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Pretty deadly little thing.

Captain, I have some new information regarding "The Aristocrats". No, they're still laying low after their last heist, so low that we haven't seen Don or Freddie since the meeting with "The Boss". Someone might've hid them underground but we won't know for sure just now. Anyway, there's a new girl that was seen with Rick Fermione. She from outta town, don know exactly where. Seems a member of the borguise. It's bourgeoisie? Don't know sir, some fancy stuff I don't get--pearls, caviars, and champagnes, sir. Yes, one of my boys is following her. Yes, I know this is very delicate matter. Oh, the mayor... no, of course, no, I mean I'll talk to... Yes sir. No one seen. The report, yes. The last thing, sir--and this is a little bit unexpected--it looks like "The Aristocrats" are planning to move to a new district, any moment now. Can't tell for sure, but my bet is Connecticut Ave. We'll see. Will do, sir. Goodbye.

Omerta: City of Gangsters, an organized crime simulation you have been playing for the last couple of weeks just got bigger with The Con Artist DLC. There's a new henchman to recruit, new weapon, and a new district up for grabs. Experience "the greatest con of all time" in this action-packed expansion for only $4.99 on

Requires the base game Omerta: City of Gangsters on GOG in order to play.
StingingVelvet: This whole thread reeks of "stop being okay with things I am not okay with!"
Remember where you are.
tfishell: Yes. Perhaps GOG is better off waiting for a specific title that will be known to have DLC to "collect" all its DLC/expansions into a finished/complete edition, and then bringing that.
StingingVelvet: Why? Why not sell them like this for those who want it, then collect everything into a bundle when the publisher ends support for the game? I don't see a difference.

This whole thread reeks of "stop being okay with things I am not okay with!"
I'm not saying it's definitely what should be done; I'm just making a suggestion. By waiting, people can feel like they're obtaining the whole experience all at once for a single, presumably lower price, and that could help keep GOG's reputation stable because they are known for bringing complete editions.

(Of course, it doesn't help that many were not happy with original game to start with. Perhaps there wouldn't be as much complaining if the first DLC was for what people considered a good game. Ultimately it's up the consumers to send a message about what they want and don't want via their wallets.)
People don't need to get too upset about this. The low rating is enough to get the point across. And I think we as a community have done so.

Personally, for me it's not about GOG offering DLC, that's inevitable if they're to bring more modern games here. The thing I don't like is the value for money of this particular DLC. Not to mention the ridiculous pricing of the base game it belongs to. But, that's not GOG's fault.

All we have to do here is vote with our wallets and ratings. The rest will take care of itself.
StingingVelvet: Why not sell them like this for those who want it, then collect everything into a bundle when the publisher ends support for the game?
paulcmnt: Once they sell them separately, neither GOG nor the publisher will ever want to bundle them at a potentially lower price.
That's nonsense. When the game is older, publishers bundle it together with expansions or DLCs as you can see on STEAM or Gamersgate.

For example:

There were always complete editions or bundles. Why should be GOG users punished and treated like some second-class customers? They should have a choice, whether to buy the new game right now, and DLCs separately, or they'll wait for a sale or they can wait longer when the game and DLCs will be potentially in one bundle.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by MichiGen
tfishell: (Of course, it doesn't help that many were not happy with original game to start with. Perhaps there wouldn't be as much complaining if the first DLC was for what people considered a good game. Ultimately it's up the consumers to send a message about what they want and don't want via their wallets.)
I agree if it was for something better the complaining would be a bit less. This for $5 deserves the low rating, and wasn't really a good introduction to DLC on GOG.

I don't really have a problem with GOG selling DLC. I think it might encourage the practice of nickle and diming customers slightly more as companies know they can try it here now too. Also DLC shouldn't clog up the new releases list, or it should have its own tab in releases.
Psyringe: Well, whether or not it would be silly (for GOG) to wait on releasing a game until a complete version is available, depends on the ratio of "Buy-immediately" customers to collectors like me. Both groups exist. In all other game shop communities I have experience with, the former outweigh the latter. But for GOG, I'm not so sure. GOG has always had a much stronger appeal for collectors, and a much weaker appeal to first-day customers, than other shops.
StingingVelvet: I don't see the relevance, both groups are being served. Don't want to buy until it's "complete" in your eyes? Then wait. Simple as that. Others who want it ASAP can buy it now, simple as that.

The argument you are making is more along the lines of "I only want it when it's complete so they shouldn't sell it until then." That's 1) not compatible with GOG selling new games, and 2) pushing your issues with DLC onto others instead of just voting with your wallet.
Well, I already explained in several posts how a) my shopping experience (and that of people who share my preferences) would be diminished if GOG embraced DLCs (and I'd probably spend less money here). If you still see this as "pushing my issues onto others", then I probably won't get this particular point across to you no matter what. Not your fault, I think, it's probably human to see the things in the distance less clearly, and your viewpoint in this questions does seem very distant from mine. We'll have to agree to disagree, the discussion is getting repetitive anyway. Thanks for sharing your thoughts though, I enjoyed that.
Fictionvision: I don't really have a problem with GOG selling DLC. I think it might encourage the practice of nickle and diming customers slightly more as companies know they can try it here now too. Also DLC shouldn't clog up the new releases list, or it should have its own tab in releases.
Exactly this, I hope GOG makes adjustments if they want to offer DLC.
tfishell: (Of course, it doesn't help that many were not happy with original game to start with. Perhaps there wouldn't be as much complaining if the first DLC was for what people considered a good game. Ultimately it's up the consumers to send a message about what they want and don't want via their wallets.)
Fictionvision: I agree if it was for something better the complaining would be a bit less. This for $5 deserves the low rating, and wasn't really a good introduction to DLC on GOG.

I don't really have a problem with GOG selling DLC. I think it might encourage the practice of nickle and diming customers slightly more as companies know they can try it here now too. Also DLC shouldn't clog up the new releases list, or it should have its own tab in releases.
I'm not exactly happy with DLC coming, but if that's what is going to sell well than that's what GOG is going to bring. ("Vote with your wallets," etc.) It's interesting that the minority in this thread seem to be getting chastised for not agreeing with the idea of DLC, whereas the reviews on the DLC page are all anger and frustration with no ratings above 1 star (maybe just "birth pains" towards a new concept).
All reviews should be erased, because people that wrote them did not reviewed them; they are blaming GOG, Kalypso, the gods, DLCs, etc.
Psyringe: Well, I already explained in several posts how a) my shopping experience (and that of people who share my preferences) would be diminished if GOG embraced DLCs (and I'd probably spend less money here). If you still see this as "pushing my issues onto others", then I probably won't get this particular point across to you no matter what.
Please don't assume your point was lost on me. I get your emotional feeling on the matter, I just don't see it as logical. The only difference between selling Omerta on day one and the DLCs as they come out, and only selling a collected edition later, is that people who disagree with you can't buy the game how they want it. You get the same end result either way.
Personally I don't really like DLC, especially not "low value" DLCs like cheat DLCs, skins DLCs or stuff like this one... but honestly I don't see what's wrong with GoG selling it. (as long it's DRM-free, no region restriction, etc...)

I mean it was no secret that GoG was going to sell DLCs sooner or later, if there is anybody to be angry against it's the developers not GoG.
MichiGen: 2. GOG will sell new games but not expansions, DLCs or any additional content. =Users would be pissed off that they've bought the GOG version because they want to play the new DLC but they can't with GOG version. New users who've bought new game from GOG could spread a bad word of mouth and discourage their friends from registering on GOG.
That's the inherent problem in DLC. In earlier days you could just buy a game in store A and some months later an expansion in store B. It wasn't necessary to buy both at the same store.
Nowadays DLCs are kind of a store-DRM. Want a DLC from Steam? You need the base game bought at Steam. And GOG does not do better! Want to buy/play the Omerta DLC from GOG? You need the base game bought at GOG.
So GOG creates its own problems when they try to play the same rules. But why are they are doing this? I mean, they are not playing by the DRM rules, instead broke them. They should try the same with DLCs.
MichiGen: 2. GOG will sell new games but not expansions, DLCs or any additional content. =Users would be pissed off that they've bought the GOG version because they want to play the new DLC but they can't with GOG version. New users who've bought new game from GOG could spread a bad word of mouth and discourage their friends from registering on GOG.
ZivilSword: That's the inherent problem in DLC. In earlier days you could just buy a game in store A and some months later an expansion in store B. It wasn't necessary to buy both at the same store.
Nowadays DLCs are kind of a store-DRM. Want a DLC from Steam? You need the base game bought at Steam. And GOG does not do better! Want to buy/play the Omerta DLC from GOG? You need the base game bought at GOG.
So GOG creates its own problems when they try to play the same rules. But why are they are doing this? I mean, they are not playing by the DRM rules, instead broke them. They should try the same with DLCs.
Except there is nothing to be done with DLC - either they offer it or they don't. The DLC is DRM-free as is the base-game on GOG. That's the best they can do with new games + DLC, even if that DLC was as meaty as a full expansion. With DRM-free they had another path to take. There isn't one with DLC.
MichiGen: Or would you like to rather wait 2-5 years for complete edition with all DLCs and expansions?.
mrkgnao: Yes! I would rather!
And what keeps you from doing so?
Psyringe: Well, I already explained in several posts how a) my shopping experience (and that of people who share my preferences) would be diminished if GOG embraced DLCs (and I'd probably spend less money here). If you still see this as "pushing my issues onto others", then I probably won't get this particular point across to you no matter what.
StingingVelvet: Please don't assume your point was lost on me. I get your emotional feeling on the matter, I just don't see it as logical. The only difference between selling Omerta on day one and the DLCs as they come out, and only selling a collected edition later, is that people who disagree with you can't buy the game how they want it. You get the same end result either way.
The problem is that a good part of my point _is_ lost on you, otherwise you wouldn't keep repeating things that I've long addressed, and you'd also see the logic that I laid out in my previous post instead of brushing it off as an "emotional" approach. ;)

But as I said, we'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't think it really makes sense if you keep repeating your points and I keep repeating mine.