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Ricky_Bobby: They are basically creating a whole franchise in one go though; ...
Trilarion: The only important question will probably be when and if they will deliver a polished product. The bigger you aim the less likely you finish anything. Usually a balance is needed.
That is what is both worrying and exciting about this whole project. It would be extraordinary if they can pull it off, to make a crowdfunded project of this size and a game of this scope.
Trilarion: The only important question will probably be when and if they will deliver a polished product. The bigger you aim the less likely you finish anything. Usually a balance is needed.
Ricky_Bobby: That is what is both worrying and exciting about this whole project. It would be extraordinary if they can pull it off, to make a crowdfunded project of this size and a game of this scope.
True. There is the potential for something great, but recently big releases have proven to have had some difficulty realising their potential.

There is supposedly going to be a play-through / showcasing of the first chapter of squadron 42 in the not too distant future which will at least give a better idea of what to expect from that.
Ricky_Bobby: That is what is both worrying and exciting about this whole project. It would be extraordinary if they can pull it off, to make a crowdfunded project of this size and a game of this scope.
TGSP: True. There is the potential for something great, but recently big releases have proven to have had some difficulty realising their potential.

There is supposedly going to be a play-through / showcasing of the first chapter of squadron 42 in the not too distant future which will at least give a better idea of what to expect from that.
I really can't think of any crowdfunded video game (or any video game in general really) with the size and scope of Star Citizen that actually fully realized their vision. The closest I can think of is perhaps Battlecruiser 3000 AD, or Destiny. And we all know how those games turned out...
rampancy: I really can't think of any crowdfunded video game (or any video game in general really) with the size and scope of Star Citizen that actually fully realized their vision. The closest I can think of is perhaps Battlecruiser 3000 AD, or Destiny. And we all know how those games turned out...
Well, neither BC3k nor Destiny were crowdfunded. Going on crowdfunded games, I think Wasteland 2 was pretty close to the intended vision and probably Elite : Dangerous once the wings patch was implemented. But as with any game though, it's an unknown until there is an actual release.
For me personally, I stopped being part of any crowd funding of PC games. I have had some never see the light of day yet, others take so long they stopped work on platforms they stated originally, still others ended nothing like the game was promoted.

The only thing I still support through crowd funding projects is board games. Each and every time I fund one, I always get exactly what was promised.

For Star Citizen, as I stated in another thread, about it being a Stardock title. Since Stardock is involved in this game, just wait until most bugs, all patches, as well as all dlc are included in the Ultimate Edition. Then purchase if it is still something worth buying.

Might take longer to get to play it, but also guarantees less stress and frustration playing a Stardock title.
Elmofongo: I am pretty sure everyone can agree with this sentiment about the game:

What I want is a spirtual successor to the Wing Commander games and Star Wars X-Wing games. You know a campaign mission based Space Combat game.
Completely agree, but Roberts, to be honest, never promised that Star Citizen will be spirtual successor to the Wing Commander games/
Elmofongo: Only the hardcore Sci Fi nerds with no life will want to play this game.
No, the real problem will be, as always, the kids. They will start insulting other people, spamming with some crap thinking that is very fun and taking stupid nicks, leaving team in the middle of battle because their mom said: its time to go to bed. Add various trolls and idiots and you will get same problem that have any other MMO - atmosphere is COMPLETELY ruined. This is why i stopped playing MMO. Oh, and after one match in War Thunder when bunch of schoolboys made a group report because i shot down all their planes flying a bomber. They was very angry and because they could't beat me with skill they did it with help of banhammer. :)
Elmofongo: I am pretty sure everyone can agree with this sentiment about the game:

What I want is a spirtual successor to the Wing Commander games and Star Wars X-Wing games. You know a campaign mission based Space Combat game.
Randalator: You mean like Squadron 42?
Well, when it will be released - we will know if it's line Wing Commander. But honestly, i don't think that Squadron 42 will be even near Wing Commander 3 or 4 in terms of story. I suspect, that Squadron 42 will be very short campaign, a small addition to MMO. A training of sorts, but not the game like Wing Commander.
Post edited October 29, 2016 by Andrey82
The only thing I didn't like about star citizen was the long delays of development and how the money is being managed. But during the summer I can forgive this when I saw what was being developed in there version 3.0. I have to say I was impressed. Alot more work needs to be done but SC looks stunning.

I enjoy all fine details. I want it as detail as possible. Exploring, claiming or looting ruined stations or abandoned ships. Evading or confronting pirates or empire factions.

Also the more feature the better. This way SC can accommodate to everyone's needs.

All MMOs are grind fest. Some more than others unfortunately. :(

I'm a Scifi nerd with a life and I enjoy on my spare time to indulge my nergamism. :P
rampancy: I really can't think of any crowdfunded video game (or any video game in general really) with the size and scope of Star Citizen that actually fully realized their vision. The closest I can think of is perhaps Battlecruiser 3000 AD, or Destiny. And we all know how those games turned out...
TGSP: Well, neither BC3k nor Destiny were crowdfunded. Going on crowdfunded games, I think Wasteland 2 was pretty close to the intended vision and probably Elite : Dangerous once the wings patch was implemented. But as with any game though, it's an unknown until there is an actual release.
Yeah, that was a goof up on my-part; I was thinking more along the lines of a game with the apparent size, scope and ambition of Star Citizen, hence my comparisons to BC3K and Destiny. Let's also toss in No Man's Sky in that bucket while we're at it, if we're going to talk about games that promise the moon and try to be all things to all people.

In terms of crowdfunded games, I'd agree with Wasteland 2; on that note, Pillars of Eternity and the newer Shadowrun RPGs came pretty close to their intended visions too. Thing was, they started out with very, very clear goals about what they wanted to do, and how they were going to go about doing it. With Star Citizen, I really haven't seen any clear goals set out for its development or end release other than, "Wow, you get to fly around and do stuff! And buy ships!"

The pessimist in me says that Star Citizen, if it ever gets a final set-in-stone release, might very well end up being the next No Man's Sky.