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If Mixcoatli is not taking their turn, I'd say anyone can post one if they want.
Since no one's stepping up, I'll post the next one which shouldn't be too hard.
hexen_2.jpg (368 Kb)
kalirion: Since no one's stepping up, I'll post the next one which shouldn't be too hard.
that's a easy one
We are in a Dark Place if this game goes unguessed.
Seems there's already somebody with a solution anyways. The only games I've played in that (visual) regard are Quake and Eradicator and I can tell it's neither.
WRATH: Aeon of Ruin
Duke Garland: Seems there's already somebody with a solution anyways. The only games I've played in that (visual) regard are Quake and Eradicator and I can tell it's neither.
It does use a (heavily modified) Quake engine.

thraxman: WRATH: Aeon of Ruin
You got it, your turn!
Post edited March 06, 2024 by kalirion
Next ones up.
clue_1.jpg (196 Kb)
A hidden object game?
Not a hidden object game, I gotta work today so I'll post the new clues a little early, I'll check back to see if anyone's got it late tonight or tomorrow morning UK time.
clue_2.jpg (164 Kb)
clue_3.jpg (98 Kb)
it's You Will Die Here Tonight?
csanjuro: it's You Will Die Here Tonight?
Correct, your turn!
csanjuro: it's You Will Die Here Tonight?
thraxman: Correct, your turn!
Here it is
dungeon.jpg (251 Kb)
csanjuro: Here it is
Feels terribly familiar although I'm sure I've never played it. An ancestor to the HoMM series? Or a more recent game inspired by HoMM with retro graphics? A new screenshot might help, in any case some clue(s) would be helpful!
csanjuro: Here it is
Duke Garland: Feels terribly familiar although I'm sure I've never played it. An ancestor to the HoMM series? Or a more recent game inspired by HoMM with retro graphics? A new screenshot might help, in any case some clue(s) would be helpful!
it's more recent game
crawling.jpg (210 Kb)