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Fear is faceless.

Slender: The Arrival, a FPP horror game based on a modern urban legend that became so popular, that one might expect to find a bit of truth in it, is now available 25% off on That's only $7.49 for the first week!

That cold shard of glass stuck in your chest, sending chills around your body with every desparate breath you take--that's fear. That sudden dryness in your mouth, when you realize that the worst is about to and it's too late to do anything--that's fear. That hot rush causing you to sweat faster than you can even start to think rationally--that's fear. That feeling of spinning in your head as you stare down and see that it's a long way to go--that's fear. That impulse to scream and run when the light suddenly goes out at the flick of a switch--that's fear. That urge to lay down and curl up motionless at the sudden noise right behind you--that's fear. Fear--one of the humankind's eldest and closest companions. It helped us to survive when the wilderness was still untamed and the night wasn't yet torn apart with the flashes of electric lights. We've learned to overcome our terrors. We're being told that it's a good thing to face your fears. But how do you face one that is faceless?

Slender: The Arrival is a FPP survival horror game that continues the mythos of the Slender Man, an urban legend phenomenon. Made by the people who brought you the original Slender: The Eight Pages, the Marble Hornets web series, and the original propagator of Slender lore, this game takes the experience to a whole new level. It uses high-end graphics, intense gameplay, and unsettling soundtrack (included in MP3 format with this release) to make your heart race and your mind stop time after time. If you're looking for a game that will blast you out of your comfort zone - here it is.

There's nothing in the world that could possibly help you prepare yourself for Slender: The Arrival, now for only $7.49 on The offer lasts until Tuesday, April 16, at 10:59AM GMT.
Not picking on the game, but this does seem a little more like a bundle game from what I have read.
Will wish list and see what I think about it some time, like Halloween. Never know, it might turn out to be a guilty little pleasure.
I thought these Slender games were supposed to be free because of the fact they were so short? It's almost like a seperate install DLC (or is it just me that thinks that?)

GoG seems to go from one extreme to another. It releases something as cool as The Cat Lady, then it releases this arse-biscuit.

It's neither GOOD nor OLD (Heheheheh!) :p
JMich: Basically, an idea that someone used, and people thought it would be cool to copy.
I wouldn't call using emoticons "cool" (rather "important"), but i understand what you mean. If so, though, your original argument was about comparing the internet memes (as in fads or bandwagons or whatever people may call them) with the term in a broad sense, Which is why i was confused why you would say so. But okay, i get what you meant.
The reviews are difficult to follow. Lots of downvoting for positive reviews... some upvoting of one-line insults???

Hard to believe that is all subjective.
KainKlarden: If so, though, your original argument was about comparing the internet memes (as in fads or bandwagons or whatever people may call them) with the term in a broad sense,
I was asking someone who said a meme had expired. For a meme to expire, it means people are no longer using it. Skunk gave another option for that.
And as for cool or important, it does depend on use. Why was there a craze about new and improved emoticons a decade or so ago? Was the new emoticons important or were people trying to find "new and improved" ways to look cool? Especially considering emoticons have been around for about 150 years...
hucklebarry: The reviews are difficult to follow. Lots of downvoting for positive reviews... some upvoting of one-line insults???

Hard to believe that is all subjective.
That's exactly why I'm closer to buying it and checking for myself.
Darvond: I'll keep holding onto the hope that the classic X-COM trilogy appears
It's on Steam for several years now. I'd still prefer it here, though, as well.

JMich: And as for cool or important, it does depend on use.

hucklebarry: The reviews are difficult to follow. Lots of downvoting for positive reviews... some upvoting of one-line insults???
Yes, an unfortunate side-effect of anti-popularity of the... erm... "series" and sub-genre. There are properly argumented negative reviews, though. Not a lot of properly argumented postivie once (except for the few obvious jokes).
KainKlarden: I'll keep holding onto the hope that the classic X-COM trilogy appears
It's on Steam for several years now. I'd still prefer it here, though, as well.
I don't have steam for the same reason I don't have Amazon: Pandora's box. Once opened, I'd easily overspend.
I really think that the reviews are kinda doubtfull,gonna have to buy the game to see
hoping that the thursday release(s) compensate for today,because I felt that today releases were lackluster
ASA: A Space Adventure fails to get approved, The Cat Lady gets rejected and needs months for a 'second chance', yet this pops up on release day? Personally I wouldn't get those on GOG anyway, Desura's my destination of choice for indies, but the 'approval process' here is really quite baffling sometimes.
Why do people seem to hate anything mainstream going onto GOG?
It's not so much the mainstream coming here that is being hated, but the fact that good titles are rejected.

Personally, I don't mind decent mainstream titles here on GOG. I'm wishlisting this and picking it up during a 60% sale (since my backlog is ridiculous right now). The problem is that GOG seems to be missing a lot of good, more obscure, games, then turning around and being cool with this stuff.

Cat Lady is a prime example.

Though, I do wish people would provide accurate reviews instead of "I don't like this because I don't like GOG not doing X!" That's childish.
Darvond: I suppose we have to feed the Lowest Common Denomination the occasional scrap of a morsel.


Well, I suppose we have to appease the PewDiePie fans somehow.
I'll keep holding onto the hope that the classic X-COM trilogy appears so I can play a real horror game, instead of Jumpscare Farming Simulator 2013.
MichiGen: Wishlisted :)

Huh? Why such a low score from more than 60 users? Slender haters?

The Escapist review - 9/10
Darvond: Some of us are a bit displeased that a game that appears to be nothing more than a hollow jumpscare sim has appeared on GOG.
Well, some of us are displeased that children like yourselves throw a bunch of misguided hate at a game that you didn't even play because it doesn't fit your close-minded view of what should or shouldn't be allowed on the store.

Now I remember why I rarely come to the forums anymore...
Doesn't GOG stand for Good old Games?
cheesetruncheon: When I filled out the customer survey, and it asked about Indie and new games, I'm pretty sure the proviso was that they be of outstanding quality and recapture some of the old sensibilities of gaming.

I was hesitant, but the first game released was the Legend of Grimrock and it looked like things were going well.

I guess my hesitancy wasn't misplaced at all, because now we have a blatant cash-in based on a meme that is long past it's expiry date whose main audience is the hyperactive zombies of the youtube audience that bow down to the likes of pewdiepie and believe that the original slender is the scariest thing to grace the earth just because they've had it beaten around their head so much it's surprising their skulls are still intact.

With every passing day I grow more and more weary of the youtube generation of gamers and expected this place to be a haven for those that remember the complexity and challenge of older games. It seems I was wrong.
While I agree that PewDiePie is bad, your elitist attitude makes you just as bad, if not worse than he is.
"expected this place to be a haven for those that remember the complexity and challenge of older games"
*grumble grumble grumble* GET OFF MY LAWN!