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I am pretty sure everyone can agree with this sentiment about the game:

What I want is a spirtual successor to the Wing Commander games and Star Wars X-Wing games. You know a campaign mission based Space Combat game.

I did NOT ask for EVE Online 2 or Second Life 2: IN SPACE!!!

Honestly trying to cram so much in this game is not gonna be fun because trying to be "the everything game in SPACE" only dilutes the fun. I mean what I am gonna be doing in the actual Star Citizen game that won't be a boring grindy slog of everyday work?

Only the hardcore Sci Fi nerds with no life will want to play this game.
Post edited October 19, 2016 by Elmofongo
Uh, am not following this closely, but I thought it was supposed to be an Elite clone, more than a Wing Commander clone, no ?
Telika: Uh, am not following this closely, but I thought it was supposed to be an Elite clone, more than a Wing Commander clone, no ?
More or less that is what they are trying to make Star Citizen into. And honeslty its just gonna be no different from all the samey games that tries to be the "everything in space" games like No Man's Sky and EVE Online and this Elite gamr you mentioned?
The Star Citizen demo looked spectacular, really, but as there are no shortcuts, everything is taking so damn long. Approaching planets, landing, traversing between hubs etc.

I'm sure that's all incredibly immersive, but I think I'd favor a shortcut now and then. :|

Anyway, Elite has turned into a DRM/multiplayer monstrosity. Star Citizen kind of was the last hope. Still is: We'll see how that single player campaign is coming along.

An actual spiritual successor to Wing Commander... well, we'll be waiting for that one too. :)
Yeah! What's up with that? I mean, come on, right?

I was expecting Team Fortress 2 in space, but what do I get? Team Fortress 2 underwater!
Elmofongo: trying to make Star Citizen into
Myeah. "Trying to make it into" implies that it was originally supposed to be something else. So, dunno.

I always preferred Elite-likes (exploratory RPGs) to WingCommander-likes (mission-based fight sims), so I won't complain. It's a genre. Open RPGs in space don't have to be "the same" more than open RPGs in fantasy world are. They resemble each others more than fantasy beat'em ups. But you have different ones of different qualities, just like you have different linear tactical games with different qualities aswell.

And I don't think that No Man's Sky and Elite are the same game.

Next open world RPG will be yet another "everything on land", for you ?
Squadron 42 is going to be a Wing Commander/Star Lancer/Freespace type of game, while Star Citizen is going to be the Privateer/Freelancer/Elite bunch.
Strijkbout: Squadron 42 is going to be a Wing Commander/Star Lancer/Freespace type of game, while Star Citizen is going to be the Privateer/Freelancer/Elite bunch.
That's my take on the situation too. I don't really much care for the latter, but I'm quite excited about the former.
LOL, "this Elite game".
I am not a backer. Which means it was never intented as a Wing Commander spirtual successor, as I would have backed that. This was always heavily focused on the online experience. In fact, I was surprised they actually went for a fully single player campaing with big actors. And most backers complained about it.
Post edited October 19, 2016 by rgnrk
Uhm, isn`t Star Citizen not meant to be a modern version of Elite?
Elmofongo: I am pretty sure everyone can agree with this sentiment about the game:
Nah, I just want to see people getting mad after they collectively flushed several dozen millions down the drain.

Or maybe a pretty cool game.

Either of those.
Vainamoinen: Anyway, Elite has turned into a DRM/multiplayer monstrosity. Star Citizen kind of was the last hope. Still is: We'll see how that single player campaign is coming along.
To this day I still hate David Braben because of what he did with the game.
I was one of those people who was tremendously excited by the news of a new Elite game.

Until it became another shitty space MMO, with Braben claiming that making a single-player Elite: Dangerous would be impossible or pointless.

Sure, I too believe that turning E:D into a sort of Elite 2 would be impossible (sarcasm). Then I understood why some folks in the gaming industry claim Braben is a douche :(
Post edited October 19, 2016 by karnak1
karnak1: To this day I still hate David Braben because of what he did with the game.
I was one of those people who was tremendously excited by the news of a new Elite game.
Yeah... I can totally relate. Granted, the Kickstarter campaign did look more like an MMO, but the single player offline mode was very explicitly asked for and advertised. Kickstarter devs that don't deliver and aren't even sorry... hmmmm. :(
karnak1: To this day I still hate David Braben because of what he did with the game.
I was one of those people who was tremendously excited by the news of a new Elite game.
Vainamoinen: Yeah... I can totally relate. Granted, the Kickstarter campaign did look more like an MMO, but the single player offline mode was very explicitly asked for and advertised. Kickstarter devs that don't deliver and aren't even sorry... hmmmm. :(
This reminds me: the original Elite Trilogy needs to be on GOG!