunately the Win95 "deluxe" version runs fine and even with better cutscenes!
Here I figured out how to apply this on the GOG release, it is pretty simple though:
1. Install your awesome GOG version (if not already done)
2. download this file (source:
3. extract that archive in your Privateer 2 GOG install folder
4. launch the install.exe in your folder (probably you'll get a strange colored screen but you should be able to the see and click the install button)
5. click install (you can move the created directory freely after that; check NOTE 1 for paths reference)
IF the installer tells you have not enough disk space on C:\DARK simply create a folder called DARK on c:\ and hit "install.exe" again. Now it should be working.
6. start playing by clicking dark.exe within the new directory!
In case your game runs too fast you could try this one:
I don't need it.
NOTE 1: Your GOG install folder act like the CD. Look at the DARK.CFG in your new DARK folder. There are the paths.
NOTE 2: It's possible that there are some slight sound creaking during gameplay. It seems to be a little unsteady since sometimes it occurs and sometimes it doesn't. You can try launching the launch settings shortcut in the GOG folder and set the MIDI and digital audio driver to Creative Labs Soundblaster or 100% compatible. Maybe you have to fiddle around a bit with these settings, IF it works at all. But it seems to improve the sound quality for me.
If this little guide works for you let me and the others know for verification!
For the record: I installed Gog installer to C:/GoG games.
Copied the windows patch into the install directory and overwrote all files (I made a backup of dark.exe just in case).
Set the new dark.exe and the patch install.exe to run as administrator under properties -> compatibility.
Created a new blank folder in C:\DARK then ran the install file copied from the patch. Installed again using the install.exe. Ran dark.exe from the new c:\dark.
No glitches or speed interruptions. Video quality like I remember it. Currently smuggling weapons to Karaktakus.