It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] 2.0_release_0.5 ⇒ 2.0_release_0.6.
Hotfix 2.0.6

The hotfix is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

⯈ Bug Fixes and Polish
---• Fixed condition error causing duplicate responses in Gasom scene
---• Fixed Chapter IV achievement trigger
---• Fixed wrong condition content about a comment regarding the governor of Bergia
---• Fixed wrong border reinforcement construction instruction
---• Added condition checks for two repeatable choices in the Bergia meeting
---• Added missing reservist variable change to ensure they are exclusive
---• Some lore naming fixes to something related to Rizia
---• Fixed budget meeting skipping additional advice questions
---• Fixed several misc scene issues and typos
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] 2.0_release_0.6 ⇒ release_3.0.0.
Suzerain 3.0.0 Update Released!

Today the Kingdom of Rizia launches and along with it the 3.0.0 update which adds major features, content, and further expansion of the Suzerain Universe. It also includes changes to the base game. You can read some of the highlights in the changelog below.

Suzerain 3.0.0 - Kingdom of Rizia DLC Changelog
Date: 25.03.2024

① Features
• War mechanic
• Royal Decrees mechanic
• Armed forces mechanic
• Negotiations panel
• Resource modifiers
• Save game transfer
• New resources for Authority and Energy
• Conditional instructions system

② Content
• Over 400k words of story
• Traits system with unique characteristics
• Resource and energy storyline
• Geopolitical and diplomatic storyline
• Romance content
• Religion storyline
• Game of Houses
• More decisions than base game
• 15 New collectible items
• New dialogues and decisions
• Basic status effect implementation
• Dozens of policies and situations
• Hundreds of news and reports
• New political compass and characters
• New leanings

③ Art
• Rizia local map
• Pales local war map
• Dynamic map layer changes for Pales, Zille, Iza
• 21 new character portraits
• New city and background images
• New table scene and objects
• New map city, country, and event tokens
• New token arts
• GRACE faction token

④ Audio
• Over 20 new tracks
• Dozens of new sound effects for special moments

⑤ Missing Content
• Codex entry updates for some entries are pending
• Achievements beyond default chapters are currently missing
• Some gamepad improvements are pending

Suzerain 3.0.0 Base Game Changelog
Date: 25.03.2024

① Feature
• Added character customization randomizer

② Technical
• Save game and load optimization
• Improved stability of save system
• Added active and other save game states

③ Design and Balancing
• Increased starting government budget by 1
• Reduced Gasom relationship threshold for easier outcomes
• Added bonus government budget to trade deal
• Extra budget detraction in trade deal
• Decreased starting Bludish opinion

④ Bug Fixes and Polish
• Fixed wrong order in energy event
• Refactored to avoid gameflow issues
• Fixed character portrait spoiler
• Corrected policies for immigration
• Fixed achievements not unlocking
• Addressed incorrect reports for BFF dam storyline
• Corrected dozens of typos
• Resolved various community-reported bugs since October 2023
• Missing Content
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.0 ⇒ release_3.0.1.

No Changelog
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.2-fix ⇒ release_3.0.2-macfix.

No Changelog

[Deployed a non-legacy branch hotfix for the 3.0.2 hotfix for Mac users. It should be working now. Source]


Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.2 ⇒ release_3.0.2-fix.

No Changelog

[Probably they fixed the infinite loading screen bug.]


Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.1 ⇒ release_3.0.2.
Hotfix 3.0.2

Dear Suzerain Universe fans,

We are updating the game with a hotfix to address some issues. We will keep working on stabilizing and improving the experience. If you want to support the endeavor please report your issues in our Discord forum here. We read all your feedback.

The hotfix is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

Kingdom of Rizia DLC

① Feature Updates
• Enhanced story pack selection functionality on the story selection screen by adding click on logo.

② Content Updates
• Expanded codex entry updates, added 6 new city codex entries, and added missing content.
• Improved enabling of codex entries in different parts of the DLC.

③ Design and Balancing
• Integrated two military action points into separate decrees.
• Reduced authority cost for specific trade decrees.
• Added authority modifiers for Power Projection, Golden Guard, Su Omina, Wruhecs Guardians, Centralized Security, Intelligence Services.
• Enhanced authority and budget rewards in certain story segments.
• Adjusted weakening tradition threshold and maulus ranges.
• Reduced storage and curtailment modifier values.
• Slightly increased thresholds for coup relation checks.
• Delayed unlocks for certain religious decrees to later turns.
• Addressed military resource-related construction issues.

④ Bug Fixes and Polish
• Zille token appearance flow fixed for turn 9 speech.
• Fixed Vina Toras duplicate codex entry issue.
• Correct GRACE token added to Sordland, addressing the broken token issue.
• Implemented various flow-related improvements and fixes.
• Fixed delay in character details panel update.
• Resolved war save data file persistence issues.
• Corrected early win/lose unit persistence for deployed units.
• Integrated action points into the database outside of Unity.
• Attempted fix for store unlocks.
• Fixed values for one variant of the RNC and RPP government change
• Removed technical tagging of RiziaDLCText in epilogues.
• Corrected inaccurately appearing news and reports.
• Fixed several typos, including the Titus Gordion title error in Angelica Duchess of Brenas codex entry.
• Ensured Lucita pregnancy scene triggers appropriately and only when relevant.
• Prevented accidental activation of Lucita romance.
• Fixed fallback summary title for Romus
• Adjusted coup checks for added nuance.
• Fixed Manus feedback inconsistency regarding Vina's marriage scenario.
• Stopped Sal from unexpectedly suggesting theocracy.
• Added follow-up to Golden Guard friendship day investigation by Titus.
• Fixed Turn 10 Lucita arrest triggering wrong news.
• Corrected RPP and RNC numbers being wrong.
• Made Anti Narcotics Operations and Legalize Illegal Substances mutually exclusive.

Suzerain Base

① Missing Content List
• Some codex entry updates
• Achievements beyond prologue and chapters
• Some epilogue images, sounds, and dates are missing
• Transition images for turns
Post edited March 27, 2024 by surfer1260
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.2-macfix ⇒ release_3.0.3.
Hotfix 3.0.3 Released!

Dear Suzerain Universe fans,

We are updating the game with a second hotfix. Work continues on stabilizing and improving the experience. If you want to support the endeavor please report your issues in our Discord forum here. We read all your feedback.

The hotfix is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

Kingdom of Rizia DLC

① Gameplay and Story
• Updated coup ending checks to reduce the likelihood of coups
• Did a pass on ending outcomes
• Cleaned up potential succession confusion

② Content Updates
• Added more trade decrees
• Enacted decrees show cost text
• Added narrative support for low energy scenarios
• Included "Voice of Rizia" article for low budget situations
• Added look-at resets in the intro scenes
• Improved Summary Succeeded By checks and characters
• Added country adjectives as keywords to codex entries
• Updated the writing on the Plavo codex entry
• Taddeus and Angelica codex entries added
• Added codex entry updates for Vina, Rusty, Lucita, Rico, Hugo
• Made naval resource names consistent between decrees and armed forces panel
• Added Vina's possible spouses to some epilogue variants.

③ Technical
• Royal decrees now feature a save checkpoint
• Implemented story pack checks for turn and final save
• Resolved other store deployments

④ Design and Balancing
• Rebalanced Sordland relations
• A slight negative impact of pulling out of reforms
• Some impact of crossing Sal
• Reduced admin cost starting points

⑤ Bug Fixes and Polish
• Fixed retirement epilogue triggers
• Fixed a few summary lines and pushed default states to latter ones
• Fixed a few issues with some coup checks
• Load checkpoint state fixed for royal decrees
• Resolved issue with remove income tax decree reappearing.
• Fixed remove income tax decree showing up again when increasing then removing tax
• Fixed missing Terador codex entry
• Improved several misc text
• Fixed wrong state of treatment of foreigners
• Fixed bug that jumped from coup ending to revolution
• Fixed remove blasphemy law not disappearing from decrees panel after Derdia scene
• Numerous spelling and grammar corrections
• Added arrested checks in decree approvals panel for missing characters
• Fixed MITZ vote condition error
• Added correct removal of GRACE and Rumburg modifiers, resources, and policies
• Corrected wrong Morella gas export modifier
• Resolved problem with executions newspaper not showing who gets executed
• Fix for Manus appearing when he is gone
• Made sure other zombies don't plague us in Palas Rezna
• Numerous spelling and grammar corrections

Suzerain Base

① Changes
• Re-added turn images to Sordland story
• Fixed missing Pales text on the Sordland world map

② Missing Content List
• Achievements beyond prologue and chapters
• Some epilogue images, sounds, and dates are missing
• Transition images for turns
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.3 ⇒ release_3.0.4.
Hotfix 3.0.4 Released!

Dear Suzerain Universe fans,

We are updating the game with a third hotfix.
If you want to support the endeavor please report your issues in our Discord forum here. We read all your feedback.

The hotfix is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

Kingdom of Rizia DLC

① Content Updates
• Reworded Malenyevist worker strike decision to clarify that it's about workers' rights for all industries
• Added VOR article for when you pass workers' rights without migrant rights
• Made it more clear when to arrest Rico
• Changed Vina succession dialogue to correctly reflect her marriage situation
• Added slightly more explanation for getting kicked out of GRACE after forming Intermerkopum
• Implemented available and deployed sections in war production panel
• Added a sound to epilogue

② Design and Balancing
• Middle finger and UNGRACED exit queen drops relations now
• Made it more difficult to get Lawgiver title
• Improved Morella relations based off trade
• Added varying RRG nationalization costs based on ownership
• Increased costs of certain late deals
• Reduced strength of starting unit formation
• Increased cost of AP giving decrees
• Increased Pales gas field initial cost

③ Bug Fixes and Polish
• Fixed an issue with the final speech that was missing
• Fixed Pales not getting annexed in specific peace treaty scene path
• Fixed Manus being house of delegates leader according to RH
• Fixed no RH article triggering when building Sallabes Consumer Park
• Fixed border security check
• Changed the workers' rights situation check so it is a little easier to get acceptable workers' rights
• Fixed issue in the epilogue where Lucita comes up to you while sitting right next to you
• Fixed Wehlen saying treaty was breached when it wasn't
• Fixed interim prime minister naming error in epilogue
• Stopped Angelica Sazon from attending Axel's wedding
• Made it so that Morella actually sent the aircraft they promised
• Fixed final murder investigation scene getting cut off in the middle
• Fixed Laurento saying he regrets losing Zille when the opposite was true
• Added condition to one comment about GASOM from Queen
• Made Derdia motto consistent
• Improved some grammatical and writing errors in turn 4 scene
• Fixed giving handouts to Axel while fighting him
• Fixed duplicate responses regarding resource checks and conditions for Estela and Bea
• Fixed Sal escaping from prison and declaring Golconda in Rizia
• Removed option to remove provincial levies if increased
• Added military ship to Fort Ales construction completion
• Added budget checks for yacht restoration choices
• Fixed token status effects not changing when cities change ownership
• Fixed token subtitles not changing when cities change ownership
• Fixed flagship fake shadow having wrong size
• Fixed prologue text scrolling up when hovering on a tooltip
• Fixed notes page scrolling
• Fixed issues with operation progress state
• Fixed issues with deployed unit refunds in between operations
• Fixed issue with Zille referendum not showing up in AN
• Fixed Pales country status continuously changing
• Fixed veto intention not being set in reforms
• Fixed operation 2 triggering despite loss
• Many spelling and grammar corrections
• Fixed some capital I Zille typos
• Made a fix for national destabilization on HOD closure to be mutually exclusive
• Fixed some summary typos
• Added manpower modifier start also for hospital
• Achievement bugs are fixed after SVN desync

④ Missing Content List
• Achievements beyond prologue and chapters
• For some epilogues images, and dates might be missing
• Transition images for turns

Suzerain Base

① Changes
• Fixed inconsistency between reports and Lileas' dialogue on the BFF operation
• Added extra checks for BFF uprising to be bypassed on
• Attempted fix missing options for Aschraf anniversary request
• Fixed missing governor setups for BALGA centralization bill
• Fixed Sordland map being outdated
Post edited April 02, 2024 by surfer1260
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.4 ⇒ release_3.0.5.
Hotfix 3.0.5 Released!

Dear Suzerain Universe fans,

We are updating the game with a fourth hotfix. If you want to support the endeavor please report your issues in our Discord forum here. We read all your feedback.

The hotfix is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

Kingdom of Rizia DLC

① Content Updates
• Added Epilogue images
• Expanded Death and Continued Reign epilogues to reflect player choice more
• Added more arms export decrees
• Implemented player country details government field updates
• Edited Alvarez' wording about selling the field to match with the budget cost
• Added missing changes to government type in country overview panel
• Small edits to Elena's dialogue in turn 8 to be more clear about workers rights
• Added varying budget modifiers to territorial returns and allegiance of returns based on tax levels
• Improved some ending checks and conditions

② Design and Balancing
• Corrected budget/energy numbers in Morella and Wehlen trade deals
• Reduced starting budget to 5
• Increased cost of army focus and added additional mountaineer to it
• Rebalance pass on revolts and added some public opinion buffs and debuffs
• Reworked the revolution triggers and decisions
• Reduced starting support vehicles slightly
• Adjusted the availability of some resource sale decrees
• Added some public opinion damages to having no authority and no gain modifier
• Added public opinion damages for consistent energy crisis
• Added public opinion damages for nationalist, religious, reformist unrest
• Reduced the new industry decision condition to increase trigger likelihood

③ Controls
• HUD stats are now viewed with controller
• Fixed controller not selecting the decision panel after character customization
• Fixed naval initial deployment point in operation 2
• Fixed center position of enemy naval units in operation 2

④ Bug Fixes and Polish
• Fixed check for setting Equipment Reliance situations
• Added missing triggers for Separation of Powers situations
• Removed Pales trade deal modifier when war is declared
• Fixed typos in Lucita Azaro's codex entry
• Stopped Axel from showing up at jubilee after death
• Fixed incorrect MITZ final agreement dialogue
• Changed inconsistent feedback on Rizia-Sordland relations
• Addressed inconsistency between abolishment of monarchy intention and reform outcome
• Stopped Zille return article from triggering incorrectly
• Stopped Zille return speech from triggering when independent republic declared
• Factored funded militias into Zille referendum interference results
• Fixed issues with enable/disable token notifications
• Fixed issue with text variables not working in choices
• Fixed collections item text
• Fixed issue with text concatenation
• Fixed checks for superpower trade war event
• Fixed checks for blockade of Heljiland event
• Added missing welfare expenditure cost text to decree
• Fixed wrong authority condition on coal mine decree
• Fixed duplicate military conscription policy
• Added missing disabling of provincial unrests
• Simplified some revolts and grouped them
• Fixed some wrong triggering narrative support articles
• Many spelling and grammar corrections

⑤ Missing Content List
• Achievements beyond prologue and chapters (We are working on them!)
• Transition images for turns (We are working on this too!)

Suzerain Base

① Changes
• Fixed missing option to not allow the Aschraf Anniversary when gatherings are suspended during emergency
• Fixed Wehlen leaving war when BFF is destroyed
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.5 ⇒ release_3.0.6.
Patch 3.0.6 Released!

Dear Suzerain Universe fans,

We are updating the game with a fifth patch. If you want to support the endeavor of improving the experiences, please report your issues in our Discord forum here. We read all your feedback.

The patch is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

Kingdom of Rizia DLC

① Content Updates
• Added turn images
• Added journal entries prologue
• Added option for Vina to get engaged to Manus after late-game Pales return
• Added a new prologue section with Crown Prince focus choices and timeline update
• Added some prologue focus feedback to early-game meetings
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 1 religious briefing with Sal
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 2 Golden Guard briefing with Titus
• Added high and low popularity authority modifiers
• Added follow-up post-decision RRG raise and lower stake options to royal decrees
• Added resource change indicators to military focus panel
• Added a new title for arms dealers

② Design and Balancing
• Added defence bonus to naval ports
• Increased and decreased authority buffs and debuffs based on power projection
• Balanced production capacity slightly
• Disabled Wruhecs Guardians authority bonus if they are not allied
• Added authority boost for inter-Toras marriage
• Balancing edits to Workers Rights situation changes
• Minor edits to economy dialogues with Elena to be more consistent with the Situations
• Added popularity damages for some Sal related imprisonment
• Slighty adjusted end game economic state balance
• Added a few more resource additions to Prologue choices
• Made it more difficult to become the Frailer
• Made it slightly easier to become the Great
• Made it easier to become the Peaceful
• Increased resource buff of army focus
• Slightly rebalanced some focus choices
• Added reduction of trade budget impact from the east if relations sour

③ Bug Fixes and Polish
• Fixed the stronger border fortifications not showing
• Added missing supply line connection in operation 2
• Fixed incorrect military equipment production rates
• Fixed wrong text in tank sale decrees
• Fixed base Esqiris field being lost when expansion made
• Fixed Pales name staying on world map despite being annexed
• Fixed expansion of steel industry having wrong headline
• Fixed commisioning massive media campaign not triggering
• Fixed nanta being governed by both Sazon and Toras
• Fixed vigil for the fallen report triggering in wrong city
• Prevented Axel Reinhart from voting at the AN or joining Intermerkopum if Pales defeated early
• Stopped Lucita investigation scene from ending prematurely
• Fixed duplicate dialogue options in internal security and Derdia negotiation scenes
• Streamlined and fixed text errors in turn 6 religious meeting
• Fixed wrong feedback about having an energy crisis while not having one
• Fixed duplicate option in House of Delegates scene
• Added missing triggers to Separation of Powers Situation
• Stopped Manus from occasionally being dead and alive at the same time
• Fixed wrong number seperator in vigil for the fallen report
• Many spelling and grammar corrections

④ Missing Content List
• Achievements beyond prologue and chapters (We are working on them, a lot of them actually!)

Suzerain Base

① Changes
• USP Brooch is now only unlocked when running for re-election as the USP candidate
• "Make Sordland Great Again" achievement can now correctly be unlocked at Turn 8
• Fetih Ejall's title is now correctly displayed when arrested
• Minor edits to TV Debate scene. Walter Tusk is no longer mentioned when arrested or killed
• Fixed the Holsord Post article to correctly reflect the Minority Rights Act as a decree
• Minor edits to Gus' dialogue about EPA profits to correctly reflect the situation
• Fixed player option to remove the decrease to the threshold, when Albin wants the player to remove the increase
• Fixed Wiktor Smolak being absent on the Peace Treaty on certain conditions
• Fixed Governor of Bergia being mentioned as mayor
• Fixed hyperinflation not improving when achieving Sordish Recovery Period
• Fixed Nia from sometimes appearing on the resignations scene despite not resigning
• Added harsher growth penalties to depression
• Typo fixes
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.6 ⇒ release_3.0.7.
Patch 3.0.7

The patch is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

Kingdom of Rizia DLC

① Design and Balancing
• Factored power projection more into Zille return outcome
• Made it easier to get screwed over by Lespia in final MITZ vote
• Made mediation decisions visible even when you don’t have budget/authority for them
• Minor edits to how Welfare State situations are set

② Bug Fixes and Polish
• Fixed some Vendonesam result condition triggers
• Added power projection impact on Vendonesam outcome
• Minor adjustment to some modifiers
• Fixed electoral reform journal entry triggering despite no reform
• Fixed rumburg war event token only having a shadow
• Fixed intermerkopum codex entry not triggering
• Prevented Zille return speech from cutting off prematurely
• Fixed numbers in Morella and Derdia trade deals
• Fixed bug where you disapproved of Zille referendum by default
• Numerous spelling and grammar corrections and dialogue touch-ups
• Added missing war loss condition to correctly trigger the War Loss scene
• Fixed energy modifier of Aureus not being added in certain conditions
• Fixed conversations responses not triggering with number keys
• Prevented some unnecessary error logs from appearing

③ Missing Content List
• Achievements beyond prologue and chapters (We are working on them, a lot of them actually!)

Suzerain Base

① Changes
• Removed the option to pick Gloria as VP despite her being obstructionist and not coming to the VP meeting
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.7 ⇒ release_3.0.8.
Patch 3.0.8

The patch is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

Kingdom of Rizia DLC

① Feature Updates
• Implemented 48 Rizia achievements
• Added hold timer to prevent missclicks in war when selecting something on operation

② Content Updates
• Added Rizian national anthem sung by Torpor Games team
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 5 internal security briefing
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 5 murder investigation briefing
• Added option to cancel calling back the navy after not reaching an agreement in pales meeting
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 6 Alignment of the Six Stars scene
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 6 cemetery scene
• Content polish and streamlining on Sordland bond purchase scene
• Polish and consistency edits in Turn 2 Golden Guard scene, Turn 5 security scene, Turn 8 AN referendum vote and general council scene
• Added no-cost option to investigate Pales if operatives in place
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 8 Zille security briefing
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 8 Zille negotiations scene
• Axel will now be concerned about unification if national destabilization is true
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 9 Zille return speech scene
• Edited Rizian-Palesian Unification Initiative decision to better reflect the context
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 9 meeting with Sal
• Removed GRACE congratulating Palesian reunion after kicking Rizia out
• Streamlined the dialogue in the turn 10 security briefing and murder investigation scene
• Numerous other scene improvements and polish

③ Controls, UI & UX
• Added confirmation pop up to avoid resetting deployment by mistake on gamepad

④ Design and Balancing
• Added GRACE energy contributions
• Reduced starting default energy
• Added house allegiance based authority modifiers
• National destabilization has impacts on Zille in certain situations
• Reduced military expenditures per turn and revised war expenditures
• Minor edits to how titles are gained at the summary screen
• Disabled decision to leave the AN if Intermerkopum is formed due to story reasons
• Adjusted violent and peaceful resistance balance and thresholds for Zille
• Reduced tourism threshold and balance so good tourism is achievable easier
• Axel's dialogue at Monqiz Beach will no longer trigger if Unification Initiative is not started
• Reduced per turn integer subtractions of administrative costs
• Reduced energy storage cost and curtailment for now until future changes

⑤ Performance & Optimizations
• Scene light optimization
• Disabled rendering when unnecessary
• Reduced build size
• Updated world map and base map boundaries
• Optimized map switching for reduced memory
• Images memory optimization to load on demand
• Main and escape menu inspected collection item memory optimization
• Table collection item memory optimization
• Memory management implementation for story pack scenes
• Optimized hover input on maps
• Optimized hyperlinks
• Increased texture compression quality
• Optimised Rizia map texture to reduce ram usage
• Removed table normal texture for performance reasons

⑥ Bug Fixes and Polish
• Fixed world map overlay not including zille when hovering over
• Fixed fort ales name dissapearing on map when pales changes
• Fixed typo turn 10 RH Pales Treaty Azaro newspaper
• Fixed typo turn 10 Montaklar report wruhec's guardians deployed
• Fixed turn 6 RH superpower trade war article triggering wrongly
• Fixed issue with newspaper claiming An ruled that all of the gas field belonged to Pales despite this not being the case
• Fixed issue with RRN Valero not being enabled by default
• Fixed Derdia wrongly joining Intermerkopum in news/codex despite not doing so in dialogue
• Fixed Sal Ignacious not getting hyperlink on some conversations
• Fixed select sound being constantly triggered on the main menu on gamepad
• Fixed deployment panel not being selected at the start of a operation on gamepad
• Fixed elements not being selected after deploying a unit on gamepad
• Fixed war action hover tooltip not updating on gamepad
• Fixed demographics not showing percentages when hovering
• Fixed bug where construction reports would not show up at the start of a turn
• Fixed steam deck summary resolution being wrong
• Fixed Pales unification being set earlier than intended
• Fixed country status displaying allied when not
• Fixed stats for Morella airplane deal
• Fixed default disproval of Zille referendum in some branches
• Corrected condition for appearance of a certain wedding guest
• Fixed Pales mention as seperate country despite being unified in ending speech
• Fixed an instance when Rizia shows up in GRACE despite being kicked out
• Fixed wrong production values for military factories in royal decrees
• Fixed missing energy cost text on a royal decree
• Minor edits to how titles are gained at the summary screen
• Fixed visit to Iza conversant not being added / removed
• Fixed minor decision options appearing without enough resources
• Minor typo fixes
• Numerous spelling and grammar corrections

Suzerain Base

① Changes
• Fixed Tarquin Soll and Ewald Alphonso referring to Energy Protection Act as Environmental Protection Act

② Known Issues
• Regional map token shadows are missing.
• GOG and Epic will be updated later.
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.8 ⇒ release_3.0.9.
Patch 3.0.9 Released!

Hey Suzerain fans,

We're thrilled to share that the latest patch has been officially pushed to the live default branch, making it accessible to all owners. Your involvement was crucial in achieving this milestone, and we can’t thank you enough for your contributions.

Thanks to your dedicated testing and invaluable feedback, we've been able to refine and patch this update not once, but twice, ensuring it’s more ready for live. This community-driven approach has significantly enhanced the game’s stability and performance across its complex, branching systems and vast content now reaching 1.5 million words.

If you want to support the endeavor of improving the experiences, please report your issues in our Discord forum here. We read all your feedback. Make sure to tag 3.0.9 in the cards you create.

The patch is deployed to the default branch. The database changes only apply to new games, and code fixes apply to on-going games.

Kingdom of Rizia DLC

① Feature Updates
• Added more graphics option and introduced graphic presets
• Updated lighting and improved visual quality

② Content Updates
• Expanded Coup, Revolution, Exile and Expanded Reign endings
• Added explanation of role of Greater Pales in unification
• Significantly reworked murder investigation storyline and outcomes
• Added 38 Geopolitico articles from main story
• Feedback about Sordland ATO/CSP membership in Rumburg turn 9 conversation
• Absolute primogeniture now an option
• Added removal of Pales Admin District codex entry when unified
• Added energy storage facility decree
• Added 8 new codex articles
• Added a fourth medium energy sale and purchase
• Added a new construction and status effect to Bronaz
• Added feedback on Wehlen war intervention deal
• Changed position of war info text panel
• Added Aureus gas energy modifier if field is part of Pales ceasefire deal
• Added a new collectible to the turn 1 Religious Ceremony scene
• Added Manus war return and option for late engagement
• Added condition for Morella refugee report after peace to be connected to sending refugees there decision
• Rewrote Zille Return article headline after negotiations to better reflect the story
• Added missing councilors to Council Dissolution scene
• Added option to choose which organization to funnel Morella resistance funding to
• Updated 5 codex articles
• Added several new codex entry updates
• Polished focus panel text
• Added chemical weapons to war operation 2
• Added news and report for new decree

③ Controls, UI & UX
• Extended war map boundaries to fit gamepad
• Smoothened war deployment panel
• Deselect war tokens on escape
• Changed position of war info text panel
• War tokens can be selected without having to deselect
• Slight changes to drag map movement

④ Design and Balancing
• Absolute primogeniture now an option
• Gas pipeline construction if friendly relations with Pales but Aureus field ceded now more clarified
• Duke Reinhart now pickier about certain diplomatic offers
• Adjusted casualty count when experimental weapons are used
• Added checks to disable energy overflow when facility constructed
• Added more living standards impact based on the economic situation, energy situation, and other events
• Changed some balancing for living standards and administrative costs
• Added authority modifiers for permanent loss of Zille, partial reclamation of Pales
• Made it slightly easier to get good workers rights
• Added human rights situation update conditions
• Increased starting energy modifier by 1
• Connected drop in GRACE relations to reduced energy demand from GRACE
• Adjusted MITZ outcome conditional instruction to have more impact on workers rights situation
• Made territorial integrity check more flexible and corrected default value for reclamation
• Removed authority costs for most medium energy sales
• Adjusted new business condition and balance slightly
• Updated outdated power projection conditions to be tied to situations instead
• Changed some of the conditions for Palesian reunification

⑤ Performance & Optimizations
• Improved control over quality and performance through new options

⑥ Bug Fixes and Polish
• Fixed codex entries sometimes not opening after scrolling
• Fixed Sal not being removed from his position as Grand Wiscerer despite his arrest
• Fixed naval units going to coastal artillery tiles when attacking enemy ships
• Fixed bug where you could send Vina to Pales even during arbitration
• Fixed being locked out of ATA funding and Titus background conversation
• Polished language on war speech scene
• Corrected status effect change after leaving GRACE
• Polished and streamlined the dialogue in the turn 9 Call with Smolak scene
• Fixed no map rendering issue on Mac
• Fixed frontline Initial Deployment issue in war operations
• Polished and streamlined the dialogue in the turn 10 Ending Revolution scene
• Fixed font tag showing up in conversations
• Fixed wrong title reference in a dialogue
• Fixed Codex links breaking in conversations
• Fixed wrong journal entry content for giving out free money to people on national destabilization
• Fixed wrong condition instruction for Nanta and Zille entries not showing in codex list
• Polished and streamlined the dialogue in the turn 10 House Fallout scene
• Updated outdated power projection conditions to be tied to situations instead
• Fixed issue with map rendering during some conversations
• Polished and streamlined the dialogue in the turn 10 Theocracy Declaration scene
• Fixed popups from new Geopolitico articles not showing up
• Removed misleading 'decide later' option from church construction dialogue
• Fixed no music playing on Gathering of the MITZ Board Member meeting
• Polished and streamlined the dialogue in the turn 8 General Council Security scene
• Fixed a bug regarding ATA and Su Omina funding in the turn 8 Security Brief and Zille scene
• Fixed a bug regarding agreements with Smolak in the turn 8 Zille Negotiation scene
• Fixed issues with some shared variables not getting reset
• Fixed lamp light shadows
• Corrected war status feedback in turn 10 council dissolution scene and council petition scenes
• Fixed camera stutter on center panel
• Fixed missing country token shadows
• Fixed UI scaling of Token Indicators
• Fixed Codex links in conversations
• Polished and streamlined the dialogue in the turn 8 General Council Garden scene
• Fixed wrong meftiem situation and policy typo
• Fixed voice of rizia is back article not triggering correctly when done outside of royal decrees
• Fixed wrong categorization of Remaz, Solles, and Ziqes cities in the codex
• Fixed war contextual hover panel icon
• Fixed MITZ outputs not updating if default when it is nationalized or changing
• Fixed issue with operation end map load
• Fixed flow of War Operation 2 to trigger Phase 3 correctly
• Fixed chance of Rumburg remaining 'allied' after leaving GRACE
• Fixed war action mouse hold timer
• Fixed some issues with token indicator navigation
• Fixed issue with gamepad scroll on conversation panel not scrolling responses
• Fixed wrongly named faction reports
• Fixed several faction reports not triggering properly
• Fixed a dozen typos in variable names
• Disabled electoral reform decree if passed in dialogue
• Fixed effects of arresting Lucita after Pales war loss
• Fixed edge case no bonus on authority modifiers for house of delegates control
• Fixed a report triggering from the wrong location
• Fixed war expenditures lasting beyond the war conclusion
• Fixed effects of arresting Lucita after Pales war loss
• Fixed issue caused by an early finish of an operation where no icons would show up in the next turn
• Fixed war related situations lasting beyond war conclusion
• Fixed a missing word in a conversation title
• Fixed some wrong journal entry triggering
• Fixed a few broken news articles
• Fixed several wrongly categorized policies and situations
• Numerous small scene improvements
• Many spelling and grammar corrections
• Fixed some typos in news articles

Suzerain Base

① Changes
• Gloria Tory is now displayed as Old Guard if she joins the Supreme Court
• Fixed Governor of Bergia not being set correctly in certain instances
• Added missing WPB connections icon
• Fixed a wrong report about the abolishment of the Special Zone
• Increased PO impact of VAT
• Fixed Herbert Krull's codex entry being updated as dismissed as governor despite never being governor
• Fixed high level Security Powers and Human Rights situations to be unattainable in a neutral playthrough
• Fixed Hegel from speaking as if Sordland has a military alliance with them when players have high Malenyevist value, despite not having an alliance
• The options to ask Ewald Alphonso to raise the salary of the workers and contributing to their welfare are no longer locked on certain paths (he can still reject it)
• Fixed missing Bergia codex picture
• Fixed a few inconsistencies in Wehlen codex articles
• Added advice about Lespia's reaction to EPA changes
• Fixed wrong codex entry visual asset name for Archsanctuary of Deyr
• Fixed Rayne elected year info in customization screen
• Removed some unnecessary spacing in summary stats
• Fixed wrong trigger of plane shot down news by adding conditions
• Fixed wrong mention of region in Morna port policy
• Fixed bug falsely implying Monica divorce in one epilogue branch
• Fixed coup image in Sordland prologue
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] release_3.0.9 ⇒ release_3.0.9-hotfix.

No Changelog