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Ghostblade4802: How does getting a free game work, anyway? You just click on the Buy Now button and it'll tell you, right?
Ghostblade4802: How does getting a free game work, anyway? You just click on the Buy Now button and it'll tell you, right?
TheyLive1984: Did anyone not being a hacker get a game for free?
I've gotten 2 for free... I could probably hack it, but I didn't....
high rated
IAmSinistar: Maybe they love me that little bit more now, as I just bought the Democracy 3 DLC. :D

You cheeky bastard! XD

IAmSinistar: [...]
Cheers mate, though it's just my second free game. My first was Sang-Froid, which I already have here. Lovely game that, will be going to an as-yet-unknown good soul who missed it here.
That's still two more than a lot of us got so far. ;-P

EDIT: fixed screwed up quoting >//<
Post edited May 13, 2014 by HypersomniacLive
Grargar: It went surprisingly fast, just 100 copies.
Sam & Max Save the World - 90% ($2.99) - 400
djdarko: It dragged sooooo long yesterday that I figured I'd basically have a couple hours to grab it so I got busy with my work. Damn...
They only had 200 copies and it went quickly, unlike American Nightmare....which was that :) Just shot you a PM!
TheyLive1984: Did anyone not being a hacker get a game for free?
Infin8ty: I've gotten 2 for free... I could probably hack it, but I didn't....
you couldn't
Post edited May 13, 2014 by Ungunbu
TheyLive1984: Did anyone not being a hacker get a game for free?
Yes, I've gotten two, and it was from just shopping and occasionally hitting "Buy now" on games that I was interested in seeing if would come up free. I got Sang-Froid from just clicking, as I already own it here, and just now Democracy 3 which I was attempting to purchase. No trickery or click-spamming involved.
TheyLive1984: Did anyone not being a hacker get a game for free?
Not yet. Pretty happy anyway though, given these prices : )
Darn, this sale the wrong games come up at the wrong time. Looks like 8 of 11 target games I'll have to try to get in round 3. Still waiting on a 3rd in round 2. Saw 40+ games of round 2 yesterday and only hit on 2 of the 11. Just bad luck for me.
Ungunbu: yes
JimHart: Yep.
I have everything I want from this sale, except...
Jack Keane 2!!!!

foxworks: They only had 200 copies and it went quickly, unlike American Nightmare....which was that :) Just shot you a PM!
It was 100, that's why it flew so damn fast.
No no, we don't hack >_< No free games for me~
The only free game I got was my single most hated game of the 100. lol I guess beggars can't be choosers.
Post edited May 13, 2014 by JimHart
What? democracy 3 went? We had the iPad on the page all the time, it never showed :/