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Today a more modern Electronic Arts release joins the catalogue, and we bet most of you didn't see this one coming. Time to choose your class and fight for the cause of right!

[url=]Nox is an isometric action-RPG mix from the masters at the famous Westwood Studios. You are Jack Mower, an ordinary guy living his ordinary life. But one day, due to a cosmic accident and the actions by the evil Queen of Necromancers, you're being sucked out of this universe by your own TV and transferred to a fantasy parallel universe called Nox. We're not sure, but we think the moral of Nox is "Don't watch too much TV." Who says gaming doesn't spread positive messages?

Jack, though, seems in a bit of a spot. It won't be a surprise if we tell you that the world Jack got into is in danger and he's the one that can save it, right?

The beginning seems easy, you need to choose your class and get into action. But the choice isn't as easy as you think it is as every class has its own starting point, story, ending, and gameplay mechanics, so choose your path wisely or just prepare to beat the game 3 times. As a warrior you'll be slashing and crushing your enemies with the huge arsenal of melee weapons available in the game, but you won't be able to use magic. The wizard is a mighty magician with a spellbook full of magic tricks you can use to attack enemies, make yourself invisible, teleport, and more. Wizards can't use weapons, though, so there's no backup if the spells run out. The last path you can choose is to play as the conjurer who can summon monsters and wild animals living in the world of Nox and use them to do all his dirty work, while also healing himself and his allies and, last but not least, using bows to help your critters out.

If you finish the game with all 3 classes and want more there are fun multiplayer modes that are inspired by the FPS genre like deathmatch, capture the flag, "King of the Realm" (aka king of the hill), and even a co-op mode! That's a hella lot of fun gameplay for only $5.99, so go get it now!
TheEnigmaticT: You know that attempting to discern any logical pattern of our releases is a futile effort, right? ;)
overread: Ahh but its easy to see the current pattern - if one looks at the recent releases the names all get shorter and shorter as each on comes out - thus the next game must have a title with only two or even one letter! Now how many games have two or one letter titles in them ?
there is 9,D,N,Z,YS
Post edited September 07, 2011 by lugum
Loved this game when I first played years ago. This is what I would love to see more of in our hack and slash mouse clicking games. The humor was else fairly well done.
Wishlisted....Looks interesting but I don't know...I gotta see this in action...
Man, I haven't come back to gog in a while - I came running the moment I heard this gem was "re-released" - hadn't been able to get my old copy running under Win7 :) - THANKS GOG!!
awesome. You guys never cease to surprise me. I forgot this game was by EA and therefor a potential release. Will download tonight.
My prayers have been answered'. I'm so emotional right now.
throw us another bone and get cutthroats: terror at high sea
Thanks! I was just hoping for this release!
woohoo NOX makes me smile,thank you.......i second cutthroats we have a bad lack of pirate games on GOG
Awesome, a Westwood game! Should I entertain thoughts of more Westwood in the future? I'm just saying, I had The Legend of Kyrandia on 5 1/4 floppies back in ages past...
It be nice to see some of the Dune games but I think they would have to pay the Frank Herbert estate some dough so they would all be 10 dollar games........people would still buy them though.
Here's some information about the multiplayer.

NoX was run by Westwood and had their own servers when it was released. When EA bought Westwood and discontinued the game, they shutdown the servers and eventually multiplayer was turned over to a 3rd party server called Xwis. Xwis is a community server that runs multiple Westwood game servers so people who wish to play multiplayer on those older games, still can. So with the original copies of the game, when you try to connect to multiplayer, you connect to the Xwis server. Then from there on, you can host/create your own servers.

I'm not sure how or even if the GOG version of NoX differs from the original so I can't really help you there. If it's the same as a retail version then all you need to do to connect is to enter a username and password in the correct fields and connect. No need to register an account. All you need to make sure of is that it's a unique username. If a username was used with a different password by someone else, you can't use that username.
Post edited September 08, 2011 by Jekate
keeveek: Yeah, your releases are unpredictable. This is why I still hope for Cossacks/American Civil war (with TWO expansions, not only one, like on the other sites) and Kohan, and ONI, and so much more... :P
I would love to see ONI playable again!
naomha: I would love to see ONI playable again!
I don't know what's making it non-playable for you, but this thing helped me: There are also some other unofficial patches if you search for them, but I can't vouch for those.
Can't believe I overlooked this little gem. Reminds me of a more zany Out of this World/Another World in the story department and it plays like a cross between a Diablo style dungeon crawler and a D&D style hack and slasher, so its all good times.

Thanks EA for not messing up THIS non DOS game, you are starting to suck a little less now.