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Age of Wonders, King of Dragon Pass, Darwinia, and other strategy classics up to 80% off!

We know that you like to be in charge. We know that you like that feeling of power and the constant pressure of one life-and-death decision after another. Whether you are in the battlefield, commanding your troops, in a warlord's tent deciding the life and death of your subjects, or in a city hall, placing miniature buildings on a map--you flourish. Leadership is your element. Knowing that, we've prepared a [url=]Supremacy Special promo to cater to your tastes. Or rather: to nourish that ever-present hunger for power that you have. Let's take a look at a few of the games on this weekend's offer, shall we?

If you've been eyeing Age of Wonders 3, but you're unsure if it will suit your taste well, this is your chance to sample the concepts of the series. On this promo you'll find all of its predecessors: Age of Wonders, Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne, and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, which offers virtually infinite playtime with its random map generator feature. If you like turn-based strategy games following the time-proven explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate scheme, but you haven't had the chance to play these games, now you can--for half the regular price, with the first game for as little as $2.99 and both sequels for $4.99 each!

The unique storytelling gem King of Dragon Pass puts you in charge of a clan of colonists in an unexplored territory. The ways the story of your clan can unfold are virtually limitless! Every single decision you make affects the slowly-unravelling tale. There's consequence to every action in this game and the choices between right or wrong rarely are apparent. Wrong choices don't end the game, though. Like in real life, they just make things harder. This community favorite, one of the highest-rated games on (and rightfully so!), can be yours for only $2.39.

If you enjoy the turn-based mechanics of the Heroes of Might and Magic series, but you would like to immerse yourself even deeper in a complex and extensive gameworld, don't miss Eador: Genesis. When we originally released this Russian masterpiece, we said that the single-player campaign can take up to 200 hours to beat. Our colleague from the support team, who knows the game by heart came asking later how did we come up with such a number. We told him, that 200 hours is the expected playtime stated by the developer. "Must have been a speedrun"--our friend commented, and we believe him ( support is known to be trustworthy, afterall). So brace yourselves--for only $2.39 you'll get more than 200 hours of playtime.

But that's only scratching the surface of our weekend promo! There are many more games to challenge your leadership skills on the Supremacy Special promo page, so go ahead and check them out now! The offer will last until Tuesday, April 29, at 3:59AM GMT.
Matruchus: Battle Realms, Cossacks, American Conquest - these I know have skirmish mode.
zaine-h: Thank you for the heads up! Cossacks looks interesting.
Yeah Cossacks is a real classic a game from an era when one skirmish game took min. 1 hour :)
boru: This Battle Realms ... does it have a pause feature? Because I'm awful at RTS games that don't pause.
ShadowWulfe: Does not, it's an awesome game, but it can get quite hectic. It really is good, so I'd recommend it if you're willing to put the time in to get nice at it.
Appreciate the info. I'll think it over, because it looks like a unique game.
boru: This Battle Realms ... does it have a pause feature? Because I'm awful at RTS games that don't pause.
If it can helps you : if I remember well, on the options of the game, you can set the speed of the game.
Great promo. GOG stop doing such a good job of parting me from my money!
boru: This Battle Realms ... does it have a pause feature? Because I'm awful at RTS games that don't pause.
It has pause (P), but you can't look around or do anything.
Post edited April 26, 2014 by Tooms
high rated
phaolo: Any suggestion about these?
- Overlord: many critiques about this title, does the expansion drastically improve it?
I had a real blast playing this game! The basic idea is that you directly control an Overlord and can summon four types of minions to serve you. You give them some basic orders like attack, come back, stay here (very useful for ranged minions) or follow a specific route (which is often necessary because you minions can reach areas that your bulky self cannot so you have to guide them how to reach it). Obviously you can attack enemies yourself as well. And I would say that everything works quite smoothly.

The story (no spoilers ahead) involves beating the crap out of a classical RPG party members (halfling, elf, paladin, dwarf, thief, warrior, wizard). An interesting fact is that you can play as an evil-but-honorable character (by helping poor people that aforementioned party members oppress) or as a total maniac destroying everything and killing everybody (so much fun!).

The game is known for its humor, your minions deliver a lot of hilarious one-liners, they salvage any useful equipment they find so after some time you will command a group of funky dressed minions (they may use pumpkin heads as helmets). The cutscenes are also quite hilarious. Not to mention the way how the game mocks a classical RPG party ;)

The game is not flawless and the biggest issues are: no map and some areas are relatively big and easy to get lost; balance problems - you may try to use different strategies with your minions (like placing your ranged minions in elevated and difficult to reach areas or cleverly using your stealth minions) but in most cases a direct attack will be just as good if not better. What's even worse after some time you will become so powerful yourself that you would be able to kill most enemies without any minion at all! Despite those flaws the game is still very enjoyable and I can wholeheartedly recommend it.

Rising Hell is one of the best expansions ever made - in a sense that it's exactly how a good expansion should look like: not only giving you a chance to spend more time with a good game but also significantly changing the gameplay. In this case it means that after beating each hero from the base game you can visit them in hell and beat them once again (how awesome is that?). And those hell levels are really special - you can expect surrealistic surroundings and many twisted puzzles (way more complicated then in the base game! But don't worry you won't get stuck on them).

I wholeheartedly recommend this game!
My thanks to you both for your input. Overlord is now mine!

Side note: since I think I will like it I went ahead and got Sudeki anyway.

Now I just need to get over my current fixation with DOS-era games...
Does Battle Realms have online multiplayer?
spoonwhale: Does Battle Realms have online multiplayer?
I bought it and it uses Gamespy.... T_T
I'm looking at Age of Wonders, King of Dragon Pass, and Eador: Genesis. I'm positive I will enjoy all of them, and can't wait to dig in!

One question though: does anyone have thoughts on how these games compare in terms of length and the one-more-turn syndrome? At the moment with my schedule I do better with games that are shorter or else can be put down and picked up across multiple sittings. Is there one of those three that would be best (or worst) from that standpoint?
high rated
jackster79: My thanks to you both for your input. Overlord is now mine!
Yay! Mission accomplished, achievement unlocked. Let us know how you find it when you play it, please!
Post edited April 26, 2014 by LinustheBold
jackster79: My thanks to you both for your input. Overlord is now mine!
LinustheBold: Yay! Mission accomplished, achievement unlocked. Let us know how you find it when you play it, please!
Not likely to be this weekend, but will do! :-)
high rated
jackster79: My thanks to you both for your input. Overlord is now mine!

Side note: since I think I will like it I went ahead and got Sudeki anyway.

Now I just need to get over my current fixation with DOS-era games...
Master? I'm here to report that I've lured another unsuspecting victim. Shall I prepare the sacrificial chambers?

Err... that is... I mean... you are welcome of course ;)
Ghorpm: [..] I wholeheartedly recommend this game!
Thanks Ghorpm, I'll think about it.
Do you also know if Overlord 2 is better or worse?
Ghorpm: [..] I wholeheartedly recommend this game!
phaolo: Thanks Ghorpm, I'll think about it.
Do you also know if Overlord 2 is better or worse?
No idea, sorry. The only thing I know about Overlord 2 (after lunching it playing it for two minutes) is that it continues the storyline that was suggested by the ending of Rising Hell. At the moment I play adventure games almost exclusively (I'm in a right mood for them) so I don't think I'll check it any time soon.
Ghorpm: [..] I wholeheartedly recommend this game!
phaolo: Thanks Ghorpm, I'll think about it.
Do you also know if Overlord 2 is better or worse?
I didn't like overlord 2 as much as the first but it's still good,it's been awhile so i don't remember anything specific.
i played the ps3 version so i don't know if theres any problems with the pc version

you don't play as the overlord from the first game btw,the story starts a few years after (seems like a lot longer though)
Post edited April 26, 2014 by haleisback