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Finally, a new platformer on! Or, to be more precise, one of the greatest titles the genre has ever seen!

[url=]Rayman is a 2D platformer game and the first title of a famous series that spawned sequels and spin-offs beyond count. The Forever edition, released by Ubisoft around 3 years after the original game, includes a bunch of goodies, most notably a level editor and Rayman By His Fans - 40 of the best staff-picked levels made with that very editor.
The game itself is a true platformer, with a strong emphasis on timing and reflex-based challenges, rather than combat. Its difficulty seems just right, in a way that makes you have to earn every level, but leaves you thoroughly satisfied afterwards.
Finally, Rayman still looks great, despite being over fifteen years old. This is mostly due to its amazing, fluid animations, but the game's high-color graphics and creative level design are sure to make an impression on you as well.
Overall, today's release is a pure, classic platformer that every gamer should at least try out.
Didn't expect that ! Thanks GOG Team :)
No arms! No legs! No neck! All attitude!
Never been much of a Rayman fan myself, but there aren't many platformers on GOG so it's a good addition.
Not my kind of game, but I guess it is good news for some...

And it was a surprise for me!
Great release! I love the crazy Rayman Worlds that Michel Ancel undoubtedly must have created under the influence of various illegal substances.

I hope he will be able to finish Beyond Good and Evil 2.
Post edited March 29, 2011 by Lafazar

Now Prince of Persia Warrior Within :D
My literal words when I saw the post was "WOW"
Just didnt expect to see this :D Good work as always GoG!

I suspect we'll see Rayman 2 and 3 sometime in the future. For which I am excited!
Post edited March 29, 2011 by apexultima
Oh man - thanks GOG! Been wanting to play this again for a while. Definitely one of the best platformers ever created. I was never able to finish it when I was a kid, so hopefully I'll get my chance now..
If it wan't for the fact that I already have that game for 2 platform I would buy it in an instant.
So glad you could release Rayman!

Just wondering, how is the soundtrack managed? According to Wikipedia, "various sections of the soundtrack were erased in an effort to save space on the CD."
My jaw dropped. o_O

I feel like we can expect Rayman 2 or even possibly Rayman 3 soon. You guys just keep amazing me.

There's a good chance this will be the next thing I will purchase.
Post edited March 29, 2011 by Przemek32767
Very very nice! Thank you!!!

(Now, just hopping for Rayman 2)
Wow.... Not on the top of my list but other people are gonna be well happy

Really surprised me there
Oh my god I can't believe what I'm seeing. Rayman? My favorite platformer from way back. I loved it, hard, beautiful, great music...just wow. Thanks sooooooooo much for this release GoG people.