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If we're on the subject of [url=]The Witcher 2, we wondered have you already met the GOG Monk in the game? Did you manage to win the dice game with him? And most importantly have you checked the reward you get? If not yet, than you should do it as soon as you're back into the world of The Witcher. The GOG Monk's offer is valid only until August 17th!
This site is a bit hard to read and not easy on the eyes (mine).
Why do I get the message "The promo code tw2GogMonk was not applied to this order" when trying to buy the promo?
That's an idiot offer.
I still can't patch to 1.3 (no drive space?!?) and I wait for this to play.
EDIT: Oh, ok, I follow the offer link.
Post edited July 30, 2011 by ERISS
I need to say this, and it breaks my heart to say it, but I CANNOT play The Witcher 2. Not because of any faults or anything. I just cannot get into the game. I cannot stand it. I hate it more than any game I have ever hated in my life. The Witcher 1 was an amazing game. I loved it and never had any problems enjoying the story. But the second game just does not sit right with me. On top of that, this *monk* I find kinda pointless. If you are going to put a special npc into a game for a specific purpose, let that purpose be for the game itself, not promote discounts for other games sold on gog.

I know why the monk was introduced, and I know a lot of people dont mind it, but I find it kind of.....tacky to tell you the truth. When I played the monk, and realised what his purpose was, I was in shock. I could not believe that an npc in a game I was playing was being used to advertise games for gog. I expected something I could use in the game like a piece of equipment, or an item used to unlock something later in the game. Such a shame as it seems to have been wasted.

Just for the record, this is my opinion. Do not flame me for not thinking exactly the same as everyone else. I have a right to feel differently than you. I am an individual
FiatLux: ...Angels...
ddmuse: How about each time that someone who doesn't own TW2 uses the discount, someone somewhere opens the box and gets torn apart by (or becomes one of) the Cenobites? Yeah, I've been on a horror movie kick recently. ;-)
If such wishes are yours then with any luck then perhaps you yourself get sucked into your own TV one day , when you watches your horror movies.
Duffadash: Why do I get the message "The promo code tw2GogMonk was not applied to this order" when trying to buy the promo?
Perhaps you don't have the "Witcher 2" game on your GOG account ?

Anyway , if you wish to use the Promo anyway then just click OK when you get the message and check out and pay as usual and you should still get the stuff at Promo price.

I haven't actually bought anything myself from that Promo but it ought to work for you anyway if you wish to do so.
Post edited July 30, 2011 by FiatLux
Denezan: Just for the record, this is my opinion. Do not flame me for not thinking exactly the same as everyone else. I have a right to feel differently than you. I am an individual
How about you just post a review of the game or whatever you want and leave it at that? This isn't exactly a The Witcher 2 impressions thread but I guess you're just looking for reactions and nothing more. Sad. The monk is meaningless compared to your (yes, your, since you say there are no game issues at fault, just some weird hate) other issues so either way wouldn't make the game more worthwhile to you. It's one NPC you can easily ignore, or miss. One. And it doesn't even mention gog or sales or whatever within the game, you have to exit gameplay to see the reward at all. So yeah, get over it. It's a fantasy game, not some super realistic immersing experience that was somehow ruined (for all of 5 seconds) by the monk's inclusion. As an NPC he fits in the game. His reward doesn't, and isn't in the game.
Post edited July 30, 2011 by Al3xand3r
TheEnigmaticT: I have no idea why it's marmosets.
Phc7006: marmosets comes from the French "marmouset". Marmouset initially designed small satirical figures of pagan deities that were still commonly found in medieval France. Gallo-Romans had used them to bring luck on their households. The custom survived in Christian Europe for some time through beliefs of small wild creatures living in the woods and making fun out of men and stealing their gold. Houses were often ornate with heads of "wild men". By extension the term designated the members of the court of king Charles VI Valois "the mad king", because these counsellors were not nobles or even clerics, yet confiscated the higher functions of the state.
This, right here, is why i love the internet!
Running ads in a game breaks immersion. It never was a good idea and still is not a good idea. Please, no more "upgrade to this to play this" msg's or "congrats, special deal". Gamers are trying to get away from reality in a game and escape into another world...not deal with real world shit especially having to do with commercials. Stuff like that pisses me off and makes me yearn for games like TW1.
BlazeKING: Running ads in a game breaks immersion. It never was a good idea and still is not a good idea. Please, no more "upgrade to this to play this" msg's or "congrats, special deal". Gamers are trying to get away from reality in a game and escape into another world...not deal with real world shit especially having to do with commercials. Stuff like that pisses me off and makes me yearn for games like TW1.
I think that you are completely right about the escapism (generally speaking).

But I have heard of more trends where commercial paid games looks as one of more future ways of getting ads into peoples minds. On the other hand then games which are more or less conciously propaganda of different political systems, ideological ideas, religion, whatever have probably existed a long time.
At very least I think it will have to be, in the game making world, like in a lot of other "real world" situations where they won't have anything to do with you or your idea unless they sympathise with you or the idea, can benefit enough from you (use you) or make a shit load of money on "whatever" ....
Phc7006: marmosets comes from the French "marmouset". Marmouset initially designed small satirical figures of pagan deities that were still commonly found in medieval France. Gallo-Romans had used them to bring luck on their households. The custom survived in Christian Europe for some time through beliefs of small wild creatures living in the woods and making fun out of men and stealing their gold. Houses were often ornate with heads of "wild men". By extension the term designated the members of the court of king Charles VI Valois "the mad king", because these counsellors were not nobles or even clerics, yet confiscated the higher functions of the state.
orcishgamer: This, right here, is why i love the internet!
Here , love the internet a bit more ;-)

Marmoset is apparantly also a species of monkeys :

Post edited July 31, 2011 by FiatLux
The main problem I see with something like this in the game is that, years later, there will be no point to it when there is no longer a special deal to be had.
Things like that can always be coded to be disabled based on the computer's date...

And if they didn't do that they can always patch it off with the next patch if it comes after Aug 17th.
Al3xand3r: Things like that can always be coded to be disabled based on the computer's date...

And if they didn't do that they can always patch it off with the next patch if it comes after Aug 17th.
Or simply replace it with another reward, such as some behind-the-scenes thing, or wallpapers or something. Hell it could even be replaced by *gasp* something actually useable in the game!
I meant to ask which one.. Alone in the dark: new nightmare. (played that in psx) or outcast (how the hell that game has been reviewed so high..)
August.. I guess it's this month that just started. ^^
Not a fan of this kind of product placement - it does spoil the immersion. Seems like I'm not the only one who found it annoying.
Aesandil: Not a fan of this kind of product placement - it does spoil the immersion. Seems like I'm not the only one who found it annoying.
There was no product placement within the game, you just got a pop up telling you you can see a reward in the extras, just as there was a pop up telling you all sorts of other things about the game's mechanics (and I'm assuming this also wouldn't show if you had turned off hints and such, which you would if you really find yourself immmersed in such a third person game with constant QTEs and use of HUD elements and all sorts of other things). The monk himself fits in with the rest of the crowd just fine.
Post edited August 01, 2011 by Al3xand3r