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Backed both of them and currently playing DOS. Wonderful game, great combat, very good writing, nice colorful graphics (but demanding on hardware if you want to play it with all settings maxed and get good framerate - if not, there are a lot of settings to tweak so you can enjoy it with an older system) and beautiful soundtrack.

As for W2, I haven't installed it yet. A friend of mine, also backer of W2 and long time fan of fallout 1 & 2, was not overly impressed in the beginning but after 15 hours in, he said that the writing is actually good, the character have some depth and the combat saves the game. He seems to enjoy it now but he states that it cannot be compared to fallout. It doesn't seem to have that "magic".

If I were in your shoes right now, I would choose DOS first and leave W2 for later, after the first patches arrive. My 2c. ;-)
Vythonaut: Backed both of them and currently playing DOS. Wonderful game, great combat, very good writing, nice colorful graphics (but demanding on hardware if you want to play it with all settings maxed and get good framerate - if not, there are a lot of settings to tweak so you can enjoy it with an older system) and beautiful soundtrack.

As for W2, I haven't installed it yet. A friend of mine, also backer of W2 and long time fan of fallout 1 & 2, was not overly impressed in the beginning but after 15 hours in, he said that the writing is actually good, the character have some depth and the combat saves the game. He seems to enjoy it now but he states that it cannot be compared to fallout. It doesn't seem to have that "magic".

If I were in your shoes right now, I would choose DOS first and leave W2 for later, after the first patches arrive. My 2c. ;-)
No offence meant but this was to be a Wasteland sequel and not a fallout one. This was a perfect retake on that classic game.

The game starts a little slow but builds up later. I didn't have any earth shattering bugs with it either and I've played it since the beginning.
Thanks for the necro. Btw Wasteland 2 is pretty good. I've seen a couple of small bugs, but nothing gamebreaking.
Post edited January 09, 2015 by blotunga
As i've just finished Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall (which i absolutely loved), I'll start Wasteland 2 next. Got gifted a while ago a Humble Bundle that had Shadowrun Returns and Dragonfall, and they offered a Steam version and a DRM free version, downloadable from Humble Bundle site. Of course, i've played the DRM free version.

As for Wasteland 2, 4 or 5 patches solved most of the big problems, but they are still tweaking and fixing bugs (minor ones, but it's nice to see after launch support so dedicated).
alfoulkes: No offence meant but this was to be a Wasteland sequel and not a fallout one. This was a perfect retake on that classic game.

The game starts a little slow but builds up later. I didn't have any earth shattering bugs with it either and I've played it since the beginning.
No offence taken! He obviously knows that it is a sequel, but i guess he compares it to the Fallout games since he didn't played the original Wasteland, so Fallout is the closest to a post apocalyptic cRPG for him. I still haven't managed to play Wasteland 2 yet, so i don't have an opinion about it's qualities. (Just finished D:OS and i'm playing an FPS for a change)

As for D:OS, i can say it's one of the greatest cRPGs of all time and definitely in my top 10 favourites list, among the Infinity Engine cRPGs, Fallout, Drakensang, Witcher, TES & Dragon Age Origins. :-)
Divinity Original Sin, is the better deal, right now.
gbaz69: Good luck making a decision on this, I'm deciding which to get myself.

wolfsrain: Gameplay - Divinity: Original Sin

Story and Atmosphere: Wasteland 2
gbaz69: It can never be both huh? Perhaps the devs should get together and have a game baby together.
It of course can be. The trick about Divinity is just that they didn´t want to create a "good, but quite regular" storyline but failed in delivering a real captive alternative! Anyways, both games got it´s charme. I wouldn´t say one of them should be wasted...

BTW: It would be interesting to get to know what choice the TE did make...
Ml33tninja: I wanted both as both a fan of their series and the gameplay. I am looking for experience form the community. Which would you say I should buy first. I say first because I will be getting the next one ASAP.
Personally I'd say go for D:OS if you can deal with more fantasy RPG action.
It's quite a nice game, decent size and has co-op.
And the developer has said they'll develop more games using the same engine and any improvements made to it will be patched into D:OS as well.
And I think it's moddable as well, so there might be some nice user made campaigns coming.
Divinity Original Sin it's next on my to buy list, along with Lords of Xulima and Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms. As i need to build a new PC, Witcher 3 is out of question for me right now.
I think D:OS is a much more polished game, they are both good, but I would consider D:OS to be in a different league to W2.

I guess if you were to choose, it would be down to whether you prefer an Apocalyptic setting or a Fantasy one.
definitely Divinity

Wasteland is annoying as hell and all you'll ever do in it will be saving/loading to unlock that door with 12 % probability (only to find an old sock behind it) and such...

there are some nice quests and the combat is quite fine, but in general this game is just not worth it

(my opinion of course)
Wasteland 2 is damn near a masterpiece, I don't know about D:OS other than I'm very interested in getting it when my current game pile is a little less intimidating (or it's in a sale, which is the thing that will undoubtedly happen first).

The only problem I have with Wasteland 2 is the large random element, which encourages (if not requires) save scumming.
Navagon: The only problem I have with Wasteland 2 is the large random element, which encourages (if not requires) save scumming.
I read that people recommend Outdoorsmen skill with one character, it reduces the chance for them to happen.
I was going to make a thread but i'll highjack this one.

Quick question, D:OS, is it better to play single or coop? My friend bought that game and now is bothering me to play coop but i have this feeling this is one of those games better experienced alone, especially when the combat is turn based.
Cyraxpt: I was going to make a thread but i'll highjack this one.

Quick question, D:OS, is it better to play single or coop? My friend bought that game and now is bothering me to play coop but i have this feeling this is one of those games better experienced alone, especially when the combat is turn based.
I can't speak to co-op as I've not played it that way (although a friend of mine says it's a blast), but I'm finding the single player to be pretty damned fun. I can see how the co-op might be pretty fun too though.

More on-topic, as I've now played both games: tough to choose between them. I'd say they're two of the best games I played in the past year (I've not finished D:OS yet, but I know I'm very close to the end). Somewhere upthread someone stated that for story it's D:OS, which I tend to agree with, but don't be fooled into thinking there's no story in W2. It's also pretty decent in that regard. Both games are turn-based and both are a helluva lot of fun, IMO. Can't go wrong with either one as far as I'm concerned. So it probably boils down to setting, really.