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Age of Wonders, King of Dragon Pass, Darwinia, and other strategy classics up to 80% off!

We know that you like to be in charge. We know that you like that feeling of power and the constant pressure of one life-and-death decision after another. Whether you are in the battlefield, commanding your troops, in a warlord's tent deciding the life and death of your subjects, or in a city hall, placing miniature buildings on a map--you flourish. Leadership is your element. Knowing that, we've prepared a [url=]Supremacy Special promo to cater to your tastes. Or rather: to nourish that ever-present hunger for power that you have. Let's take a look at a few of the games on this weekend's offer, shall we?

If you've been eyeing Age of Wonders 3, but you're unsure if it will suit your taste well, this is your chance to sample the concepts of the series. On this promo you'll find all of its predecessors: Age of Wonders, Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne, and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, which offers virtually infinite playtime with its random map generator feature. If you like turn-based strategy games following the time-proven explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate scheme, but you haven't had the chance to play these games, now you can--for half the regular price, with the first game for as little as $2.99 and both sequels for $4.99 each!

The unique storytelling gem King of Dragon Pass puts you in charge of a clan of colonists in an unexplored territory. The ways the story of your clan can unfold are virtually limitless! Every single decision you make affects the slowly-unravelling tale. There's consequence to every action in this game and the choices between right or wrong rarely are apparent. Wrong choices don't end the game, though. Like in real life, they just make things harder. This community favorite, one of the highest-rated games on (and rightfully so!), can be yours for only $2.39.

If you enjoy the turn-based mechanics of the Heroes of Might and Magic series, but you would like to immerse yourself even deeper in a complex and extensive gameworld, don't miss Eador: Genesis. When we originally released this Russian masterpiece, we said that the single-player campaign can take up to 200 hours to beat. Our colleague from the support team, who knows the game by heart came asking later how did we come up with such a number. We told him, that 200 hours is the expected playtime stated by the developer. "Must have been a speedrun"--our friend commented, and we believe him ( support is known to be trustworthy, afterall). So brace yourselves--for only $2.39 you'll get more than 200 hours of playtime.

But that's only scratching the surface of our weekend promo! There are many more games to challenge your leadership skills on the Supremacy Special promo page, so go ahead and check them out now! The offer will last until Tuesday, April 29, at 3:59AM GMT.
A Suppremacy promo without Suppremacy? I'm shocked!
haydenaurion: I'm already going to buy Age of Wonders 1, should I grab the other two as well? I've kinda heard mixed reviews about them.
Highly recommend Shadow Magic as well (2 is not really needed if you have the other 2)
haydenaurion: I'm already going to buy Age of Wonders 1, should I grab the other two as well? I've kinda heard mixed reviews about them.
Age of Wonders 2 did not get quite as favourable reviews as its predecessors, but it's still kinda fun, just not a must buy. Shadow Magic on the other hand I would argue is the peak of the series and definitely deserves a purchase.
Just bought AoW 2, to complete my collection. :)
whystler2012: A Suppremacy promo without Suppremacy? I'm shocked!
I was thinking the same thing.
How is Fragile Alliance? I was thinking about getting this game for some time so I would really appreciate any comment about it. Thanks a lot!
Ghorpm: How is Fragile Alliance? I was thinking about getting this game for some time so I would really appreciate any comment about it. Thanks a lot!
I really like it, its a remake-ish of the amiga game k240, it is one of those "reading the manual is not optional" games though.

speaking of amiga, supremacy was another of those games that had a superior amiga version.
Ghorpm: How is Fragile Alliance? I was thinking about getting this game for some time so I would really appreciate any comment about it. Thanks a lot!
genericola: I really like it, its a remake-ish of the amiga game k240, it is one of those "reading the manual is not optional" games though.

speaking of amiga, supremacy was another of those games that had a superior amiga version.
Can you elaborate? I never had Amiga and I've never heard about k240. Is Fragile Alliance more economical or military game? I have an impression that it may be on of those -solve-it-any-how-it-suits-you-best games (that is - it's up to you if you refer economical and brutal conquest). Does it have a mission-based campaign or does it feature continuous gameplay?

Reading the manual is definitely not a problem. Especially because the game is rather old and manuals from that era were very interesting.

EDIT: I played Supremacy on C64 and I too have good memories... ;)
Post edited April 25, 2014 by Ghorpm
genericola: I really like it, its a remake-ish of the amiga game k240, it is one of those "reading the manual is not optional" games though.

speaking of amiga, supremacy was another of those games that had a superior amiga version.
Ghorpm: Can you elaborate? I never had Amiga and I've never heard about k240. Is Fragile Alliance more economical or military game? I have an impression that it may be on of those -solve-it-any-how-it-suits-you-best games (that is - it's up to you if you refer economical and brutal conquest). Does it have a mission-based campaign or does it feature continuous gameplay?

Reading the manual is definitely not a problem. Especially because the game is rather old and manuals from that era were very interesting.

EDIT: I played Supremacy on C64 and I too have good memories... ;)
I suppose it kinda feels like playing a sandbox/custom game of startopia,
there isn't really an effective way to destroy your enemies outright economically, but it's also sandbox-y enough that while conflict is likely, its not guaranteed depending on how you've setup the game.

I guess I mean to say that if you only want to play a building game you can.
There are scenarios with objectives, but I don't really play those so I can't comment on them.
There's not a ton for me here, but definitely some nice pick ups that I've been waiting on. Of course Defcon tops that list.

Thanks gog!
No American Conquest: Divided Nation add on or Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars and Cossacks 2: Battle for Europe? Or maybe Alexander?
Post edited April 25, 2014 by Goran84
genericola: snip
Thanks, I think I'll get it. I'm in a buying mood anyway ;P
So I was holding out for Eador: MOTBW (it just looks gorgeous!) and I know it's just a reskin of Eador: Genesis. But from reading reviews here it sounds like I might just be better off with Genesis as it plays better and might be less buggy - is this true? Any thoughts from people who have played them both? Should I continue to wait for MOTBW or am I just better off with the original (again, I say original knowing they're the same game, one just looks prettier).
King of Dragon Pass! Yeah!
Is Cossacks Anthology similar to Age of Empires?