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HK-47 from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Thanks for the giveaway

In for:


I generally don't like robots but that Robot/AI tearjerker movie with Robin Williams is worth a watch
Thanks for another giveaway Celton88!
For me it's easy, Johnny 5 all the way.
BTW I'm in
I'm in for this giveaway, Celton88! I like Robby The Robot from the sci-fi masterpiece Forbidden Planet (1956). For those of you who never watched this movie, you should definitely check it out.
Not in but one droid I love and feared back when I was a kid was Maximilian from Blackhole.


That droid was cool.
Not in but +1 :)
My favorite is Robby the robot from Forbidden Planet.
Awesome giveaway :D
IMHO the best robots are those you can build yourself. Today you can find really cheap solutions if you like soldering (arduino) or expensive but easy to assemble (lego robots). I have started working with Lego robots 3 years ago and I love the way you can make complex structures or mechanisms with lego. Programming is super easy and those into programming can even use custom firmwares that enable them to program robots using python, perl, c, c++, java or even PHP
I love living in 21st century...
LGR reviews Droidworks -
tfishell: LGR reviews Droidworks -

Thanks for posting :-)
I'm a huge Star Wars fan ^^

Pretty much grew up on the prequel movies and a few legendary Star Wars games (Battlefront 2 and KOTOR 2 in particular).

Speaking of fave robot of all time is HK-47, hands down.

haha :P
All I want for Christmas is DROIDWORKS!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Also, I recently saw Chappie, a movie by the same guy who did District 9. It was pretty good. It was a story about a robot who gained sentience and you got to watch it go through development stages like a child. As the father of a 2 year old I could relate to some of the scenes :-)

I also see Real Steel a while ago. It's about boxing robots. Kind of like big time Battle Bots lol. It was good!
Post edited December 21, 2017 by Celton88
Celton88: All I want for Christmas is DROIDWORKS!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Also, I recently saw Chappie, a movie by the same guy who did District 9. It was pretty good. It was a story about a robot who gained sentience and you got to watch it go through development stages like a child. As the father of a 2 year old I could relate to some of the scenes :-)

I also see Real Steel a while ago. It's about boxing robots. Kind of like big time Battle Bots lol. It was good!
I was surprised at how much I liked Real Steel. I couldn't believe how bad Chappie turned out. I can't understand how the guy that did District 9, which is a masterpiece, also made Elysium and Chappie. The dialogue was disastrous in both those movies. It always seemed to me that the actors didn't have a script and they just ended up improvising their lines.
Bumping this thread to let the Blues know that the love for DroidWorks lives on!
Celton88: I love Star Wars DroidWorks. When this game comes out, I will give away any $5.99 game on GOG or Droidworks, whichever is the preference of the winner.

No real requirements. Tell me about some cool robot if you want! I love Johnny Five from Short Circut!
Edutainment boxed in Holofoil

You will be providing Holofoil™? Yes? Holofoil™ is super!