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Throwback Thursday is our new series where we want to put a spotlight on the beloved classic games. Each week, we will be picking a classic game or a series to revive your memories or to introduce you to those titles. Each game will receive a recommendation from one of us, the people who work here at GOG. We would also like to invite you to the discussion in the comments – let us know if you still love (or maybe not) these titles of yesteryear.

The Throwback Thursday series is done in cooperation with The Video Game History Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, celebrating and teaching the history of video games. The foundation is built by passionate people who share the same love of classics as you and we do. They will be helping us to pick the games and recommend them to you. We may have a surprise or two coming for you as well.

If you like what The Video Game History Foundation does for games preservation and want to support them, we encourage you to check their donation page.

Since this is the first Throwback Thursday, we’ve decided to launch it with a bang and prepared not one, but 6 recommendations of games from Ziggurat Interactive – you can check their entire catalog currently on sale.

Superhero League of Hoboken
Recommended by Frank Cifaldi from The Video Game History Foundation

I'm a sucker for superhero parody, and I'm also a sucker for 90s point-and-click adventure games, so this is a hard one for me to resist. On top of that, the game is designed by Steve Meretzky, an absolute legend. The only thing holding this one back is a bit of interface and design awkwardness due to its age (you might want to have a walkthrough on standby), but I don't think that's going to be a problem for most GOG players!

Retro Classix: Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja
Recommended by Frank Cifaldi from The Video Game History Foundation

The American Cheese of video games! This is a perfect encapsulation of the era of Japanese creators making games to appeal to American 80s action movie fans, and it's so over the top that you can pretend like it's a parody. What was with our obsession with ninjas back then, anyway?

A Boy and His Blob
Recommended by Frank Cifaldi from The Video Game History Foundation

This is a lovely little lazy afternoon game, a low-stress puzzle platformer with relaxing music. And did I mention the gorgeous 2D animation, by the masters at Wayforward? It's so chill that there's even a dedicated hug button for hugging your little blob friend. Does the hug button actually do anything to affect the gameplay? I don't think so, but I think that's the point.

Battle Engine Aquila
Recommended by Matthias, Customer Support Representative at GOG

As a kid, I once in a while passed by an electronics store where one could briefly play Battle Engine Aquila on a console. The battles with huge numbers of enemies and allies, plus the ability to shift with one button from ground to air combat, weren't something I've ever seen in another game before and instantly captivated me! After that, I haven't touched Battle Engine Aquila for more than 18 years but just recently I finally experienced the full game... and it plays as I remembered! The battle atmosphere and fast pace ground&air combat are still great fun today!

Uprising: Join or Die
Recommended by Matthias, Customer Support Representative at GOG

Uprising: Join or Die has a similar "in the midst"-feeling like Battle Engine Aquila and is a unique mix of vehicle shooter and strategy game. You feel like a true commander when ordering units, requesting bombing runs and fighting yourself at the same time. Additionally, you can upgrade your battle tank and combat units after every level which offers great replay value and another strategic component. It's a truly beautiful game which is well worth your attention!

Recommended by Judas, Technical Customer Support Specialist at GOG

If you're looking for an RPG that is different from the usual Dungeons & Dragons fare from the early 1990s then look no further. Set in medieval Germany, Darklands offers real-time combat with a pause and an interesting magic system that uses the power of prayer and alchemy. Break apart witch covens, perform quests for the Hanseatic League, and free people from the oppressive rule of various Raubritters (robber barons).

Have you played those games? Share your memories with the whole community in the comments.
glad to see hoboken getting some attention. it's not your typical legend entertainment adventure, but it's a lot of fun.
Getting Corridor 7 for free, wouldn't that be the equivalency of getting cancer for free? Just because you can get it doesn't mean that you want it. There is nothing like a game from Capstone which is the self proclaimed pinnacle of entertainment software, which one would think would go without saying.
Ya Ziggurat discounts are a little glitched right now, Games have shown up as 10%, then I refresh and some go to 25%, on game was 35% but then I visited the page and it jumped to 50%. I do own more than 10 games in the sale.
Post edited October 21, 2021 by wolfsite
Nice movement from Ziggurat. Deadly Dozen and Corridor 7 in my Library for free.

The-Business: If one is eligible for free game(s), does one lose the additional discount? It is shown neither in the list nor on checkout when I compare the prices to the ones shown in a browser where I am not logged in. Also, how high are the discounts? Or this is a fix amount during the checkout?
From what I can tell, it should be correct at checkout.

The additional discount for owning 5+ games is 15% (35 becomes 50). I assume the bonus 3+ discount is 10%. All of the bonuses are retroactive. If you put Deadly Dozen into your cart and see it as free, everything will have a 15% higher discount than it shows in the catalogue.

The collections and some games seem to be limited to 10% additional discount no matter how many games you own.

I'd wait a bit and see how it settles. I'd hate to refund stuff because of an improperly applied discount.
Post edited October 21, 2021 by idbeholdME
I like the concept of this new series. Have never played any of this titles so will be glad to give them a try (at least some of them)

Thanks GOG and TVGHF for the retro game sweetness!
high rated
Games that Ziggurat released on Steam only (not recently)

- Murders in Space
- Armorik the Viking: The Eight Conquests
- Betrayal
- Where Time Stood Still
- The Great Escape
- Sleepwalker
- Central Intelligence
- Marco Polo
- Mystical
- Chaos Control
- Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess
- World War II GI

I'd like those games to be preserved on GOG, Marco Polo and Murders in Space in the first place.
Some of the companies under A trusted historical resource around the world are laughably. CNN? LA Times? lol
Nice, I would prefer more detail about one game that a generic description of 6
I don't want to belittle the VGHF but IMHO the SPS is way more important than something superficial and shortliving like the VGHF. Just read what the SPS does.

What is VGHFs response to the scientific realities? If they want to preserve the history of video games, they must ensure that it should be a lasting goal, not some feel-good makebelieve thing that will only last during their lifetime. History preservation, even more so for digital media, is far more serious and less gratifying than that, as it should be. After all, digital media unlike many other things aren't really that capable to stand the test of time.

To the very least I hope that VGHF stores their stuff in [url=some of these things][/url] (or anything cryonetic). I weep for humanity if people don't take this stuff seriously.

Stuff like this is also extremely important for paper-based media such as books. There are already books out there that one can damage permanently just by touching it gently, or even sunlight illuminating the pages. Some of the books (most written during medieval times) don't even have any copies. In case that somebody doesn't get it, once the book is damage and pages are lost they're lost forever. There are also people who try to faithfully handle and preserve the information stored inside them, like reconverting the information storing in these books and then storing it in another device to ensure the data isn't lost within the next few thousand years. Remember, copying data also means losing the original footprints of it. The more you do it, the less stable the piece of data becomes, which is why one must do it only once at best so the original footprint (the accuracy of information) so to speak must be 100% accurate at best.

Even though this non-issue is pretty easy to understand, for the sake of context I feel that I should disclaim that I judge data indecriminately. Every piece of information must be stored forever, or else they're lost forever. Once the reality of decay hits you it can be pretty eye opening just how shortliving digital data is even compared to the other (slightly) lesser prone to decay forms. But knowing this, its easy to come up with a way so this doesn't happen. The feel good stuff the VGHF seems to do seems a little bit counterproductive though, unless they disclose how the digital data is stored (it could be that they've using GEM to store their stuff, but I highly doubt that. I bet a couple of hundredthousand dollars that they just digitalize that stuff and re-copy it after a threshhold is met, losing more and more accurate preserved data as the centuries go by. Its like they've choosen the most easiest but most grim outcome because it feels the most feel-goodiest and also the most simple to do.
Post edited October 21, 2021 by Dray2k
I thought Killing Time had been deemed impossible to fix for running on modern computers. How did the impossible become possible? The version being sold here and at Steam is pretty much the same release that was provided by Tommo, right?

Also, I seem to remember allegations of Tommo's fix using code that was stolen from Zoom Platform. What ever happened with that?

IIRC, Zoom's version became free, after their work had been stolen. It's a shame that the game is temporarily unavailable, now. Theirs has a few more extras, one of which is the manual from the PC version and not for the 3DO's.
Thanks for the freebies, GOG and Ziggurat Interactive.
I'd recommend Superhero League of Hoboken

It was developed with the engine Legend used in games like Companions of Xanth or Death Gate. But this time the game is a peculiar mix of a first person point and click game and a RPG with combat in the vein of Might an Magic or Dragon Quest.

The game is silly and it wants to be in that way. It is a pure parody that does not take itself too seriously but the result is a very well designed game, fun, lighthearted, smooth and a bit alien. The game is pretty US focused, US jokes, local pop culture.

The interface is not as bad as it can be at first sight, just a bit outdated, all is pretty polished for those who already tried previous Legends graphic adventures. I like a lot the engine Legend used in those games.

You have a lot of freedom to navigate at will in an open world postapocaliptic New York leading a band of absurd superheroes with absurd weapons and powers, fight random and fixed battles and choosing missions in the order you want.
In some places the game is turned in a traditional Legend first person adventure game where you solve puzzles, use objects, seach for tools. And all is more familiar.

This kind of mix was risky and it could have became a pure mess, and me, for years ignored this game not interested in those experiments. But the game is very good, fun and unique.

Maybe later Shannara made something similar mixing a point and click adventure and light RPG.

Now try to convince to the rights/IP owners of the rest of the Legend games and bring them to GOG. If I am not wrong all of them literacy works. they are six left :D

Post edited October 21, 2021 by Gudadantza
Darklands, possibly, took the developers 3x the time to research and design it than coding it.

It would do a great TTRPG.
Gudadantza: Now try to convince to the rights/IP owners of the rest of the Legend games and bring them to GOG. If I am not wrong all of them literacy works. they are six left :D
This might be easier now than 5 years ago, Elvira games are example. I think that some ppl learned to value even smaller money because of covid.