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Many of you in the forums got it right: the awesome game coming exclusively to is Little Big Adventure a.k.a. Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure if you played the American version! Brought to you in fully-localized glory, Little Big Adventure is available right now for just $5.99.

You are Twinsen, a Quetch, who are one of four races (Grobos, Rabbibunnies, Spheros, and Quetches) living under two suns on the Twinsun planet. All races coexisted peacefully until the evil Doctor FunFrock discovered how to clone and teleport. He uses these two inventions together to create his very own army which he used to conquer Twinsun by force. Resistance is futile! The only hope is in the mythic Sendell, the benevolent goddess of the planet, who has found a possible hero to help her make the world safe for everyone: a young quetch called Twinsen who has been having the strangest dreams. Unfortunately, in this heavily surveilled society, even dreams are monitored. The evil Dr. FunFrock’s forces have noticed Sendell’s attempt to contact Twinsen via visions while he sleeps, and have arrested the young quetch for his crimes.

For those of you who haven’t played Little Big Adventure, it is primarily an adventure game with clever inventory-based puzzles and captivating conversations with a wide array of characters, but the main focus here is on the action part of the game. The fully 3D character and items model look fantastic, presented in an isometric view while you explore the enormous world. Made up for 11 vast islands with over 120 scenes to jump, run, kick, and talk your way through, Little Big Adventure is definitely a big place to roam. Speaking of which, you can control your hero in four different modes. Normal mode is for walking around and talking to people, Athletic mode grants the ability to run and jump like a parkour maniac, Aggresive mode is the battle mode for maximum damage, and last (but not least!) you can choose Discrete mode in which Twinsen will move stealthily, creeping from shadow to shadow in hiding..

Wait no more! Grab Little Big Adventure for $5.99 with the full exclusive to goodies pack (including unreleased design sketches, artworks, and cinematic shots) and embark on the biggest little adventure you’ve ever seen!

Little Big Adventure is in EFIGS which means that it has five different language options:
- English (full voice & text)
- French (full voice & text)
- Italian (text only)
- German (full voice & text)
- Spanish (text only)
Post edited October 11, 2011 by Galimatias
Did something just disappear from the bonuses?
I thought I saw a Tech Remake Demo before.
Thank you so much GOG!
YAYYY That's reason I joined GOG in the first place: waiting for the Twinsen saga... Great!
Smannesman: Did something just disappear from the bonuses?
I thought I saw a Tech Remake Demo before.
Odd, it disappeared for me, too. And I downloaded it not an hour ago.

It's not particularly interesting, to be honest. I'm not sure why did it have to go.
it didnt go i think. the scrollbar got messed up.
lugum: it didnt go i think. the scrollbar got messed up.
Looks like it.
Thousands of D&D games to play before this one!

... I don't care! Insta-buy! I just played the second one, but if this is 10% of what that game was it's great already!

Btw, hi Gog!
Smannesman: Did something just disappear from the bonuses?
I thought I saw a Tech Remake Demo before.
bazilisek: Odd, it disappeared for me, too. And I downloaded it not an hour ago.

It's not particularly interesting, to be honest. I'm not sure why did it have to go.
For those of us joining in the thread late what was in the Tech Remake demo? Does it look like they are far into giving the game a modern facelift?
dgdgagdae: I'm guessing this game must have been popular in Europe. I see all kinds of Europeans super excited about this release, but nothing from an American. I've never heard of this game.
Lexor: Well, isn't it around 5-6am in US?
that, and maybe because it's French?
tarasis: For those of us joining in the thread late what was in the Tech Remake demo? Does it look like they are far into giving the game a modern facelift?
I haven't bought the game so I don't know, I just noticed it disappeared from the game info page. Maybe bazi can tell us what it was.
I think it was a problem with the scrolling through so many items in the download section after you buy the game. I think it will be restored.
SmallDickie: I think it was a problem with the scrolling through so many items in the download section after you buy the game. I think it will be restored.
i am not so sure now, i have tried to enter the url manually, the rest is to 1240. but 1232 or 1241 wont work.
Post edited October 11, 2011 by lugum
AWSOME!! I am soooooooooooooooo happy, I saw the drawings on the front page a few days ago and thought! Twinsen!!!!

Hope you guys did a good job of making this run properly..... I own both this and the sequel, and have even had people ask to buy it off me in australia. It's by far one of the best adventure games of it's time! You guys are great!!! Go GOG!!!!
Soon as I get home I'm buying it!

HAHAHA! I'm sooooo happy! :D
Hm, where can I find bonus content: sketches, wallpaper, etc? I don't see them in game's folder.