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Do. Or do not. There is no try

I'm in for Empire At War

My favourite Star Wars movie? Hard to pick just single one... But I'll choose the last duel between Luke and Vader from Return of the Jedi. The moment when Luke, always being in defensive and even hiding in shadows in this very scene, starts attacking to protect his sister, and Vader, the greatest villain, is just pushed backward till he finally falls down. All this accompanied by humming choir making this scene ever more dramatic.

Honorable mentions would be Victory Celebration from the same movie, especially the Force Ghosts, and the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave scene from KOTOR II.
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

I am in for Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

I loved the X-Wing Rogue Squadron series. There is this one book where they retake Corcusant and they get a bunch of Z-95 Headhunters and have some intense dog fights in the city/world/skyscrapers. It was pretty awesome.

Thanks and +1!
I will end this in the next 14 or 15 hours.
not in, awesome giveaway,

yea my fav is the battle of hoth too, actually i just loved seeing the base in the snow and all the setting, it just felt awesome, plus later in the movie the Bespin design, really made it the best movie in the series. But i guess nothing in any movie can beat vader's NOOOoooooooooo, hell i scream like that when shit hits the fan
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Gonna be in for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Favourite moment's the duel between Obi Wan and Vader at the end of A New Hope. Come on, first real lightsaber duel ever!

seikus: My favorite moment is the epic moment where Luke knows who really is Darth Vader.
Boy, that was cute. That moment, along with key moments from a few other films and games, has already been openly and unmarkedly discussed in this thread. Still, your efforts to prevent spoiling some careless soul are appreciated. If only there were more considerate people like you on the internet! Although I'd still say it was kind of a "semispoiler", the way you phrased it. Yeah, I'm that anal.

In fairness, Star Wars spoilers were to be expected in this thread, and the spoiler risk in this community is definitely better than pretty much anywhere else. But we can always do better! Help prevent spoilers today!

This post has been sponsored by a mixture of boredom and sleep deprivation. May the Force be with you all, or whatever.
Post edited January 25, 2015 by Chandoraa
Bump this I will :) Not in, but fun giveaway, trentonlf! +1
Winners announced soon
high rated
We have 3 winners today :)

1. mrkgnao (via madth3) KOTOR
2. OdanUrr KOTOR II
3. Elmofongo Dark forces

Congrats and enjoy all!!
trentonlf: We have 3 winners today :)

1. mrkgnao (via madth3) KOTOR
2. OdanUrr KOTOR II
3. Elmofongo Dark forces

Congrats and enjoy all!!
Thank you!!! Time to install TSLRCM and kill a bunch of Sith! XD
trentonlf: We have 3 winners today :)

1. mrkgnao (via madth3) KOTOR
2. OdanUrr KOTOR II
3. Elmofongo Dark forces

Congrats and enjoy all!!
Congrats to the winners and huge thanks to trent for the excellent giveaway :D
Congratulations to the lucky winners! And a big thank you to the ever generous Jedi Master, trentonlf. :-)
That's another awesome giveaway by trentonlf.

Congratulations to the winners!
madth3: That's another awesome giveaway by trentonlf.

Congratulations to the winners!
madth3: That's another awesome giveaway by trentonlf.

Congratulations to the winners!
Thank you, madth3, for entering for me and winning.
Thank you, trentonlf, for hosting the giveaway, which has mysteriously sprung an extra 50% of winners.
Congratulations to the other winners.
May the force be with you all.