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The wail of a siren, the bark of a gun. A private eye's job is never easy, and it only gets harder after the world nearly ended. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, though, and you've never given up on a tough job just because life wasn't fair. A Norm has to work hard to stay ahead of the muck that's in this world, and now's your chance to save Frisco from the worst of it. Life's like a dame: you gotta take care of it or, just when you think everything's going fine, you'll be out of luck.

That was a terrible metaphor, but when you've been kicked in the head as much as Tex has--and enjoyed as much bourbon--writing isn't your strong suit. Not much is, except finding the secrets that people don't want found, and making the world a little better.

If you're not familiar to Tex Murphy games let us make a short intro. The games take place in San Francisco, or what's left of it, in a not too distant future. You take the role of Tex Murphy, a down-on-his-luck private detective who finds it hard to make both ends meet every month. All five games are point and click, noir-style adventure games, take you through a different case and will test your deduction skills and wits.

This weekend, you can pick up the Tex Murphy games for 50% off, and see if you've got what it takes to make San Francisco a better place.
Gentlemen, I believe it's time for me to get Overseer.
This like the umpteenth promo in a row where it says "You already own everything".
It would probably just be easier, overall, if I just had my paycheck paid into your merchant account really, wouldn't it? What's with all the amazing offers at the moment!?
Tempting, but low on cash.
avatar wasn't air.
Is it a new trend for GOG to have spelling mistakes in all announcements? Do we win something for finding them? Or is it just a pun I couldn't understand?
I could have saved 15 dollars... but I'm going to save 30 today, sorry, GOG...
Where private eyes keep their eye out for a loose woman, and private dicks keep getting arrested...
avatar wasn't air.
JMich: Is it a new trend for GOG to have spelling mistakes in all announcements? Do we win something for finding them? Or is it just a pun I couldn't understand?
there are even more, like San Fransico (or is that yet another inside joke?)
you might try to opt in and become their proofreader :D
Nice, you own all the games from this promo.

Own all of these (on CD and DVD as well), have beaten UAKM and Pandora Directive multiple times. A great series, one of my personal favorites. I interviewed Chris Jones in high school I was so big a fan. They gave me a book, a signed picture and an Overseer poster. Still have them all.
ah the overseer box with the flashing red light on it. damn you tex where are you?
is it me or is the tex lament song with richie havens missing or am i looking not right.
Oh yes I'm gonna enjoy these. Take my money faster, damn you!
Have all of them except 1+2... am not convinced I will enjoy them as much as the later ones...
Great promo... now to decide if I want more than one of them. I guess I will buy one first and see if I like it. Is Pandora Directive the best one? (highest rated in the catalogue it seems, but thought I'd ask for opinions).

also, how long are these games approximately? (if you're an average player, not a puzzle-solving genius)
Post edited September 16, 2011 by KOC