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Dear Santa;

It's that time of year again. We've had a pretty good track record with our letters to you in 2011 and 2010. We hope that this holiday season, you'll bring us lots of great loot for the next year.

Of course, the last year has been pretty good to us, and we think we've been good enough this year to get something other than coal in our stockings. We started the year off right with Square Enix titles like , [url=]Deus Ex, and Thief Gold entering the catalog--some of the best back catalog classics that we've ever released--and surprised the heck out of everyone with our "Bigger. Fresher. Newer", bringing brand-new games as well as DRM-Free Digital Premium Editions of some fantastic not-so-new (and not-so-old!) games like Assassin's Creed and Heroes of Might & Magic V to for the first time. With new titles like Legend of Grimrock and Alan Wake, started things off well. In April, we offered Fallout for free to anyone on the Internet, and saw a huge boost in new members to the site, as well as briefly being one of the 500 most-trafficked websites on the Internet for a day. Summer saw an epic BATTLE OF THE GAMES, where our own users voted on what games they most wanted to see on promo--a first on the 'Net, we believe, although we've seen some others trying that as well--and we had a lot of fun seeing what games people wanted to save big on--some of them were easy bets, but many of them were complete surprises.

October saw our first experiments with Pay What You Want bundles, and we saw a huge number of visitors come and pick up Larian or Interplay games at incredible savings--then we followed that up with Mac OSX support! We don't know if you're a Mac or a PC user, Santa, but we think you'll agree that more gamers being able to enjoy classics is always a good thing--and the fact that all the games we currently sell are give you both PC & Mac with one purchase surely counts in the "nice" column when you're tallying up the year. In November we've announced that we officially support Windows 8 on 380+ games, and we're working on more. Finally, we've had our Holiday sale--and had a crazy End of the World promo which most of our gamers loved--and now we're wrapping the year up with our surprise gift of Duke Nukem and the EA Expansions. Thanks to the addition of more than 90 classic games to our catalog this year as well as 60+ new and newer titles,'s catalog of the best games in history has swelled to just shy of 500 games--and all of that was achieved in just a tad more than 4 years!

What's coming next year? Well, part of that is based on you, Santa; will you give us another great year at We hope that you and our users will combine to continue to keep growing, keep our forums and social media filled with a positive, friendly and passionate team of gamers who let us know when we do something right--and when we do something wrong. We're successful because of the feedback we get every day from our Wishist--with more than 200,000 wishes granted!--and while gamers don't see the games that we don't release or the deals that we turn down because we're not sure that the games are the kind of thing that our service needs, we hope that they know that we're always trying our best to bring them the cream of the crop from gaming, that we're passionate about games, and that we appreciate their passion, too.

We keep hoping for another of our "top" publishers to show up on so far we're two for two in the last two years of wishing. So we're going to wish for another one in 2013. Our warmest wishes would be to bring LucasArts or Take Two into our catalog; both of these companies have fantastic games, and we know our gamers would love to see them join GOG as well. We want to sign more great games, more indies, more top-notch games, more games that keep that gaming passion alive in every pixel and mip-mapped texture. We also want to bring new tools on the website for our our users to share more, and even help developers grow more successful by bringing their games to

It's hard to say what the new year will bring, Santa, and we have had such a good year that we think the best wish is the one we had last year:

"And finally, Santa, we always ask for more. More fans. More great conversations on the forums. More fun contests with fantastic entries from our users. More ways for our users to interact, and for us to reach out to them. More great games, and more great interviews with industry legends.

It's a lot to ask for, Santa, but we think we've been more nice than naughty this year - which is really all you can ask of anyone - and we hope you'll deliver again."

Happy holidays to all, and we hope all of your holiday wishes come true.

--The Team
Post edited December 24, 2012 by Chamb
Merry Christmas GoG, thanks for all the great times and I know (as do many others here :) ) that you'll keep on creating those, enjoy!
Thanks GOG Team for a nice summary of the 2012 - yes you did lots of good deeds - you extended your catalog significantly and there is still some room for oldies and new games in 2013 :)
And thanks for making me buy a bunch of games that I started to play enjoyed, but haven't had time to finish (including Witcher 2....). This year was very busy, but it shows that your dream to becoming No. 2 in digital game distribution is becoming so rel (OK, a year ago or so I didn't believe that this was real, but you proved me wrong).
But most importantly thank you for gathering such a huge fan base around you, which made big AAA developers like Obsidian or InExile promised to deliver Project Eternity and Wasteland 2 through GOG as well (that's why I supported their causes as well.
Cheers to you GOG Team and to e Happy New Year 2013 - may all your deals and efforts bring us more good games!
As-salamu alaykum (Peace be upon you) to all the community and the GoG team.
Want to wish all you great folks at GOG, and my fellow forum members a wonderful holiday. I've really enjoyed many of the great games I've picked here the past year (shudders as I look at my backlog), and very much appreciate all the help (and more) the GOG staff rendered in the few times I needed it. Have met (virtually :P ), interacted with, and marveled at the incredible generosity of many of forum members since I've joined...truly a very cool community here. Merry Christmas all! (Hope Santa treats you all well)
merry xmass to all GoGers and to all the GoG team!!
Just to wish you all forum members, GoG staff and anyone else who sees this a happy christmas. Hope it is a good day for you all and that you get a lot of good xmas games and gaming.
Merry Christmas everybody!and let's hope Lucas Arts and Take Two join GOG next year
Yup, Merry Xmas to everyone!!!!
Merry Christmas everybody. We survived the apocalypse, so we've got only good things ahead of us.
Happy Holidays dear GoGers.

But I'm wondering how many of you actually have santa claus at christmas?
Here, the santa isn't coming on 24th December, but on 5th December.
Merry XMas/Happy Hanukkah To EveryBody At And Have A Happy New Year! Thank You For All The Great Games!
Happy Holidays, y'all.
n64-kid.jpg (78 Kb)
Post edited December 24, 2012 by cyxceven
What I saw of it, it was a positive year on GOG. Most noticeably, there was a lot of variety to the consumer sales promotions, I think some of the ideas that were introduced are very good, and hopefully the trend continues in the future.

I wish the staff a happy holiday; provided that they have it; and may your new year plans come true!
It was my first year on GOG and I have to say the BEST year I've ever had for buying and playing computer games and that is all because of GOG.

Really appreciate everything the GOG team has done to not only get us all these fabulous games but to ensure they work!

Have also loved all the stellar sales, especially the Christmas sale which has been awesome.

Thanks for everything GOG guys (and girls?). Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. And yes, that some of your (and our!) wishes come true in the New Year :)

And to all the GOGers in the forums and elsewhere, a very Merry Christmas from me in Bangkok, Thailand. It's going to be a hot one tomorrow for me, but I'm certainly planning to enjoy myself. Hope you all do as well :)
Happy holidays to all and here's hoping all of the team's wishes come true :)
