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astroclay: Personally, I thought that the plot for "Babylon" was absolutely atrocious, beginning with a tired scenario about terrorism that was completely out of place for the X-Files. What's worse, the episode was just boring and characteristic of Chris Carter's peculiar writing style with his trademark emphasis on wooden dialogue, penchant for introducing irrelevant characters, and all-too-obvious religious allusions.
I agree, that's exactly what I thought of this latest episode. Most episodes I've at least found entertaining even if they were kinda bad, but not this one.
darthspudius: There has been a lot of negativity about the new episodes, iv loved them so far.
Breja: I think they really shot themselves in the foot by starting with the weakest episode. The pilo really was just plain bad, and I think many people just took it as a confirmation of their worst fears about this mini-series. To my surprise I've seen some scathing reviews of this latest episode (EDIT: there is one above me now :D). I think if they just locked the pilot away and opened with the second or third episode the overall mood among the audience and critics would be much better. All in all this "season" is very uneven, but I'm still glad it was made. Even if the last episode next week falls flat on it's face, I still had some fun with the series, and it reminded me of how much fun X-Files was. I already bought a box-set of all previous seasons :)
What was wrong with it?
Breja: I think they really shot themselves in the foot by starting with the weakest episode. The pilo really was just plain bad, and I think many people just took it as a confirmation of their worst fears about this mini-series. To my surprise I've seen some scathing reviews of this latest episode (EDIT: there is one above me now :D). I think if they just locked the pilot away and opened with the second or third episode the overall mood among the audience and critics would be much better. All in all this "season" is very uneven, but I'm still glad it was made. Even if the last episode next week falls flat on it's face, I still had some fun with the series, and it reminded me of how much fun X-Files was. I already bought a box-set of all previous seasons :)
darthspudius: What was wrong with it?
With what? If you mean the pilot, I laid it out in the very first post :)
darthspudius: What was wrong with it?
Breja: With what? If you mean the pilot, I laid it out in the very first post :)
Oooh that. Can't say I agree, each to their own though.
I think the biggest problem is this was promoted as a mini-series. Instead, so far it's just pretty much 5 unrelated episodes. It's messing with people's expectations. So far I've really liked two of them, the last one and the 3rd. Although I agree the terrorism bit was unnecessary and felt lazy. The rest have been so-so.

If they were really going to do this, why is it only 6 episodes?
meh...x-files was good back in the 90s when it first came out.

Back then many people including my school principal actually believed in UFOs. Which added to the popularity of the show.

That is not the case anymore. This show is not interesting anymore and has lost its magic.
RWarehall: I think the biggest problem is this was promoted as a mini-series. Instead, so far it's just pretty much 5 unrelated episodes. It's messing with people's expectations. So far I've really liked two of them, the last one and the 3rd. Although I agree the terrorism bit was unnecessary and felt lazy. The rest have been so-so.

If they were really going to do this, why is it only 6 episodes?
Yeah... I only liked the 3rd (a lot!) and the 5th episodes so far as well. There are unconfirmed speculations after the 5th episode and the introduction of Agent Miller and Agent Einstein (Mulder and Scully 2.0 as they're lovingly called) that a spin-off is on the table. Maybe that was the point. To re-introduce the X-Files to a new generation.
RWarehall: If they were really going to do this, why is it only 6 episodes?
I'm pretty sure they're "testing the waters", so to speak. Depending on the numbers for this series, and reactions, they might do a proper 11th season. I think that's also why it seems to be that every episode is an attempt a different "flavor" of X-Files. I know many are speculating about Einstein & Miller possibly taking over, but I very much doubt it. I think it's obvious it's Mulder & Scully we're here to see. Now, I'd like Einstein and Miller to return for an episode or two if we get another season, and maybe if they get more screen time they might actually grow into characters capable of carrying the show, but that is definately not the case yet.
I don't remember the original series as being quite as.. whimsical.
Still, what I've seen has at least been entertaining.
Smannesman: I don't remember the original series as being quite as.. whimsical.
I just watched the whole series again (the original one) and I can assure you that it was even more whimsical. I think most people just forgot about it.
And it's over. Sort of.

Seeing how this is the follow up to the god-awful season premiere, I expected something just as bad. That, and only that, is why I didn't outright hate this episode. While meandering, lame, badly written and just stupid, it's still not as bad as the pilot was. At least something is actually happening this time around, and Mulder and Scully are not as bored and lost, without a purpose like they were in that first episode.

Still, it's bad in pretty much every way. That it makes pretty much no sense if one tries to connect it to the "conspiracy" episodes of the original X-FIles I can forgive. I already said before that the only way to actually enjoy this season is to treat it as something that exists in it's own little bubble. BUt it makes little to no sense even consider on it's own. It makes little sense in connection to the rest of the season. It's filled with almost nothing but scenes of blunt-force-traume exposition and Scully talking about alien DNA. It's this kind of "talky" episode that needs a very good cast giving it their very best, and a superb dialogue in between the techno-babble to pull off well. The kind of thing Star Trek The Next Generation excelled at. This does not pull it off at all. It gets just boring, and once you look at the time and realise it's not going to actually wrap up in this episode and will end on a cliffhanger, you just lose any interest you might have had.

Other than that, a few minor points of amusement:
-despite being given a place in the credits this season, Skinner barely does anything in any episode he's in. In fact, I don't think he was ever as useless and uncessary a character as he was this season.

-was I the only one who found Jason Bourne style bad-ass Mulder funny? Since when can he do shit like that? And yes, that fight scene made no sense regardless of that, in more ways than I care to count.

-even if it made perfect sense, how disspointing is it, that the great endgame to X-Files is lame rip-off of pretty much every Ra's al Ghul plot ever?

-the fuck happened to agent Doggett?
Shit. This was genuinely bad TV. The script was bad, the acting was bad, it was a dreadfully awful "finale" by all accounts...
why would they bring this back not to do it good? was there any specific this was done if they didn't have something good lined up? I thought the whole point of it being a miniseries was that it was gonna be a nice tight story that would be done well. they would only do so much of it because what they would do they would do right. what was the point?
johnnygoging: why would they bring this back not to do it good? was there any specific this was done if they didn't have something good lined up? I thought the whole point of it being a miniseries was that it was gonna be a nice tight story that would be done well. they would only do so much of it because what they would do they would do right. what was the point?
Chris Carter wanking off, probably.
johnnygoging: why would they bring this back not to do it good?
I'm going to guess "cashing in on established, nostalgic franchise". You know, the thing everyone and their dead aunt are doing right now.

Ah well, at least this trend also has it's upsides, like Ash vs Evil Dead.
Post edited February 23, 2016 by Breja