finkleroy: This is the 4,000th key given away in all iterations of this giveaway combined! Many thanks to all the donors and everyone who ran the giveaway before me! Wow, amazing number! A huge thank you to all the donors and hosts over the years!
finkleroy: Before I added the donations option, people kept asking me if there was a way to speed up the process. I figured that donating some games would be good enough proof that you're not just here to get free games, so I added it to the standard response I use when someone's ineligible. The Puzzlemaster told me he used to make an exception for people every once in a blue moon after speaking with them for a bit. I figured that's fair enough, but IMO talk is cheap. Show me you're serious.
*nods* Your (and zeo's) call, I was just saying that imho an ongoing giveaway for active community members should have no way to speed up the process. In fact, if it'd be me, I'd delay it, if not outright ban, for anyone asking to speed it up. But, again, it's not me :)