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Is there supposed to be voice acting in the game at all?
lowyhong: Is there supposed to be voice acting in the game at all?

I'm not familiar with the game myself, but from the size of it I would guess that it doesn't. It's smaller than, for instance, The Case of the Serrated Scalpel (not available from GOG), and that one only had very limited speech.
lowyhong: Is there supposed to be voice acting in the game at all?

Nope. Only voiceovered version in the Polish one. Metropolis never recodred audios for english version. Trust me, I've asked them, they are sitting in next room :)
So maybe you could polish version as well? Voice acting was awsome and it's impossible to find this game with voices anywhere on the internet.
Or, is there any way the community can help with the voice acting? Hey it's your 100th game guys, it has to hold some reverence over it's peers hehe
Post edited April 01, 2009 by lowyhong
lowyhong: Hey it's your 100th game guys, it has to hold some reverence over it's peers hehe

What's so special about 100? 100 can equal 64 as well as 1100100 or whatsoever. Somehow, they don't seem to be such neat numbers, dunno why ;P
And I personally believe there is not much anyone can help with voice acting while such purely does not exist. Unless, of course, you would want to play with Polish sounds, which don't suit English or any other language at all...
If I recall correctly, Polish talkie Teenagent may be downloaded from (though the game binary might need a patch or something, as the voicec are sometimes mumbled), but do people not speaking Polish at all really want it?
Post edited April 01, 2009 by vear
In my opinion there should be option of getting the original version with all those cool voices. Since guys from Metropolis are working with this site it shouldn't be a big problem.
vear: And I personally believe there is not much anyone can help with voice acting while such purely does not exist. Unless, of course, you would want to play with Polish sounds, which don't suit English or any other language at all...
If I recall correctly, Polish talkie Teenagent may be downloaded from (though the game binary might need a patch or something, as the voicec are sometimes mumbled), but do people not speaking Polish at all really want it?

But voice acting does exist, albeit in Polish. That means the game supports it. And all the lines are translated into English. That means there's a script. And the people who made the game are sitting in the room next to the GOG staff...
So, hypothetically speaking, GOG members could record the lines in English, send the audio files to GOG, who would give them to the Metropolis guys, who would then wrap them into the correct file formats, and hey presto!
GOG could make a competition out of it. Auditions for each part. Each winner got a free game. Hell, no prize would even be necessary, just the privilege of being allowed to voice one of the parts would be prize enough.
Yeah, so that's probably too farfetched, but it's a cool thought. :-D
Wishbone: So, hypothetically speaking, GOG members could record the lines in English, send the audio files to GOG, who would give them to the Metropolis guys, who would then wrap them into the correct file formats, and hey presto!
GOG could make a competition out of it. Auditions for each part. Each winner got a free game. Hell, no prize would even be necessary, just the privilege of being allowed to voice one of the parts would be prize enough.
Yeah, so that's probably too farfetched, but it's a cool thought. :-D

Yeah, that would be very cool.
Post edited April 01, 2009 by zoozilla
Wishbone: So, hypothetically speaking, GOG members could record the lines in English, send the audio files to GOG, who would give them to the Metropolis guys, who would then wrap them into the correct file formats, and hey presto!

Considering quality of Polish voices, which sound somewhat like a homebrew but nice creation (recorded by authors of Secret Service, a once popular and now long dead Polish games magazine), this does not have to sound much like science-fiction ;), anyway, it's still a long shot.
I know I'd have a go if they did it
That is a great idea. But i'm afraid they can say it's too much work for them with listenning to all that.
Well like I said...
is there any way the community can help with the voice acting?

*raises hand*
For the love of GOG :/ People - this game is free and the cost of localisation and mendling with this stuff... Oh come on - they dont even have a source probably and if they do I personally would prefer for them to work on the new games and new deals - not a talkie version of this thing :/ I know, it would be awsome - but new games are even more awsome!
Post edited April 02, 2009 by RageBoy
Although its a nice idea, it would require you to manually replace all the text strings in the polish executable with the english ones, since the English version(and every version other than the ones with voices) are completely different builds and simply have no support for that particular voice resource format.
Ive been working with TeenAgent for a while though and ALL the resource formats are so simplistic that anyone with enough passion could convert the polish verison to english and record some voices and package them up in the correct format. It would take a long time though.