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Has GOG ever reached out to Tecmo Koei about wooing them away from DRM-locks and Steam? There's a new Nobunaga's Ambition game coming out in the fall, that would be great to be able to buy -- the company's doing more and more with Steam lately, so it might be good to approach them.

Yes, I realize they're a Japanese company, but...
No one here knows and GOG staff will never tell unless or until they are ready to release actual games on the site. Best we can do is add and vote for Tecmo Koei games on the wishlist then hope for the best.
I guess we still need more time to have more Japanese company to trust GOG as their place of distribution/market. Steam also need many years before more Japanese developers/companies use it.

But.. hey, anything could happen.
Personally, I'd love for them to be here, simply based on their old PC catalog. Their new games tend to be a little DLC heavy and the ports are basic, but it'd still be a solid edition.
I'm not sure I'd even want them here based on the quality of their PC ports.
Koei is out of gog's reach. Koei is too narrow and console minded to come here. And occupied with Sony 24/7.

I would DIE for a legit copy of Musou Orochi Z, especially translated in English. Sony prevented them from organizing a regular western release, in contrast to previous titles in that series...
Post edited July 16, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
mqstout: Has GOG ever reached out to Tecmo Koei about wooing them away from DRM-locks and Steam? There's a new Nobunaga's Ambition game coming out in the fall, that would be great to be able to buy -- the company's doing more and more with Steam lately, so it might be good to approach them.

Yes, I realize they're a Japanese company, but...
Shit PC ports, overpriced games, crapton of (extremely overpriced) DLC

No thanks
I think you guys have to take a step back and look at it from THEIR perspective (which no one outside of Japan does, I've noticed), ie. what they think of the international market. Look at it this way: what's usually the first market one country would cater to? A territory's own domestic market FIRST.

To them, and like in most countries, other territories are simply extra. They don't have incentive to bother because you guys aren't relevant. They simply DON'T need or CARE. It's not about lost sales because they don't NEED to expand.

The Western market is secondary to any one's own. Look at the likes of Stalker and Europe. Ukraine and EU first, right? Same with the Japanese.
odinfan: I think you guys have to take a step back and look at it from THEIR perspective (which no one outside of Japan does, I've noticed), ie. what they think of the international market. Look at it this way: what's usually the first market one country would cater to? A territory's own domestic market FIRST.

To them, and like in most countries, other territories are simply extra. They don't have incentive to bother because you guys aren't relevant. They simply DON'T need or CARE. It's not about lost sales because they don't NEED to expand.

The Western market is secondary to any one's own. Look at the likes of Stalker and Europe. Ukraine and EU first, right? Same with the Japanese.
Except an online store like GOG is essentially regionless. Japanese people shop here just as much as Germans, French, Americans... by not adopting a platform like GOG, they are shutting out their own people as much as the rest of us.
odinfan: I think you guys have to take a step back and look at it from THEIR perspective (which no one outside of Japan does, I've noticed), ie. what they think of the international market. Look at it this way: what's usually the first market one country would cater to? A territory's own domestic market FIRST.

To them, and like in most countries, other territories are simply extra. They don't have incentive to bother because you guys aren't relevant. They simply DON'T need or CARE. It's not about lost sales because they don't NEED to expand.

The Western market is secondary to any one's own. Look at the likes of Stalker and Europe. Ukraine and EU first, right? Same with the Japanese.
cogadh: Except an online store like GOG is essentially regionless. Japanese people shop here just as much as Germans, French, Americans... by not adopting a platform like GOG, they are shutting out their own people as much as the rest of us.
I'd beg to differ. The Japanese would be playing on their consoles, and the minority wouldn't make much of a fuss so they can be ignored. You have to realize they're (Steam and GOG) not that big over there.

How many concurrent Japanese make up the Steam millions?
Post edited July 16, 2015 by odinfan
Regarding Japan/non-Japan markets:

Here's a forum post comparing total domestic vs worldwide sales for the Dynasty Warriors games. Less than half of total sales for a product come from their domestic market. Yes, a significant percentage overall -- good to focus there -- but still less than half.
mqstout: Regarding Japan/non-Japan markets:

Here's a forum post comparing total domestic vs worldwide sales for the Dynasty Warriors games. Less than half of total sales for a product come from their domestic market. Yes, a significant percentage overall -- good to focus there -- but still less than half.
That's still an awful lot, when you look at how "small" Japan is compared to the rest of the world, or even specific countries, such as the US. Plus, Dynasty Warriors is arguably an exception, considering how popular the series is. With smaller, more niché productions the Japanese market is likely even more important to the developers.

All that aside, I'd love to see more Eastern devs and publishers release their games here.
Post edited July 16, 2015 by CharlesGrey
I was under the impression that Japanese developers tend to region lock Japanese gamers out of PC games?
ShadowWulfe: I was under the impression that Japanese developers tend to region lock Japanese gamers out of PC games?
I don't know about the newer consoles, but the PS3 had almost no region locked games (I think it was only one total?). The 360, on the other hand, was totally region locked.
I said PC games.