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dtgreene: Apparently, there is a problematic aspect to the new episode:

From what I can tell, this is just one small aspect of the episode, but it still is problematic and that detail could have been omitted without adversely affecting the episode.

With that said, I should probably end with this link:
sunshinecorp: Apparently, "politically correct" people will eventually ruin the fun in everything, everywhere, ever. Watch some South Park before it's too late.
Actually, since you mentioned South Park, they actually did an episode that handled trans issues well.
Darn, figures the 3rd episode would be good after I had already given up on the show for this 6 episode run.
Last week's episode was pretty bad imo so this stopped being dvr material for me. I guess I'll catch it online or see if its on demand yet.

Side note: Anyone watch Lucifer? I caught the pilot last week after X-Files but because I didn't watch it this week I missed Lucifer too. The pilot was pretty good but I'm not into procedurals like CSI or into Castle type shows. Don't know what direction this show is going to go with their storytelling. I'm guessing similar to Castle but with a supernatural element to it.
Damn, that third episode was good. Great fun. Definately not just the best so far in this mini-series, but one of the better "fun" episodes in X-Files in general. Finally it felt like X-Files. And it felt like Duchovny and Anderson had fun too, and were actually glad to be there, rather than bored. If they opned with this episode maybe they wouldn't lose half their audience by now.

I guess the best way to watch this series is to just not even try to make much sense of continuity, and how much sense it makes to have Scully and Mulder back in that basement, just to think of it as "more X-Files episodes" in a sort of bubble of it's own.

I'm just afraid the final two episodes, both written and directed by Carter, will be just like the first one. And that would be a shame, because this one actually proved to me that there is still enough of a spark in the show to entertain on a quality level, even if it's past relevance can't be reclaimed.

infinitee8: Side note: Anyone watch Lucifer?
No, and I never will. It's downright offensive for me as a fan of the original comics. It's like turning The Wizard of Earthsea into a police procedural.
Post edited February 03, 2016 by Breja
I wouldn't mind a whole mini-series consisting of just comedy episodes. That would have been awesome.
Breja: No, and I never will. It's downright offensive for me as a fan of the original comics. It's like turning The Wizard of Earthsea into a police procedural.
Had no idea this was based off a comic. So many shows these days are coming from the comic book world and I don't have a clue about any of those background stories or histories.
I just watched it because it was on after X-Files and I wasn't sleepy yet.
Breja: No, and I never will. It's downright offensive for me as a fan of the original comics. It's like turning The Wizard of Earthsea into a police procedural.
infinitee8: Had no idea this was based off a comic. So many shows these days are coming from the comic book world and I don't have a clue about any of those background stories or histories.
Really it's based on the comic in name only, and the idea of Lucifer having "quit" Hell. Trust me, it's a travesty. They took a series spanning entire universes, a series about free will, destiny, the nature of god, faith, religion, personal responsibilty and rebellion and turned it into a quirky cop show. I mean, if you happen to enjoy the show, power to you- for what it is, it might even be well made, I don't know. Just know that the comic exists, and really is something much greater. If you keep following the show, do give the comic a try too, just so you know how different they are. It's Lucifer written by Mike Carey, published by DC/Vertigo.

It seems they are publishing a new comic now, that is supposed to be a sequel to the old series, but it has a different writer, and trust me- the old series ending does not allow for sequels. They are just milking the popular properties any way they can.
RWarehall: Hence why they couldn't make up their mind what happened with Mulder's sister, contradicting itself many times over.
God, don't remind me. Especially the ending to the sister's story arc was just a big "fuck you" to the viewers IMO, ultimate proof that the writers gave less of a shit about the show than the fans.
Breja: No, and I never will. It's downright offensive for me as a fan of the original comics.
Exactly. Lucifer is a great comic series and Lucifer himself is one of the greatest characters in comics. And on the TV series he's made into a crime-solving CLOWN? WTF are they thinking?
RWarehall: Hence why they couldn't make up their mind what happened with Mulder's sister, contradicting itself many times over.
F4LL0UT: God, don't remind me. Especially the ending to the sister's story arc was just a big "fuck you" to the viewers IMO, ultimate proof that the writers gave less of a shit about the show than the fans.
A psychic and some sort of good spirits? That was far out dude.
Aaand we're back to sub-par and pointless. A boring, meandering episode, the monster of the week was dull, and felt like an afterthought, didn't in any way fit in with he stuff with Scully's mother and no one really seemed to care about solving the "mystery". I'm guessing Mulder's and Sculy's kid is going to be an important part of the finale, otherwise having spent another episode lingering on him was a total waste of time, but even if he will be the focus of the final episode, this still felt like it contributed very little after the second episode already focused on the same subject. Maybe I'm particularly hard on it, since personally I'd rather we try and forget about the kid and Mulder and Scully's relationship and just tried to move on to have fun with new mysteries, whether they be just silly like last week, or something more properly scary or just plain weird, as long as they actually have some identity, unlike this bland episode.
Aaand... we're back with a good episode. Damn, this sure is a rollercoaster ride. Ok, this wasn't a "great" episode, but I still really liked it. It should not have really worked, as it tackled a serious, real life issue in a rather crazy way, at times even with almost "were-monster episode" level comedy. The very introduction of agents Miller & Einstein, who are basically younger versions of Mulder and Scully was very weird and meta. Honestly, if you look at a plot synopsis, the only possible conclusion is that this episode should not have worked. It should have been a disaster. And yet, for me, it worked very well. It somehow managed to walk that line between weird/funny and poingnant, at least in the emotional sense. And yes, I loved Mulder's mushroom high sequence.

SIDENOTE: Am I the only one still watching? Anyone here, or just the GOG forum's least wanted?
Post edited February 17, 2016 by Breja
Breja: Aaand... we're back with a good episode. Damn, this sure is a rollercoaster ride. Ok, this wasn't a "great" episode, but I still really liked it. It should not have really worked, as it tackled a serious, real life issue in a rather crazy way, at times even with almost "were-monster episode" level comedy. The very introduction of agents Miller & Einstein, who are basically younger versions of Mulder and Scully was very weird and meta. Honestly, if you look at a plot synopsis, the only possible conclusion is that this episode should not have worked. It should have been a disaster. And yet, for me, it worked very well. It somehow managed to walk that line between weird/funny and poingnant, at least in the emotional sense. And yes, I loved Mulder's mushroom high sequence.

SIDENOTE: Am I the only one still watching? Anyone here, or just the GOG forum's least wanted?
Mulder's transcendental experience in that episode was pretty great, I agree. The comedic timing on that, and then the big reveal from Einstein about her source for mushrooms, and then Mulder's big reveal at the end, priceless.

Only part I found odd was Mulder and Scully's dialogue on religion at the end of the episode. Seemed a bit out of place to me.

SIDENOTE: I don't know, maybe people just don't get it.
There has been a lot of negativity about the new episodes, iv loved them so far.
Greeting! I've been watching the show pretty regularly, and generally, I have been enjoying it. However, I thought this most recent episode was by far the weakest of the new season.

Personally, I thought that the plot for "Babylon" was absolutely atrocious, beginning with a tired scenario about terrorism that was completely out of place for the X-Files. What's worse, the episode was just boring and characteristic of Chris Carter's peculiar writing style with his trademark emphasis on wooden dialogue, penchant for introducing irrelevant characters, and all-too-obvious religious allusions.

While the series has certainly gone through its highs and lows,this episode was just plain bad given the promise it had shown during the opening segment. It had the opportunity to be something else, and perhaps discuss Islamophobia in the US or the current refugee crisis. However, what we got in the end was a tedious plot about an art gallery bombing in southern Texas, complete with stereotypes galore. Boo!
darthspudius: There has been a lot of negativity about the new episodes, iv loved them so far.
I think they really shot themselves in the foot by starting with the weakest episode. The pilo really was just plain bad, and I think many people just took it as a confirmation of their worst fears about this mini-series. To my surprise I've seen some scathing reviews of this latest episode (EDIT: there is one above me now :D). I think if they just locked the pilot away and opened with the second or third episode the overall mood among the audience and critics would be much better. All in all this "season" is very uneven, but I'm still glad it was made. Even if the last episode next week falls flat on it's face, I still had some fun with the series, and it reminded me of how much fun X-Files was. I already bought a box-set of all previous seasons :)
Post edited February 18, 2016 by Breja