I've decided to combine alternative configuration files for use with TQuin's Dark Forces Plus for, in my opinion, a better and more generally acceptable result. The changes compared to DF Plus are as follows:
-Slightly modified control scheme with uninverted mouse aiming
-Default keymapper configuration, so typing names/cheats and using keyboard keys works flawless again
-Modified DOSBox configuration, mainly using "OpenGL" as the renderer and no scalers, making the game run a lot smoother (at least on my computer) and look much less blurry (and thus better, in my opinion)
-Modified midi music to use General MIDI, which at least under Windows 10 makes music sound much more orchestral and in my opinion much more suitable for the Star Wars music
-Disabled use of mods, as I think the grey officer uniforms are irritating, making enemies harder to distinguish, and I still don't know about what kind of other changes the mods file introduced and rather play the game without them
W, A, S, D = Walk/Strafe
Left mouse button = Primary fire
Right mouse button = Secondary fire
Mouse wheel up/down = Cycle through weapons (forwards/backwards)
Middle mouse button = Switch current/last weapon
Mouse button 4/5 = Reset view
Space = Jump
Control = Crouch
Shift = Run
Alt = Sneak
E = Use
C = Head Lamp
X = Night Vision Goggles
Z = Gas Mask
V = Ice Cleats
Tab = Overhead Map
F1 = PDA (Objectives)
Escape = Menu
Download here For installation you can just overwrite the configuration files in your Dark Forces folder with the included ones. Of course, if you may want to switch back again, you will have to backup the previous files by copying or renaming them.
I could also pack these configurations up with GlovePIE and a similar script to start the game along with it as a complete alternative to DF Plus, but I don't want to diminish TQuin's efforts in that regard, as he's done a good job making it quick and simple to get Dark Forces running in a more modern fashion.
There's only one problem: You can't toggle the head lamp and night vision goggles on/off while crouching and running, as DOSBox uses Ctrl/Shift+F4, F5, etc. as internal hotkeys for for example capturing videos and screenshots. These hotkeys can be changed and disabled in the keymapper, but it still won't work properly. Apparently it only works by changing the Ctrl and Shift entirely in the keymapper as is the case with DF Plus, which then results in these keys not working properly anymore, Shift for example for typing in an uppercase name. Thus, I left this unchanged. The lamp and the goggles aren't used much, anyway. But, if anyone knows of a proper fix, I'd be interested to know :)