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Generally, actually, it seems like most people like all of them up to the last one, C&C4, which is considered, by all, as far as I know, to be awful and not really C&C. If I remember right, the first post-EA C&C was RA2, which is well liked. Renegade I mostly hear good things about, but that's an FPS. 3 is, I think, the first post-Westwood one, and it seems to be generally well regarded, if not as much as its predecessors. Then came RA3, which also seems to be generally considered good, but people tended to be torn between loving the camp and not. Either way, still well received, if not as much as the earlier ones.

So, I guess technically the decline starts with 3, but it's not until 4 that the series gets a game that's just straight up considered bad.

Edit: Shit, forgot about Generals. That one also seems to be decently regarded, but it also plays quite differently from the other C&C games. I think the comparison I saw was to Battle for Middle-Earth? Generals I think is actually the first post-Westwood one, not 3.
Post edited October 03, 2016 by doccarnby
Loved all of the command & conquer games , although C&C 4 was focused on making the game more causal and multiplayer oriented there are still tons of people playing it.

The game was hated due to its always online requirement but that wasn't enough to kill the epic franchise it was EA god damn EA who took the series to a empty room and assassinated it.

Most people dont remember that the final command and conquer was a MMO that was released in beta, it also got good feedback but ea was expect warcraft level stats.

last bits before the demise of C & C

- EA launched a new studio named Victory Games to continue the Command & Conquer franchise

- On December 10, 2011, Electronic Arts posted that the next game in the series would be Command & Conquer: Generals 2

- On December 14, it was also announced that a new browser-based, free-to-play MMO Command & Conquer game is currently under development, under the name Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances

- Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances official release was on May 24, 2012 origin only.

- On August 15, 2012, it was announced that Generals 2 would be repurposed to a free-to-play game known as simply Command & Conquer.

- October 29, 2013, EA ceased development of Command & Conquer and shut down Victory Games, citing negative feedback over the economy-based experience as a reason.

- However, shortly after the cancellation announcement, an unidentified Victory Games staff member posted on the official forums, in the area reserved for players with access to the alpha builds, and stated that the reason for the game's cancellation was "corporate shenanigans" and not negative reception. The staff member also claimed that the official cancellation announcement was pre-written by higher-level staff at Electronic Arts

- In November 2013, EA announced the game will still be developed by a new game studio, and customers who bought the Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection will still receive an invite to the beta

EA ....
EA + Free to Play = Crap + Microtransactions

Just look at other games EA bought and ruined, just like Plants VS Zombies 1 and 2... If generals 2 follows the same model, there is no reason to blink an eye towards it.

EA has an uncunning knack, a natural talent, to UNDO anything that is good, after buying out the people who initially created it (or they were working on their behalf to begin with), then disband them and throw their product plus sequels, in endless depths of shit. Just no.

I myself tried that browser game based on C&C but is even worse than your average, browser based game, out there. Yes, it's THAT bad...

To be honest and fair, the classics and the real valuables, are "THE FIRST DECADE", period. I regret ever having bought any title after it. Also, i activated my C&C 3 plus Kane's Wrath in origin (had them retail from way back) and Kane's malfunctions, has some DRM-related issues, preventing it to run at all. No support ever offered me solution. I got the Ultimate Collection for 13 bucks from retailer and i was able to play Kane's only from that package. Honestly though, this shit sucks. Collection has to hit GOG store. It is in bad, DIRE, urgent need, of tweaking to run properly in modern systems. EA has allergy to any type of honest work (other than exploiting and ruining the work of others, after buying it out of course), so only hope for this gem to survive, is no other than a small Polish company we all know, like and respect, in a mutual and honest relationship, to acquire its rights, eh.
Post edited October 03, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Everything up to C&C 3 is great fun, a lot of very well built games. Generals is easily the weakest of the lot, that is until they released Red Alert 3 and C&C 4 which quite literally killed the series. All the FTP shit didn't help either.

Nothing will ever beat the first game.
onarliog: I bet pre-CC3 games are never going to make it here simply because of technical problems. Making them reliably run on modern-day OS would require a significant overhaul of the graphics engine, it's not a matter of flipping a few compatibility flags.
Do those compatibility problems exist also on the C&C Ultimate Collection that EA is selling itself in the Origin store? At least it says minimum requirements being Windows Vista/7, not sure if that means the games have issues working on later Windows versions (8.1/10).

I have the C&C: First Decade retail collection, not sure if it has issues running on my Windows 7 PC. I've meant to play them all through at some point (many of them I've played already before, but not recently).
C&C 1

(think about it)
amok: C&C 1

(think about it)
Dune 2
Are any of the good ones available anywhere?
Gerin: Are any of the good ones available anywhere?
Origin, Steam (CnC3) and on disc.
Gerin: Are any of the good ones available anywhere?
darthspudius: Origin, Steam (CnC3) and on disc.
Ok thanks
I'd have to suggest - The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II
tinyE: I don't think I'd hate #3 so much if I could get the fucking thing to run on my computer. :P

WTF is "Exception in Exception Handler" anyway? :P
An exceptional error.
The series never replicated the success they had with Command and Conquer Red Alert 2. It went downhill after Yuri's Revenge.
advancedhero: Is Jon Van Canegham still the head of C&C at EA? Someone save that poor man and get him back to making amazing Might and Magic games.
Last I heard he was making mobile games.
Post edited October 03, 2016 by Punkoinyc
Kleetus: I thought it was fairly self-explanatory, it's an exception in a handler than handles exceptions.
Which is itself a rather exceptional case, but I guess we can make an exception for that. :)
doccarnby: Generally, actually, it seems like most people like all of them up to the last one, C&C4, which is considered, by all, as far as I know, to be awful and not really C&C. If I remember right, the first post-EA C&C was RA2, which is well liked. Renegade I mostly hear good things about, but that's an FPS. 3 is, I think, the first post-Westwood one, and it seems to be generally well regarded, if not as much as its predecessors. Then came RA3, which also seems to be generally considered good, but people tended to be torn between loving the camp and not. Either way, still well received, if not as much as the earlier ones.

So, I guess technically the decline starts with 3, but it's not until 4 that the series gets a game that's just straight up considered bad.

Edit: Shit, forgot about Generals. That one also seems to be decently regarded, but it also plays quite differently from the other C&C games. I think the comparison I saw was to Battle for Middle-Earth? Generals I think is actually the first post-Westwood one, not 3.
IMHO, Generals wasn't just C&C in name only; it really captured the "churn out tons of cool infantry + mechanized units and throw them at the enemy" feel of gameplay that I enjoyed so much in the original my experience, C&C:G + Zero Hour is one of the best loved RTS of its generation. C&C3 wasn't bad (DRM notwithstanding), but it was a little odd (for me) to be producing squads of units. The game also felt slower paced (but in retrospect, that could have been because I was playing it on slightly underpowered hardware).

I never had the chance to play 4, but from what I knew of it, it was the whole idea of replacing the traditional mechanics with a mobile MCV and node control actually sounded fit in with the notion that the world's been almost entirely overrun with Tiberium and is almost uninhabitable. I'm curious to know why it earned the wrath of so many people.