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A 17th century porn novel called 肉蒲团 (The Carnal Prayer Mat) by Lǐ Yú.
Post edited March 17, 2021 by InSaintMonoxide
Do visual novels count? If so, Higurashi - When They Cry.
If not, The Shadow Over Innsmouth by Lovecraft.
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Now reading La tabla de Flandes (The Flanders Panel) by Arturo Pérez-Reverte.
The Ball and the Cross
by G.K. Chesterton
Lady Susan by Jane Austen
The Risen Empire [Succession #1] by S. Westerfeld
2034: A Novel of the Next World War - Elliot Ackerman & James Admiral Stavridis
On to the second and last part of the story
The Killing of Worlds [Succession #2] by S. Westerfeld
Don Carlos by Friedrich Schiller
Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
Antología En Verso y Prosa by Gabriela Mistral.
Thucydides, The war of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, in the translation by Jeremy Mynott (Cambridge texts in the history of political thought).
Fascinating work, which I can only recommend to anybody interested in ancient history or politics. The edition I'm reading is pretty nice as well, lots of helpful maps.
Don Quijote

It's 400 years old, so the hipsters gush on it.
It's readable enough, and occasionally funny, but overall only just entertaining enough that I will finish the first of the two books (second was released ten years later, and combined they are almost 1,000 pages).

I think I would have enjoyed it more if I could read it in original Spanish, and if I was familiar with all the knight books popular back then which Cervantes is making fun of. I've somewhat familiar with Roland/Orlando Furioso, but not the rest, of which Amadis de Gaula is the main inspiration. Maybe the hipsters all know Spanish and their knight books?
I'm actually about to start reading a new book called BattleTech Legends: Warrior: En Garde: The Warrior Trilogy, Book One by Michael A. Stackpole. I hope the story's gonna be good!
Post edited April 08, 2021 by Vingry