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Get Freespace 1+2, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, Descent series, Redneck Rampage and many more Interplay classics 50% off!

This week we want you to take a look back at the catalog of one of the all-time greats. Along the years Interplay released an impressive number of instant classics in whichever genre you look: real-time strategies, sci-fi simulators, cartoony platformers, 3D shooters... you name it. They were able to achieve even more, launching titles that have become stepping stones for the entire industry, changing the discussion around game mechanics or genre confines. This week's weekend promo brings you these unforgettable titles at a 50% off discount. Let's walk you through some of the classics from the Immense Interplay lineup.

Freespace 2, featuring action-packed missions, well-balanced flight model, and a gripping storyline with grueling plot twists, garnered numerous "game of the year" awards in 1999 and remains one of the best space sims ever created. If you want some quirky humor and intense gameplay check out and [url=]MDK 2. The games set new standards for action titles in level design and inventiveness with polished sniper zoom feature and the fast-paced skydiving sequences. Sacrifice, on the other hand, is a 3D real-time strategy game released before 3D real-time strategy games existed. Unlike the genre’s leaders at the time—the Command and Conquers and Warcrafts of the world—it took the bold step of letting the player control an individual character on the battlefield, and offered them the opportunity to play the game from an entrenched third-person perspective.

Navigate to the promo page, to see the entire selection of 30+ fantastic Interplay titles, all available 50% off. The promo lasts until Tuesday, January 6, at 4:59AM GMT.
Ehh.. pretty boring.
Daliz: Ehh.. pretty boring.
Not a single Linux game, I think I know how you feel about this promo ;)
Briareos262: <snip>
Grargar: During the Winter Sale 2013, Interplay's games were discounted by 60%, instead of the typical 50% that applies to all games. In addition, there was a possibility each day to get Earthworm Jim, Giants, MDK 1+2 or Sacrifice with a 75% discount. Ever since then, Interplay have never discounted any of their games for more than 50%.
There was also the promo of the more you buy the more you save. With that thermostat tracker. I recall of being to buy the whole interplay catelog for like $20-30. Im sure someone knows what the exact price was. Anyways yeah sadly that was a long time ago when they had the fallout games.
Briareos262: There was also the promo of the more you buy the more you save. With that thermostat tracker. I recall of being to buy the whole interplay catelog for like $20-30. Im sure someone knows what the exact price was. Anyways yeah sadly that was a long time ago when they had the fallout games.
Yup. $35 for all (then) 32 Interplay games.
Daliz: Ehh.. pretty boring.
vv221: Not a single Linux game, I think I know how you feel about this promo ;)
Hehe.. Actually it's pretty boring because we've had an Interplay promo many times and I have everything I want of those ;)
Is Giants: Citizen Kabuto a good game to play in multiplayer with friends?
Briareos262: There was also the promo of the more you buy the more you save. With that thermostat tracker. I recall of being to buy the whole interplay catelog for like $20-30. Im sure someone knows what the exact price was. Anyways yeah sadly that was a long time ago when they had the fallout games.
Grargar: Yup. $35 for all (then) 32 Interplay games.
yeah that was it. That was one of the best promo's ever besides the D&D one's they run every year ^_^
Daliz: Ehh.. pretty boring.
vv221: Not a single Linux game, I think I know how you feel about this promo ;)
Same here. No linux games from Interplay and I refuse to buy windows games on gog lately until gog makes a clear statement about that rar-encryption issue.
Post edited January 03, 2015 by goglin

I can wait.
*yawn* Interplay? And with a whooping 50% off? Great way to start the new year.
I'm really tempted on the Descent packs. Has it ever gone for lower though? Looking through the comments it seems like 50% off is the best we'll get for a long while.