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Pretty deadly little thing.

Captain, I have some new information regarding "The Aristocrats". No, they're still laying low after their last heist, so low that we haven't seen Don or Freddie since the meeting with "The Boss". Someone might've hid them underground but we won't know for sure just now. Anyway, there's a new girl that was seen with Rick Fermione. She from outta town, don know exactly where. Seems a member of the borguise. It's bourgeoisie? Don't know sir, some fancy stuff I don't get--pearls, caviars, and champagnes, sir. Yes, one of my boys is following her. Yes, I know this is very delicate matter. Oh, the mayor... no, of course, no, I mean I'll talk to... Yes sir. No one seen. The report, yes. The last thing, sir--and this is a little bit unexpected--it looks like "The Aristocrats" are planning to move to a new district, any moment now. Can't tell for sure, but my bet is Connecticut Ave. We'll see. Will do, sir. Goodbye.

Omerta: City of Gangsters, an organized crime simulation you have been playing for the last couple of weeks just got bigger with The Con Artist DLC. There's a new henchman to recruit, new weapon, and a new district up for grabs. Experience "the greatest con of all time" in this action-packed expansion for only $4.99 on

Requires the base game Omerta: City of Gangsters on GOG in order to play.
Licurg: This thread made over 300 posts in about 12 hours... I guess people don't like DLCs... And I don't either ! Who the fuck wants to pay 5$ for a 4 MB file ?
orcishgamer: You know, many of the games on GOG aren't much bigger...
Not the same thing.... Most DLCs are just cosmetic crap, and that takes up more space than older games.
Licurg: This thread made over 300 posts in about 12 hours... I guess people don't like DLCs... And I don't either ! Who the fuck wants to pay 5$ for a 4 MB file ?
orcishgamer: You know, many of the games on GOG aren't much bigger...
And still totally worth it. No one I have seen in this thread actually took the plunge on this DLC, so I have no barometer for how long it is, or if the content adds significant changes in the way of the new unit. So yeah, maybe someone can take the risk and actually, you know, write a review based on actually having played it?
it comes to easy question:
- do we want game on GoG and then DLCs to it
- do we not want the game on GoG

Honestly ... I would prefer not having the game on GoG if it has DLC. Cry me a river, there's Steam for that.
Service lost part of the title with 'OLD' from it (GoG as Good Old Games) when new releases were announced but at least keep "Good" part of it!
DLC = Bad, ok, maybe not 100% but still nearly all of them (let's say 90-99% are bad and trying to rip customer)

... I was fine with sacrificing 'old' from Good Old Games so we now have Good Games but I am not looking to sacrifice 'Good' from it as well, even if that means 1-10% of those good DLCs will not be released here (or games will be missing from GoG).

Keep it as Good not just Games!
Post edited March 08, 2013 by SHADOW-XIII
mrkgnao: Yes! I would rather!
And if you need an explanation why, just read Psyringe's wonderfully detailed posts in this thread.
MichiGen: I've read it and I understand what he's worried, but I really can't see a way how this could work any other way.
By this logic, GOG should stop with releasing new games because there might be an expansion or a DLC in the future. So they should just wait for at least 5 years, when there will be zero possibility there there will be any new content for a game and then finally release it?

That's not good. The possibilities are:
1. GOG will sell new games in complete editions 2 or 5 or more years after their release. =Everyone would look at GOG as it's some second-class distribution, where they can just get some old stuff, but not new, fresh games.
2. GOG will sell new games but not expansions, DLCs or any additional content. =Users would be pissed off that they've bought the GOG version because they want to play the new DLC but they can't with GOG version. New users who've bought new game from GOG could spread a bad word of mouth and discourage their friends from registering on GOG.
3. GOG will sell old games as well as new games. When developers will release new DLC or expansion GOG will offer it to its customers, they can buy it, or wait for a sale, or don't buy it. It's their choice. GOG will continue to grow with more new users. Developers and publishers will subsequently stop to look at DRM-Free as it's something risky. They'll see that there are a lot of new games and DLCs released on GOG from other publishers, and will see a GOG as a great place with a lot of customers, where they can release their products.

3 is the only possible step forward imo.
I agree with your analysis. But, personally, I am disappointed.
Up till now I knew I could count on GOG games being DRM-free and DLC-free, which is why I buy all my games here and here alone.
Now I have to be more picky. And if one day a competing website will appear that will claim to be DRM-free and DLC-free (as opposed to just DRM-free), I might even consider moving.
orcishgamer: You know, many of the games on GOG aren't much bigger...
Licurg: Not the same thing.... Most DLCs are just cosmetic crap, and that takes up more space than older games.
Well, I can tell you have almost no experience with DLCs, since you obviously couldn't give a shit enough to buy them, why exactly do you care?
keeveek: It's a dead end for GOG on both ways. They had to decide what to do, and they chose wisely imho. It's better to offer something for people who want it. The rest may just simply ignore it.
mrkgnao: Using this logic they should start selling DRM games too. Some will buy it (my guess is over time the majority, actually). The rest may just simply ignore it.
I don't agree with this. GOG has cemented its image as anti-DRM. If they started to offer DRM'd games I'd actually suspect they'd lose a laaaarge amount of their customers.
mrkgnao: Using this logic they should start selling DRM games too. Some will buy it (my guess is over time the majority, actually). The rest may just simply ignore it.
People want and buy DLC, even if you aren't in that group.

Nobody wants and buys DRM, at least not the customer.

Your logic is flawed.
Licurg: Not the same thing.... Most DLCs are just cosmetic crap, and that takes up more space than older games.
orcishgamer: Well, I can tell you have almost no experience with DLCs, since you obviously couldn't give a shit enough to buy them, why exactly do you care?
I just want GOG to keep it's focus on older games, and not get cluttered with "modern" crap like DLCs.
mrkgnao: Yes! I would rather!
Bavarian: And what keeps you from doing so?
Absolutely nothing.
But up till today I was actually considering buying Omerta, despite the poor reviews (I really like turn-based combat).
Now I will buy neither the base game, nor the DLC.
I buy only on GOG and I do not buy games with DLC. Up till now there was no conflict. Now there is.
GOG is more than a store for me. It is a place I enjoy visiting on a daily basis (and will continue to). It is my number one site on the web. Now I like a bit less than before and that saddens me.
orcishgamer: Well, I can tell you have almost no experience with DLCs, since you obviously couldn't give a shit enough to buy them, why exactly do you care?
Licurg: I just want GOG to keep it's focus on older games, and not get cluttered with "modern" crap like DLCs.
That ship has sailed, they offer new games as well now. You can "wish in one hand..." and all but it's a waste of time, GOG offers new games, if you don't want them, fine, but complaining about every single one is silly when you're still getting the toys you want, you're literally pissed that someone else is getting to play with GI Joes and you hate GI Joe, you only want Transformers. You have your Transformers, simply be happy.
mrkgnao: Using this logic they should start selling DRM games too. Some will buy it (my guess is over time the majority, actually). The rest may just simply ignore it.
Fuzzyfireball: I don't agree with this. GOG has cemented its image as anti-DRM. If they started to offer DRM'd games I'd actually suspect they'd lose a laaaarge amount of their customers.
Licurg: I just want GOG to keep it's focus on older games, and not get cluttered with "modern" crap like DLCs.
orcishgamer: That ship has sailed, they offer new games as well now. You can "wish in one hand..." and all but it's a waste of time, GOG offers new games, if you don't want them, fine, but complaining about every single one is silly when you're still getting the toys you want, you're literally pissed that someone else is getting to play with GI Joes and you hate GI Joe, you only want Transformers. You have your Transformers, simply be happy.
I don't have a problem with new games, I have a problem with DLCs and other cheap tricks to milk gamers. GOG should wait until a game has no more new DLCs released, then publish a Gold Edition, it would be more... appropriate. I just don't want to see GOG end up like GG, where half the catalogue is made up of DLCs.
mrkgnao: Using this logic they should start selling DRM games too. Some will buy it (my guess is over time the majority, actually). The rest may just simply ignore it.
Fuzzyfireball: I don't agree with this. GOG has cemented its image as anti-DRM. If they started to offer DRM'd games I'd actually suspect they'd lose a laaaarge amount of their customers.
I really hope we never get to test this.
orcishgamer: That ship has sailed, they offer new games as well now. You can "wish in one hand..." and all but it's a waste of time, GOG offers new games, if you don't want them, fine, but complaining about every single one is silly when you're still getting the toys you want, you're literally pissed that someone else is getting to play with GI Joes and you hate GI Joe, you only want Transformers. You have your Transformers, simply be happy.
Licurg: I don't have a problem with new games, I have a problem with DLCs and other cheap tricks to milk gamers. GOG should wait until a game has no more new DLCs released, then publish a Gold Edition, it would be more... appropriate. I just don't want to see GOG end up like GG, where half the catalogue is made up of DLCs.
Yeah, you know what, DLC is not always a "cheap trick" nor is it always milking gamers. You're mis-characterizing it so you can always say it is unequivocally bad. You are wrong, I mean not the "I think you are wrong" kind of wrong, you are literally factually wrong and either lying or completely ignorant of the content of many DLCs.

Seriously, watch a "Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt" play through (or Captain Scarlett) and sit here with a straight face and explain that they're a "cheap trick" or any of that other, utter bullshit.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by orcishgamer
Fuzzyfireball: I don't agree with this. GOG has cemented its image as anti-DRM. If they started to offer DRM'd games I'd actually suspect they'd lose a laaaarge amount of their customers.
mrkgnao: I really hope we never get to test this.
I doubt we will, or every blue post that said they'd remain DRM free, including the one in this very thread, would be an outright lie. It would completely change the site. Into shit.