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On a side note, The Revenant came out. Now that looks to be a serious thriller if you want to be all serious about the whole thing.
bad_fur_day1: Loving the internet rage on Imdb. You could swear these guys don't really like spaceship battles and jedi lightsaber duels.

Luckily gamers are much more rational peoples. Hate it, eh I'll just go play another kewl videogame. Whatev's
You're either joking, or you were not around for the Mass Effect 3 backlash. I hate the fucking game and even I think the meltdown among gamers was insane.
bad_fur_day1: On a side note, The Revenant came out. Now that looks to be a serious thriller if you want to be all serious about the whole thing.
It's a true story. Well, I can't imagine it hold really close to what really happened, but they seemed to have at least gotten the names right. :P
I'm finally seeing this tonight. Everytime I saw this thread I've wanted to open it and take a peek but was able to resist till now. Still haven't read any posts but really tempted. Must resist for another few hours........
Jeets2: I'm finally seeing this tonight. Everytime I saw this thread I've wanted to open it and take a peek but was able to resist till now. Still haven't read any posts but really tempted. Must resist for another few hours........
Don't read one of them! Not even this one! Just go see the movie and then come back and tell us your thoughts!
Jeets2: I'm finally seeing this tonight. Everytime I saw this thread I've wanted to open it and take a peek but was able to resist till now. Still haven't read any posts but really tempted. Must resist for another few hours........
SPOILER: Rey isn't nearly as hot as Leia was in the original trilogy.
bad_fur_day1: On a side note, The Revenant came out. Now that looks to be a serious thriller if you want to be all serious about the whole thing.
Maybe it'll be Leo's chance for Oscar glory.... Or not XD.

I've been humming and hawwing about going to see the Big Short; love Lewis' writing and Pitt did a fantastic job with Jonah Hill in Moneyball. However, I'm not seeing how this particular cast will translate the source material to film, particularly with Bale as Burry and Carell as a character based on Eisman, and that's making me apprehensive about seeing it.
Blues are allowed to go out and see movies?

I thought you were all chained in a basement next to your terminals and forced to piss in a bucket.
Jeets2: I'm finally seeing this tonight. Everytime I saw this thread I've wanted to open it and take a peek but was able to resist till now. Still haven't read any posts but really tempted. Must resist for another few hours........
Breja: SPOILER: Rey isn't nearly as hot as Leia was in the original trilogy.
True, but handy with a big stick!
tinyE: Blues are allowed to go out and see movies?

I thought you were all chained in a basement next to your terminals and forced to piss in a bucket.
No... Only Judas... and that's of his own volition, so I'm told; I think he's into the whole chain thing :D
tinyE: Blues are allowed to go out and see movies?

I thought you were all chained in a basement next to your terminals and forced to piss in a bucket.
B0SC0: No... Only Judas... and that's of his own volition, so I'm told; I think he's into the whole chain thing :D
Oh, one of those people.

Gotcha! :D
Breja: SPOILER: Rey isn't nearly as hot as Leia was in the original trilogy.
nightcraw1er.488: True, but handy with a big stick!
In fairness Rey hasn't been put in a bikini and chained up yet.
Post edited January 08, 2016 by tinyE
tinyE: In fairness Rey hasn't been put in a bikini and chained up yet.
And she needs a lot of cocaine.
tinyE: In fairness Rey hasn't been put in a bikini and chained up yet.
From all your talk of chains, it seems you're one of those people too ;)
tinyE: In fairness Rey hasn't been put in a bikini and chained up yet.
andysheets1975: And she needs a lot of cocaine.
Heck of a diet program for staying thin.
Jeets2: I'm finally seeing this tonight. Everytime I saw this thread I've wanted to open it and take a peek but was able to resist till now. Still haven't read any posts but really tempted. Must resist for another few hours........
Went to see it last weekend and avoided spoilers beforehand. You're making the right call. :) Get to the theater early if you want decent seats, showings are still really crowded.

I don't care for Episodes I-III, but for this one I walked out of the theater feeling like I'd finally seen a Star Wars movie again. It felt a bit "short" though---I'd have liked an extra 15 minutes of scenes that filled in a bit more backstory. They may have trimmed just a bit too much during editing, but OTOH they avoided dragging it out too long (3 hours would have been overkill).

Overall, IIRC they said "Force Awakens" was supposed to be a meet-and-greet for the new characters and filling in of what happened to the old characters, and I think they accomplished that goal. I'd give it 4 out of 5.