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high rated
<span class="bold">Star Wars page</span>

I will be giving away 2 games from the Star Wars page so there will be 2 winners of one game

Simple Giveaway as usual:

1. State if in for yourself or someone else by saying Do. Or do not. There is no try. (maximum of two extra entries)
2. List game in for
3. Tell me your favorite Star Wars moment
4. If win redeem key within 2 days or I will give it to the next in line

I am torn between the battle on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back or the creation of Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith. The battle of Hoth sticks with me because the first time I saw an AT-AT in the theater my young mind was blown away with how cool it looked. The whole battle scene was just awesome. As for Darth Vader he is one of the most iconic bad guys and seeing him "born" was always something I imagined as a kid. I was always itching to know how it happened, and seeing it scratched that itch.

Good luck all!
Not in, but you're awesome +1.
Awesome, nice giveaway trent :)

Do or do not. There is no try.

As I'm itching to play some Star Wars games but can't afford any of the new releases I'll be in for Battlefront 2. I'd go for Rogue Squadron but I doubt it would play well without a gamepad or joystick.

Thanks for the giveaway

Edit: oh, forgot my favourite moment. It's hard to pick one really. I love the movies, but for me it was always the games that were really great. Fighting your first lightsaber battle in Jedi Knight 2... taking down your first At At in Rogue Squadron. My favourite moment is probably destroying a star destroyer ober Endor in a lowly A Wing in Rogue Squadron 2. It always felt so great to be able to take down such a massive ship.
Post edited January 23, 2015 by adaliabooks
trentonlf: <span class="bold">Star Wars page</span>

I will be giving away 2 games from the Star Wars page so there will be 2 winners of one game

Simple Giveaway as usual:

1. State if in for yourself or someone else by saying Do. Or do not. There is no try. (maximum of two extra entries)
2. List game in for
3. Tell me your favorite Star Wars moment
4. If win redeem key within 2 days or I will give it to the next in line

I am torn between the battle on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back or the creation of Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith. The battle of Hoth sticks with me because the first time I saw an AT-AT in the theater my young mind was blown away with how cool it looked. The whole battle scene was just awesome. As for Darth Vader he is one of the most iconic bad guys and seeing him "born" was always something I imagined as a kid. I was always itching to know how it happened, and seeing it scratched that itch.

Good luck all!
Do or Do not. There is no try.

My favorite Star Wars moment this:

You know watching this mini series made watching the prequals (well at least episode 2 and 3) a whole lot better.

Anyway I am in for Dark Forces.
Post edited January 23, 2015 by Elmofongo
Do. Or do not. There is no try.
I'm in for myself.

Rogue Squadron

My favourite moment was Luke was watching sunset on Tatooine.
Thank you for this giveaway trentonlf! I've picked up a few of them this week, and I'm sure I'll grab the rest before long. I will not enter in the hopes that someone with a much smaller backlog than me will win.

My favorite moment was when Greedo shot first. (I kid! I kid!)

I'm probably going to have to agree with the Hoth battle. ESB is my favorite, but Hoth has much to do with that. Growing up in Texas, I just loved how cool that much snow looked. :)
adaliabooks: Awesome, nice giveaway trent :)

Do or do not. There is no try.

As I'm itching to play some Star Wars games but can't afford any of the new releases I'll be in for Battlefront 2. I'd go for Rogue Squadron but I doubt it would play well without a gamepad or joystick.

Thanks for the giveaway
pssst, don't forget #3 :)
Do our do not, there is no try.

I'm in as well for Rebellion.
My favorite star wars moment would have to be the space battle above endor. It was just so epic to see the physical struggle against the empire juxtaposed with Luke's confrontation on a more mental/spiritual level with the emperor.

As always thanks for the great ga!
Post edited January 23, 2015 by Melchizedek2405
YA. My favorite STARWARS moment when picard calls Barclay, "broccoli."

Classic Lucas...
Nicely done!

Not in as I'll be offline for a few days as of tomorrow night, and also cant think of a favourite moment.
adaliabooks: Awesome, nice giveaway trent :)

Do or do not. There is no try.

As I'm itching to play some Star Wars games but can't afford any of the new releases I'll be in for Battlefront 2. I'd go for Rogue Squadron but I doubt it would play well without a gamepad or joystick.

Thanks for the giveaway
trentonlf: pssst, don't forget #3 :)
Posting from my phone and I realised as soon as I'd corrected all my spelling mistakes and hit send I'd forgot it... fixed now anyway
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

in for X-Wing vs Tie Fighter for me.

I think my favourite moment is in Jedi when Chewie arrives in the Scout Walker at the bunker after Leia been shot. Han at first wanting to help Leia before realising that he can use it to open up the bunker. Then the subsequent ambush of the squad from the Empire.

I actually like the Ewoks dammit!

After that its the rope swing in A New Hope. I've always wanted to try that myself :) It just screams adventure, danger & romance as our heroes swing to "safety".

(Thank you for running this giveaway)
Do or do not. There is no try.

Lols, Never play any Star wars games before.
But watch the movies.
Like the moment how obi wan kenobi(Ewan Mcgregor) slowly become a legendary Jedi Master xD

PS: forgot the state the game, hmm , KOTOR 1 ?
Post edited January 23, 2015 by ryise *eyes trentonlf menacingly*


Not in but as always thanks for the awesome. Hmm, favorite star wars moment... well right off the top of my head, everything dealing with Han. :) <3

i'd like to add some of my own fun: grossest moment: all parts involving Jabba's tongue. blarg. As a kid I also remember really getting grossed out when they are in the watery garbage.
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Thanks, I'm in for STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

My favourite moment ever is obviously the Trench Run!