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We're giving away 100 games a day to our users to celebrate our 5th birthday!
For the last 5 years we've been doing our best to bring the best games in history to your home computers. Now, we're celebrating our birthday, and we want you--our users--to have a blast! That's why for the next five days we'll be giving away 100 games a day via our different channels (the forums, social media, YouTube). The details of each giveaway will be revealed on day to day basis, so make sure to drop by daily and see what are we up to.
Today, we've planned something special for our long-time users, and it's all going to go down right here, right now--in the forums. We'd like to honor the people who have been with us the longest. If you think you're one of these people, post a comment in the forum thread below. Include the number of days you're on (just upload a screenshot of the "Days on" of your Account Info Page--please include that number in your post as well, to make our job a little easier, thanks!) and give us a one-sentence statement on what was it exactly that made you register with The first 100 users with the most time since registering will be sent a $9.99 gift-code.
You have time until tomorrow, that's Tuesday, October 1, at 2:59PM GMT to enter the giveaway, as at that time we'll be moving to another communications channel with a new set of rules. So, old-timers, show off how long have you been with us!
1459 Days, I came here because of great drm-free games, configured and ready to play :)
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1406 days on GoG

I remember wanting a game that I didn't have to run through Steam for my netbook.

Its a pretty low spec and I needed something that didn't take up much room, retro classics tend to fit that description ;)
Days on
signed-up on Sep. 26, 2008

I joined up because I love the games of my childhood. The Might & Magic series, Beneath a steel sky, and so on.

I have been with you a long time, my friends!
You have given me joy, and you have made me relive "the golden years".

Thank you GOG!

Edit: put in the screenshot.
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Post edited September 30, 2013 by Psion
19.08.11... 40% off Witcher 2.. had to buy it!
772 days later I'm still a satisfied customer :)
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meh, just 792
Only 775 days, hehe. In my case, I signed up for all the excellent RPG that I could not play in my time because I was too little and I did not have internet to find any solution, so I was stuck!
1488 :-)

Came here for Fallout Series, my first buy :-)
1377 days.

I was thrilled to find a store that carried classic games (many of which I had wanted to pick up years ago but never did) with no DRM for reasonable prices.
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signed-up on Jun. 3, 2012
Great Scott! I joined because of the chance to get a few great childhood classics and a few other that I had not played yet.

1848 days here! ;)

EDIT: Edited image to remove my email.
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Post edited September 30, 2013 by Falci
Guess I'm an old-timer :) 1565 days and counting!

I'm gonna be honest, the main thing that got me signed up to GOG was the free game offer at the time, but I applaud the service. I'd spend a LOT more time on here were it not for the games I always have in my "To Play" list...

Also, the little things, like offering a DRM-free "backup" of The Witcher 1/2. That's attention to detail, right there. Finally, the deals - several times I've retweeted offers and sales from GOG because the games in question were classics of their time.

So yeah, don't go anywhere and stay classy, :)
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Post edited October 01, 2013 by moonspook
1426 days here. Like a lot of people I caught wind of 'good old games' and as I had a lot of great early PC memories, I decided to take a look. Really glad I did, as this site has brought me back to some of my favorite games and given me access to a lot I missed out on.

i honestly don't remember the exact reason i signed up, needless to say; i'm happy i did.
Post edited September 30, 2013 by p129
505 days!

I came here for Heroes of Might and Magic 2 and 3!
1646 days, think i was searching for an old game and it brought me here.
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