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Finely ground aliens to take-out.

Shadowgrounds Survivor, a dynamic top-down shooter with swarms of alien horrors to spray with bullets, suggestive visuals, spiffy weapon upgrade system, and four player co-op mode, is now available on for only $5.99. With that, its predecessor: Shadowgrounds, receives a Mac version and a permanent price drop to $5.99 as well.

In this indirect continuation of Frozenbyte's exciting alien shooter you'll follow a parallel story of the human commando facing the invasion on the Ganymede colony. The horror creeping in the dark corners of the Universe finally caught up with Terran colonists and the massacre that followed was only survived by a handful of the best trained, bravest, and quickest soldiers. Now it is up to them to put a stop to the extraterrestrial menace that threatens our existence.

Shadowgrounds Survivor delivers non-stop alien-shooting action over the course of 20 diverse missions, and it does so in perfect form. The old-school gameplay concept is paired with very modern visuals. You'll feel the heat of the combat and alien blood splatters as your guns rattle and spit a rain of bullets on your monstrous foes. Are you crazy enough to face the endless waves of beast in the timed survival mode? You can even share the fun with up to three more friends, in the fun and challenging co-op mode. Fun times! Dark and dangerous, but fun.

Humanity needs you again, so grab your upgradeable guns, and seriously kick some alien behind in Shadowgrounds Survivor, for only $5.99.
amok: I like top-down shooters, but I never liked Shadowgrounds, not sure why. I just have a feeling that it was eternally spawning enemies. I might try it again at some point, but last time I quit at level 4 or 5, getting very bored by it.

I much prefer the shooter series.
Ever play "Take No Prisoners"? Not great and the graphics are VERY dated but it seems to fit your interest in 'top down shooters' to a T.

Sorry if that's a derail there.
tinyE: Oh good, a fight in release thread. XD
It seems quite normal that there are lots of moaning against any GOG release nowadays, that doesn't happen to fall in someone's specific needs. I don't know where that sick "entitlement" comes from.

I probably should have moaned sooooo much that GOG went to release System Shock 2 and the Wizardry games, as I had the retail versions already. Hey, I didn't need GOG to release those games, I had them already! :)

Should I mention at this point that I don't necessarily need GOG to release Chaos Engine either, as I've already played it enough already, and frankly I never liked the game that much anyway?
Post edited August 20, 2013 by timppu
Somehow overlooked the original game in my perusal of the GOG catalogue, so the release has the extra effect of making that known to some folks (at least one person). Looks okay for the price, but I may have to get the demo first to see how it controls. Frantic 360-degree shooters don't always work well with the keyboard and mouse combo, unless properly designed.

Will be nice if it gets the GOG permabundle treatment eventually too, but I can understand why it is isolated during the unveiling.
htown1980: "After how many bundles already featured this game?" is "one"?

If gog refused to release any games that hadn't previously been in a bundle of some kind, there would be a lot of indie games that I would miss out on...
keeveek: linked one to timppu because that was the one he was specifically talking about.

And I'm not talking about refusing anything, learn to read.

I told that it's a shame that a game that was featured in bundles is the only release today, and that we had to wait over 3 years since GOG released Shadowgrounds to see it's sequel finally here even though it was avaible DRM Free everywhere else.

What else you don't understand?
Sorry, I wasn't having a go at you. I was just saying that a game that was released in one bundle several years ago doesn't matter to a lot of people who, like me, may have missed out on that bundle.

I guess, what else I don't understand is what other bundles this game has been in. Feel free to enlighten me.

Edit: I see it appears it was only in one bundle previously... I wonder if that makes it less disappointing...
Post edited August 20, 2013 by htown1980
amok: I like top-down shooters, but I never liked Shadowgrounds, not sure why. I just have a feeling that it was eternally spawning enemies. I might try it again at some point, but last time I quit at level 4 or 5, getting very bored by it.

I much prefer the shooter series.
tinyE: Ever play "Take No Prisoners"? Not great and the graphics are VERY dated but it seems to fit your interest in 'top down shooters' to a T.

Sorry if that's a derail there.
I have never played, no, and it is a tad difficult to get hands on today :)

Maybe something gog should look into?

(I have tons of top down shooters, I find them very relaxing, strangely enough. Probably because they tend to be so focused)
timppu: I probably should have moaned sooooo much that GOG went to release System Shock 2 and the Wizardry games, as I had the retail versions already. Hey, I didn't need GOG to release those games, I had them already! :)
You know, the difference is, nobody forbids you from being satisfied with GOG releasing shovelware. Because I honestly don't believe you think they decided to release S: Survivor after 3 years because suddenly they thought "this is the right time!".
keeveek: And aren't you mad when you have to wait over 3 years for GOG to finally release a sequel to a game that is widely avaible everywhere else?

What took them so long? I am frustrated, because I know the same thing witll happen for many games I am waiting for. Like a sequel for Desert Storm - probably will be released after 2-3 years as a shovelware when there's nothing else to release, like this time.
I'm not. I have heaps of games in my backlog to play. I suspect one of the reasons they took so long was because they weren't releasing indie games at the time this game was released.
htown1980: Edit: I see it appears it was only in one bundle previously... I wonder if that makes it less disappointing...
Nah, now I believe it's going to be Top 10 bestselling title.
htown1980: "After how many bundles already featured this game?" is "one"?
Actually, it was in two Humble Bundles (It was a bonus in the Frozen Synapse bundle)

Carry on.
htown1980: I'm not. I have heaps of games in my backlog to play. I suspect one of the reasons they took so long was because they weren't releasing indie games at the time this game was released.
I don't understand. So the first Shadowgrounds is not an indie game and they released it ages ago, but the sequel is an indie game so it had to wait?

I have a backlog too. The problem is, when I play some game and I really like it, I would like to have an ability to play the sequel as well.

GOG release schedule is insane, that's my opinion. Deal with it or not. Or Downrep me as much as you want.
keeveek: GOG, are you even trying?
Considering that System Shock 2 was acquired by someone else who approached GOG and the fact that the guy who is responsible to get the licenses in order needs the community to get things going, no I don't think GOG is trying anymore.
SimonG: Considering that System Shock 2 was acquired by someone else who approached GOG and the fact that the guy who is responsible to get the licenses in order needs the community to get things going, no I don't think GOG is trying anymore.
btw. I wonder who took more effort to release a portion of EA expansions - GOG or guys at EA.
keeveek: You know, the difference is, nobody forbids you from being satisfied with GOG releasing shovelware.
The difference is:

- If you don't mind GOG releasing games ("shovelware") that you personally won't necessarily buy from them, you are not trying to deny others from buying those games from GOG.

- On the other hand, if you are moaning that GOG should not release what you consider as useless "shovelware" (because you already bought it before from somewhere else), then you are trying to deny others from buying the game from where they want it (GOG).

So do you understand the fundamental difference between wanting some game to appear here, and wanting some game(s) _not_ to appear here? In only one of them, you are actively trying to deny the others the opportunity to get the game.
timppu: snip
I wonder how many more times I will have to write that I never said GOG shouldn't release S: Survivor at all.
keeveek: I have a backlog too. The problem is, when I play some game and I really like it, I would like to have an ability to play the sequel as well.
Are you talking about Shadowgrounds sequel? Didn't you have the sequel from various bundles already?

If your only issue with this release is that it wasn't released already years ago here... then I have no idea why you get so angry and worked up about it? Shouldn't you be extra superduper happy that they _finally_ released it on GOG?

timppu: snip
keeveek: I wonder how many more times I will have to write that I never said GOG shouldn't release S: Survivor at all.
So again: if your problem is just that GOG didn't releae it already earlier, why are you so overly angry towards GOG about it? Shouldn't you be HAPPY, if you really were waiting all these years for GOG to finally release it?

Were you screaming with the System Shock 2 and Wizardry releases at GOG, why didn't they release them already years ago?
Post edited August 20, 2013 by timppu