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We bet you didn't see that coming. Today we're releasing the "sequel" to the acclaimed RTS franchise Total Annihilation. For the price of only $5.99 that's a steal!

[url=]Total Annihilation: Kingdoms is a real-time strategy that developed many features of its predecessor. The game is neither a sequel nor prequel to the original Total Annihilation, but a spin-off that took players from the futuristic setting from the first part into a world of fantasy. Aside from the different setting than in the original, other changes include a simpler resource management which allows you to focus more on the massive battles, and four different factions (instead of two) with distinct units' characteristics. Our version of the game also includes "The Iron Plague" expansion which adds one more kingdom and hundreds of new maps to play on. Forget about lunch today and spend this spare cash on this game and you won't regret it.
I think this one pales in comparison to the original Total Annihilation, but it's always nice to see a new release here on GOG.
Nice surprise. I already have this game but not the add-on. Wishlisted for a future promo.

didnt really know there existed a sequel to TA!

Will be sure to check this out sometime soon :)
sweet an instant buy here fantastic game.
I've never heard about that game - but looks interesting. Maybe I try it after I finished (and even started...) the original Total Annihilation.
low rated
Cool, an other shity Warcraft clone no one ever heard of!!! More classics please!
I don't know what this is like as I haven't played it but I have been hoping it would turn up here since reading about it after I downloaded the original Total Annihilation (my first GOG purchase). What with this and the first two Jagged Alliance games I picked up on promo it has been a busy week, and I still haven't had time to play all the games I got in the Christmas offers yet!!

This is my first post in a forum here and my heartfelt thanks to the GOG team is long overdue so THANK YOU guys.
l2theking: Cool, an other shity Warcraft clone no one ever heard of!!! More classics please!
Actually this is well known. Well known as a big dissapointment, I mean.
l2theking: Cool, an other shity Warcraft clone no one ever heard of!!! More classics please!
Risingson: Actually this is well known. Well known as a big dissapointment, I mean.
May I ask, what specifically was disappointing? Cause I never heard of it and it *looks* interesting - but that does not mean it is :)
a great classic, glad this got released here and with iron plague too
As far as I know, this got pretty good reviews back in its time.
Worth trying, I'm sure.
As I recall, some people liked it, some thought it sucked monkeyfuck. That's right. Sucked monkeyfuck.

Which memory is more accurate?
I didn't like it when I first bought it, but I have to admit I didn't play far into the campaign. Three things that I disliked were:

1) Unlike in Warcraft or Starcraft where every unit plays a role, here you get a lot of units but some start stepping on the roles of others, making those other units worthless.

2) The audio clip for the crow was annoying.

3) The campaign sees you playing a story with missions that change factions from one to the next. One mission you're playing one race, the next mission you're playing the other, and the next back to the first race. It makes you feel no attachments to any of your units and it's harder to like a particular race over the other.

In hindsight, these seems like small issues now and probably non-deal breakers for you guys, but I was picky back then and would quit playing a game due to minor annoyances.
Eh. But at $5.99 compared to todays $59.99, not complaining. Thanks GOG!
Nice I originally paid $33.95 AUD for this game back in the day, never got far into it though, so when I have some spare change I might pick it up again. Can't argue with today's prices.