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high rated
It totally baffles me that people here don't recognize that TomNuke is just here to whine and bitch. TomNuke announced to leave this forum forever but this user is still here. Steam great. GOG shit. Drama here. Drama there. This is the short summary of all posts of this user. I really don't understand why people here constantly are wasting their time with users like TomNuke. I mean there is nothing to win here. Just ignore the drivel of this user and move on.
TomNuke: That's exactly the kind of bizarre thinking I'm talking about. "Planning for the long term"... That's something that most responsible people do think about, but not when it comes to videogames
Not bizarre at all. Some of us really like our gaming.

TomNuke: Hmm. I need to start planning for how I might be able to play my GOG game collection 30 years from now. Haha.
Why not? I'll most likely still be around and retired. I'll have a lot more time to play games.

TomNuke: Most games from S**** are already archived and easily pirated. I mean, just considering how big Steam is, do you really think that isn't going to happen? So to think that your offline GOG installers are in better shape than what's on S**** would be wrong.
I don't like getting pirated stuff. I like to be able to trace the software that runs on my machine to legitimate sources (not necessarily commercial, open-source is very welcome, but I like to know from where what runs on my machine originated)

TomNuke: As for Gabe, it's kind of morbid that you even bring stuff up like that in your attempt to defend GOG and your long term planning (LOL) of your software collection.
That's my whole point. It's a little bit crazy that control is centralised to the point where access to your games might be contingent on the well being of one person.

TomNuke: Plus I don't worry about "what if" situations, so I'm not worried about S**** in the short term, and most definitely not thinking about it in the long term. Whatever happens will happen. I leave that kind of tinfoil hat crap for the people on GOG, and I get my laughs because of it.
Of course. We're all silly and you are wise beyond your years. And I won't pester you about it when Steam collapses.

TomNuke: For all we know Gabe has his vision for S**** and how he wants to see his private company run when he steps down. He may already have a sucessor lined up to take over the reins when that time comes. You mentioned how important he is to the industry and the PC community, so I don't think Valve is going to be in the wrong hands when Gabe is ready to move on. For all we know he might not even really be active in the company much now, and is more of a figure head at this point than anything else.
From what I observed, things can indeed go well (in the absence of unforeseen disruptive elements) for a while during a certain leadership and then collapse spectacularly once the reign is passed to someone else.

Of course, there are other sources of disruption, but that's a major one to be aware of. That's a big reason why monarchies didn't do so well (their transition system was particularly erratic and horrible).

Otherwise, I won't dispute that it seems likely that Gabe is a very competent leader. I hope things turn out well for you.
Post edited July 10, 2022 by Magnitus
Truth007: whats wrong with N64?
Magnitus: Artificial fragmentation of the market with exclusivity deals, brand name momentum and proprietary non-portable apis rather than superior hardware.

Forced obsolescence though deprecation of an non-open platform not just at the software layer, but hardware layer as well.

Basically, if you bought a Nintendo 64 game 20 years ago (by which time I'm assuming your console went kaput), the only way you can legally play your game now is though the resale market. There is no legal portability layer for Nintendo 64 hardware the way there is with aging Windows software.

Technically, you have pure software emulation of consoles which is legal, but it doesn't matter, because all adapted game files for said emulation are illegal and there is no way in hell they'll give up even the tiniest amount of control by releasing them legally even if they'd rake in some money by doing so (I'm sure they'd much rather way until the ip rights run out and then just torch everything).

So, if you want to play that aging title, you got a couple of choices:
- Get a second hand Nintendo 64 (every time crossing your fingers it works properly) and hope the market for those doesn't dry up or become prohibitively expensive
- Get a non-official 100% illegal software port of your game through shady channels
- Make sure to buy daddy's latest console iteration and pay him some more money for those games you already bought 20 years ago on some anthology package. Aren't you just excited at the thought that you (and your kids and grand kids at least for a part of their lives) will probably pay daddy again for the same thing in another decade or two (sure, they ported it on some higher resolution... totally excruciating work I'm sure)
Agree completely with your points.

I'd also like to add that Nintendo is particularly guilty of artificial scarcity regarding their products:

- Numerous "limited" or "collectors" products (that's not strictly consoles BTW, even stuff like controllers can be affected too, and there's nothing "unique" apart from the fact that they had a limited print run - N64 controllers come to mind).
- Adding time-limited digital titles on their e-shop (which is just used for enforcing FOMO).
- Shutting down old gen consoles' e-shop too early (the last first-party 3DS title was released in 2019 and they are shutting down the 3DS e-shop next year).

which has become even worse lately.
Post edited July 10, 2022 by Ixoliptis
low rated
Magnitus: Not bizarre at all. Some of us really like our gaming.
Sounds more like unhealthy addiction and obsession to me, but hey, it's better than some of the other things people can get into. So knock yourself out.

Magnitus: I don't like getting pirated stuff. I like to be able to trace the software that runs on my machine to legitimate sources (not necessarily commercial, open-source is very welcome, but I like to know from where what runs on my machine originated)
Who says you need to pirate anything? Remove the tissue paper yourself, if there even is any, and create your own installers. Anyways, software compatibility is the major concern here.

Magnitus: Of course. We're all silly and you are wise beyond your years. And I won't pester you about it when Steam collapses.
I'd never say or think such a thing, but I do think it's strange to be worrying about how you're going to play your digital computer games 30+ years from now. I only ever see that talk around the GOG crowd also.

Magnitus: From what I observed, things can indeed go well (in the absence of unforeseen disruptive elements) for a while during a certain leadership and then collapse spectacularly once the reign is passed to someone else.

Of course, there are other sources of disruption, but that's a major one to be aware of. That's a big reason why monarchies didn't do so well (their transition system was particularly erratic and horrible).

Otherwise, I won't dispute that it seems likely that Gabe is a very competent leader. I hope things turn out well for you.
Of course it will turn out well, because I have no emotional investment in it. I buy games that I'm interested in when I want to play them, I consume the content and experience, and then usually I never touch it again. I don't have some attachment to my GOG or S**** libraries. I mean, yea, I guess it would suck if my S**** and GOG libraries just disappeared in the next year or something, but I'd quickly move on.
TomNuke: Sounds more like unhealthy addiction and obsession to me, but hey, it's better than some of the other things people can get into. So knock yourself out.
Life is about finding things you are passionate about and pursuing them.

Passionate people have brought us many wonderful things.

It becomes unhealthy if it is harming you or others. No such thing here.

TomNuke: Who says you need to pirate anything? Remove the tissue paper yourself, if there even is any, and create your own installers. Anyways, software compatibility is the major concern here.
You were talking about having your own copy being irrelevant, because there are pirated versions before.

I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot stick.

TomNuke: I'd never say or think such a thing, but I do think it's strange to be worrying about how you're going to play your digital computer games 30+ years from now. I only ever see that talk around the GOG crowd also.
It's a lifelong hobby. What's worrying about it? Seems like you have a stigma against gaming.

TomNuke: Of course it will turn out well, because I have no emotional investment in it.
So the path to a good life is not to get emotionally invested in things? No love? No passion? Nothing ever gets to you? Everything is always chill because you don't care?

TomNuke: I buy games that I'm interested in when I want to play them, I consume the content and experience, and then usually I never touch it again. I don't have some attachment to my GOG or S**** libraries. I mean, yea, I guess it would suck if my S**** and GOG libraries just disappeared in the next year or something, but I'd quickly move on.
Well, that's you. I'd be upset.

Ixoliptis: - Numerous "limited" or "collectors" products (that's not strictly consoles BTW, even stuff like controllers can be affected too, and there's nothing "unique" apart from the fact that they had a limited print run - N64 controllers come to mind).
Hadn't thought of that one concerning controllers. Good point.

toma85: It totally baffles me that people here don't recognize that TomNuke is just here to whine and bitch. TomNuke announced to leave this forum forever but this user is still here. Steam great. GOG shit. Drama here. Drama there. This is the short summary of all posts of this user. I really don't understand why people here constantly are wasting their time with users like TomNuke. I mean there is nothing to win here. Just ignore the drivel of this user and move on.
I often get a kick out of hashing it out with people that have opposite viewpoints. Assuming it doesn't become hostile, it gets me thinking about stuff.
Post edited July 10, 2022 by Magnitus
low rated
zgrillo2004: Another thing about Epic is about a portion of their shares is bought by Tencent and thats in bed with the CCP, which is bad news for democratic nations like the US. that being said, This news is not going to change anything. in fact its going to make more losses in profits and which most players will resort to using other methods to acquire these DLCs
I have written a negative review about Epic Games making their video games exclusive to the Epic Games store and not developing brand new video games that are not Free to Play (F2P) video games on Steam over one year ago and for Rocket League before Epic Games removed selling Rocket League from Steam and making Rocket League Free to Play (F2P).

There are more negative reviews on video games from Epic Games to come from me on both soon and on Steam.

Sadly I missed purchasing Fall Guys from Steam before Epic Games removed selling Fall Guys on Steam and made Fall Guys Free to Play (F2P) on the Epic Games store.

There will be about five or so more negative video games reviews that I will be writing on both and on Steam soon.

I do not think it will make much of a difference, but at least some PC video gamers on Steam are finding my negative reviews helpful.
low rated
zgrillo2004: Another thing about Epic is about a portion of their shares is bought by Tencent and thats in bed with the CCP, which is bad news for democratic nations like the US. that being said, This news is not going to change anything. in fact its going to make more losses in profits and which most players will resort to using other methods to acquire these DLCs
Johnathanamz: I have written a negative review about Epic Games making their video games exclusive to the Epic Games store and not developing brand new video games that are not Free to Play (F2P) video games on Steam over one year ago and for Rocket League before Epic Games removed selling Rocket League from Steam and making Rocket League Free to Play (F2P).

There are more negative reviews on video games from Epic Games to come from me on both soon and on Steam.

Sadly I missed purchasing Fall Guys from Steam before Epic Games removed selling Fall Guys on Steam and made Fall Guys Free to Play (F2P) on the Epic Games store.

There will be about five or so more negative video games reviews that I will be writing on both and on Steam soon.

I do not think it will make much of a difference, but at least some PC video gamers on Steam are finding my negative reviews helpful.
and I hope they will learn a few things from you. this is an outrage to their base and to their customers. its just a cash grab, plain and simple.
low rated
Magnitus: Life is about finding things you are passionate about and pursuing them.

Passionate people have brought us many wonderful things.

It becomes unhealthy if it is harming you or others. No such thing here.
Yeah, but we're talking about videogames, and even worse you're actually commiting energy to worrying about how you'll play your collection in 30+ years from now. It's just bizarre and kind of suggests that someone is detached from reality.

Magnitus: You were talking about having your own copy being irrelevant, because there are pirated versions before.

I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot stick.
I'm saying that's there's plenty of ways to make a S**** game just as good as a GOG offline installer, and even better in fact, because of how bad the current offline installers actually are. Whether it's archived backups that are pirated or you creating your own backups, the result is the same or better than your GOG offline installer. You making your own backups would me your "I like to be able to trace the software that runs on my machine to legitimate source..."

Magnitus: It's a lifelong hobby. What's worrying about it? Seems like you have a stigma against gaming.
I don't assume to know what my hobbies or interests will be 30+ years from now. Why worry about it? I could be dead for all I know. Again, you're talking about worrying and showing paranoia about a digital game collection and how or if you'll be able to play it in 30+ years.

I don't have a stigma against gaming, but I do have genuine concern for how overly invested people can get with these games. You're kind of a perfect example of why I have those concerns.

Magnitus: So the path to a good life is not to get emotionally invested in things? No love? No passion? Nothing ever gets to you? Everything is always chill because you don't care?
This is you getting passive aggressive here, and basically putting words in my mouth. People act that way when the conversation is getting away from them. I never said or even suggested that the path to a good life is not to get emotionally invested in things, love anything, have passion for something, or even care about things.

Just think about it from a minute, you're actually bringing all that stuff up in your defense for being paranoid and worried about how you'll play a digital game collection 30+ years in the future. I mean, it's just strange, and that's putting it mildly. You could easily argue that when you have that level of obsession with something then it is very unhealthy for the person, and I'm sure there's doctor's who'd agree with that.

Magnitus: Well, that's you. I'd be upset.
Of course you would. Like I said, it would be irritating for me if it happened in the short term and I would be disappointed, but I'd quickly get over it. For someone in your position I'd be genuinely concerned about your well being. Probably to the point where if I actually knew you, I'd call the authorities for a wellness check. I'm not being hyperbolic with that statement either.
Post edited July 11, 2022 by TomNuke
high rated
TomNuke: ...
I'll be frank with you, I find you are coming off as quite judgmental, arrogant and condescending. Everyone can slip once in a while and I can overlook that, but this seems to be a consistent theme with your posts in this thread and you don't seem particularly interested in veering the conversation in a more constructive direction. I'm afraid I'm enjoying this conversation with you less and less as it is going on so I will end it here.

I could try to address all your points without getting mean, but I don't feel like investing the energy. I should focus on work right now and more positive things afterwards.

I wish you all the best.
Post edited July 11, 2022 by Magnitus