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Tauto: All of a sudden people start believing MS are good
GameRager: In the world of the MS "empire", the Linux/Mac "rebellion" is seen by many as the "true evil". o.0
Of course,it only makes sense.If your competition is cutting your profits with another product.
karnak1: Now that explains why the advertising for Galaxy 2.0 included the game Halo.
I guess it's almost confirmed, then.
Vythonaut: Not only Halo, but Forza and Gears of War as well. All the other games depicted are already on GOG, as far as i'm concerned. If that isn't a hint of Microsoft coming to GOG, i don't know what it is. In any case, try not to be dissapointed if it proves to be a coincidence or GOG's wishful thinking.
Wouldn't GOG need some sort of special license from Microsoft, in order to display their games on the Galaxy 2.0 advert?
I ask this because I know nothing about copyrights.
Vythonaut: Not only Halo, but Forza and Gears of War as well. All the other games depicted are already on GOG, as far as i'm concerned. If that isn't a hint of Microsoft coming to GOG, i don't know what it is. In any case, try not to be dissapointed if it proves to be a coincidence or GOG's wishful thinking.
karnak1: Wouldn't GOG need some sort of special license from Microsoft, in order to display their games on the Galaxy 2.0 advert?
I ask this because I know nothing about copyrights.
I doubt it would be that simple.
karnak1: Wouldn't GOG need some sort of special license from Microsoft, in order to display their games on the Galaxy 2.0 advert?
I ask this because I know nothing about copyrights.
No as we saw NOLF in their behind the scenes video and nothing has appeared for NOLF so, take it more as a we've put it in as we can and its game rather than something is happening.
Tauto: All of a sudden people start believing MS are good
Are you implying that they're not? Telemetry and spying is just their way of showing interest in the customer, they show interest because they love.
GameRager: In the world of the MS "empire", the Linux/Mac "rebellion" is seen by many as the "true evil". o.0
Tauto: Of course,it only makes sense.If your competition is cutting your profits with another product.
It's sorta like the "cola wars" irl/as seen in some media.....but with less blowing up of offshore bottling plants(as seen in one movie/game I forget the name of).

karnak1: Wouldn't GOG need some sort of special license from Microsoft, in order to display their games on the Galaxy 2.0 advert?
I ask this because I know nothing about copyrights.
Tauto: I doubt it would be that simple.
I think they meant if they had the rights to sell them on GOG.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by GameRager
joppo: All this talk of what games Gog should bring seem so pointless to me. Is there any reason for us to believe that MS will abandon their love of DRM? I think they "are working to enable more choice in which store you can find Xbox Game Studios titles in the future" , as long as it doesn't give the customer any actual ownership of their product.
Precisely. AoE1:DE on the MS store uses Arxan Anti-Tamper DRM, whilst AoE2:HD on Steam has CEG enabled. I'm glad I grabbed the DRM-Free Collectors Edition disc version a few years back. Add on uPatch (AoE1) and UserPatch (AoE2) and you've pretty much got the originals with bugs fixed, widescreen, W10 compatibility, etc, but minus the newly added DRM and with even better AI enhancements.

Edit: Same goes with Age of Mythology, Rise of Nations, Freelancer, etc, there once was a time when I would have held out in blind-faith about GOG getting the originals, but with the current trend of remastering everything in sight to double / triple the price of 20 year old games whilst shoving extra DRM in long before GOG gets the originals, I'm sure glad I grabbed all the disc versions + patches.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by AB2012
AB2012: Precisely. AoE1:DE on the MS store uses Arxan Anti-Tamper DRM, whilst AoE2:HD on Steam has CEG enabled. I'm glad I grabbed the DRM-Free Collectors Edition disc version a few years back. Add on uPatch (AoE1) and UserPatch (AoE2) and you've pretty much got the originals with bugs fixed, widescreen, W10 compatibility, etc, but minus the newly added DRM and with even better AI enhancements.

Edit: Same goes with Age of Mythology, Rise of Nations, Freelancer, etc, there once was a time when I would have held out in blind-faith about GOG getting the originals, but with the current trend of remastering everything in sight to double / triple the price of 20 year old games, and then shoving extra DRM in, I'm sure glad I grabbed all the disc versions + patches.
Lucky guy. I envy your combination of opportunity and foresight.

If we were talking about any company other than Microsoft I would be more optimistic. Even Blizzard that was long considered impossible to bring here had spent years without deciding anything in the direction of more or nastier DRM and were just coasting in the results of decisions made a while ago. The change appeared sudden, but it could be years in the making.

MS on the other hand have been constantly pushing their anti-consumer agenda, trying to corner the market, pushing telemetry in win10, bullying other versions to "upgrade" to win10, et cetera. If they had a change of heart when did it start? Last month? Last week?
Vythonaut: Not only Halo, but Forza and Gears of War as well. All the other games depicted are already on GOG, as far as i'm concerned. If that isn't a hint of Microsoft coming to GOG, i don't know what it is. In any case, try not to be dissapointed if it proves to be a coincidence or GOG's wishful thinking.
karnak1: Wouldn't GOG need some sort of special license from Microsoft, in order to display their games on the Galaxy 2.0 advert?
I ask this because I know nothing about copyrights.
I'm wondering if it falls under fair use, or in any case GOG probably got their lawyers to "okay" it (because why would they want to risk Microsoft's wrath?). It is interesting that the only games displayed that aren't on GOG are Microsoft ones (correct?). edit: oh well I mean if you scroll down, there's WB games not yet here too. (hey maybe those will show up eventually)

I don't think this is really a sign of them coming here, more just showing that you can view everything in one place, but we negative nancies would be happy to be wrong here.
Post edited May 31, 2019 by tfishell
fronzelneekburm: Reject them for being too niche!
GameRager: Good one.....btw why are comments like this low rated? It's just a joke, people.....laugh and move on once in awhile. :D
Sorry, you seem to be looking for the GOG forum circa 2012. Get back into your preferred time machine and go left at the next quantum singularity.
karnak1: Wouldn't GOG need some sort of special license from Microsoft, in order to display their games on the Galaxy 2.0 advert?
I ask this because I know nothing about copyrights.
tfishell: I'm wondering if it falls under fair use, or in any case GOG probably got their lawyers to "okay" it (because why would they want to risk Microsoft's wrath?). It is interesting that the only games displayed that aren't on GOG are Microsoft ones (correct?). edit: oh well I mean if you scroll down, there's WB games not yet here too. (hey maybe those will show up eventually)

I don't think this is really a sign of them coming here, more just showing that you can view everything in one place, but we negative nancies would be happy to be wrong here.
Hey, we GOG people are the greatest experts on disappointment. So there's no way we can be troubled by more hype & fail anymore :)
low rated
Breja: <things>
lolz holy shit you keep replyin'

GOG's been trying to get Microsoft since day 1. Great if they do come here, but I'm not holding my breath.
What would Microsoft be willing to release DRM-Free? Minesweeper?
karnak1: Wouldn't GOG need some sort of special license from Microsoft, in order to display their games on the Galaxy 2.0 advert?
I ask this because I know nothing about copyrights.
I'm not sure, but it should fall under Fair Use, as tfishell said above.

AB2012: (...) but with the current trend of remastering everything in sight to double / triple the price of 20 year old games whilst shoving extra DRM in long before GOG gets the originals, I'm sure glad I grabbed all the disc versions + patches.
I agree, having the original retail versions is the wisest choice, provided you can run them. I also own AoEII, AoM, RoN, RoL, plus dozens of the other classic RTS from EA, Blizzard, THQ etc. If they show up here someday, i'll make sure to grab the digital versions to have as a backup -- until then, i'm holding the CD versions dear.