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I think that the winter sale will culminate with the release of DROIDWORKS! What could be a better winter present?
All I want for Christmas is DROIDWORKS!


From Isaac Asimov's short story of the same name that is found in one of my favorite novels, I Robot.

It's just so heartwarming. It's in innocent machine that gives joy and is nonetheless beset by poeple who do not understand him.
Post edited December 21, 2015 by ScotchMonkey
Hi everyone,

It's been over a year since this giveaway began and I'm starting to lose hope that this game will be released on GoG. The giveaway is still open, but I won't be posting as often.

Good luck to all the participants and may the Force be with you.
Not in, but hopefully your wish comes true.

Hmmm...robotos? Well, Bender was a good choice. I like Momo from Questionable Content.

Not a lot coming to mind at the moment.
low rated
Count me in, who knows, maybe it'll come out.

Why has nobody mentioned Crow T. Robot or Tom Servo from MST3K yet? Find tinyE and tell him he's failed me.
Could this be the week? The week when we are graced with the presence of DROIDWORKS! Let us hope!
May the fourth be with you, Celton88!
I never played Droid Works, but I like your enthusiasm!

My favorite robot has always been Mega Man X. Honestly, I'm surprised that none of his incarnations (classic, X series, Legends, etc.) had been mentioned yet.
It has been over 2 years since I posted this giveaway. I'm still hopeful that DROIDWORKS could be coming soon!
Mark 13 from Hardware

I like many robots from old movies or from sf ones. For example, Screamers or txi dricer from Toral Recall with Arnold.
Celton88: It has been over 2 years since I posted this giveaway. I'm still hopeful that DROIDWORKS could be coming soon!
I hope GOG will get DroidWorks as well! It looks like a lot of fun! :P
lookin' at all the old regulars makes me a sad panda.

not in, but well done for still keeping it going.
No matter how slim are the chances for this givaway, I'm in for 5.99$ game.

And about robots - I think Metal Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is very cool.
I am in.

My favorite robot is ED-209 from Robocop.