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Coelocanth: Okay, Gog's Insomnia sale is going to kill me, I think. I was vacuuming and looked over at the screen to see the game had changed. In such a hurry to get to the machine to see what the new game was that I tripped over the vacuum cord and almost broke my damned leg. I think I may have a bit of an addiction problem...
Completely unlike anybody else here. :)
Well crap. I guess I am going to have to break down and buy King's Quest. No one seems to want to trade for it, or at least for anything I have in my gifts section.
phandom: I'm getting impatient. I want this thing to end already.
Today I want to sleep like a normal person
HypersomniacLive: It'd be wise to push that to tomorrow night, 14 games won't sell out in the next hour or two, and it's already quite late in Greece. ;-)
Now now. 11 pm isn't that late.
Cyberevil: Maybe they'll run that and HMA back to back..
Forgot novokeane then I would be better of using elephant trankeanelizer. ;)
caledhel: @Momo1991 what does the O in MAHAYO stand for?
Momo1991: Um, well, you see MAHAY didn't quite have the same je ne sais quo to it as MAHAYO - thus the O - and well MomO ;-p
Make A Human Answer You, Okay?
My workday ended at 5 but I'm still at my computer because I did not want to miss any deals besides the ones I already did...
I wonder if I should risk it and leave, I'll make it to my computer at home in about 30 minutes...

I'm still looking forward to Betrayal at Krondor, Desperados, FTL, Gobliiins, LLtQueen, S&M Beyond Time and Space
I those happen to come on in the next 30 minutes, could a kind soul grab a backup copy and I'll get the next offer that they want as a gitf.

But I'm somewhat hoping there won't be any need for this :)
Damn, I really want to sleep but Desperados and Betrayal at Krondor wont show up.
high rated
Sachys: So the GOGbear is clogging your GOGlog?
tinyE: If I wasn't half asleep I'd be laughing. :P
Cuddle up the the bear for a nap!
Coelocanth: Okay, Gog's Insomnia sale is going to kill me, I think. I was vacuuming and looked over at the screen to see the game had changed. In such a hurry to get to the machine to see what the new game was that I tripped over the vacuum cord and almost broke my damned leg. I think I may have a bit of an addiction problem...
Oh dear lord! Glad you are okay, but yes, such is the power of the Insomnia sale. Still, if you're not so lucky next time, we'll all come over and sign your cast with game codes. ;)
I think i'm gonna pass on Betrayal at Krondor. Waited for 2 days and it still not up.
tinyE: If I wasn't half asleep I'd be laughing. :P
Sachys: Cuddle up the the bear for a nap!
Look it's Chimpy at number 13000 :D
ryuutane: My workday ended at 5 but I'm still at my computer because I did not want to miss any deals besides the ones I already did...
I wonder if I should risk it and leave, I'll make it to my computer at home in about 30 minutes...

I'm still looking forward to Betrayal at Krondor, Desperados, FTL, Gobliiins, LLtQueen, S&M Beyond Time and Space
I those happen to come on in the next 30 minutes, could a kind soul grab a backup copy and I'll get the next offer that they want as a gitf.

But I'm somewhat hoping there won't be any need for this :)
Yes, I will be the watcher on the web.
Momo1991: Um, well, you see MAHAY didn't quite have the same je ne sais quo to it as MAHAYO - thus the O - and well MomO ;-p
Pidgeot: Make A Human Answer You, Okay?
caledhel: @Momo1991 what does the O in MAHAYO stand for?
Momo1991: Um, well, you see MAHAY didn't quite have the same je ne sais quo to it as MAHAYO - thus the O - and well MomO ;-p
lol OK, I see. I was trying to figure it out. It was driving me mad.
Post edited May 16, 2014 by caledhel
I was thinking Grimm would go faster than this. Only half an hour left before I have to start my work week. Come on S&M!