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... and assuming a billionaire leaves them a bequest so they could do everything, put the server back up if it's offline, keep adding content, organize tournaments and events and even hire players and pay them to ensure the community is as active as it were at the game's peak. Which good old games would you like to see?

For me it would be: Asheron's Call and Dark Age of Camelot. I had lots of friends playing those and really wanted to try it, but was on dial-up back then and didn't have as much spare time. Now as far as I know both games are still up, but it's just not the same...
Dynasty Warriors Online. It's the only MMO I ever played that actually made me feel like I was doing something that effected the game, not just interacting in an animated chatroom with video game animations thrown in for entertainment.

Of course, they'd have to scrap that awful microtransaction shop, but other than that, I'd love to see it back.
Ultima Online and Everquest 1 with Legacy Servers?
The original Neverwinter Nights
Shadowbane - that was epic game.
Ultima Online! Perhaps with better graphics and some minor updates and tweaks - but it would be awesome to have it here!
Lifthrasil: Ultima Online! Perhaps with better graphics and some minor updates and tweaks - but it would be awesome to have it here!
It already exists?
Post edited January 17, 2015 by Elmofongo
I guess the only MMO I'd really want to play is Secret World.
Project Torque
MarioFanaticXV: Dynasty Warriors Online.
Damn. I love Dynasty Warriors but I wasn't even aware of this one. Were all versions shut down or is the PS3 version maybe still online?
MarioFanaticXV: Dynasty Warriors Online.
F4LL0UT: Damn. I love Dynasty Warriors but I wasn't even aware of this one. Were all versions shut down or is the PS3 version maybe still online?
If you can read Japanese, I believe some are still up, but I'm not sure- I know they were still doing updates to it in 2013 at least. The English version is most certainly dead now, I'm afraid.
tremere110: The original Neverwinter Nights
Still supports multiplayer, since none of the servers actually relied on the so-called master server- rather, the master server was just a hub for getting connected to them. You can still connect to said servers through direct IP connection, though the game complains about it a bit.
Post edited January 17, 2015 by MarioFanaticXV
I assume he/she meant this one:

Star wars galaxies.
Crispy78: I assume he/she meant this one:

Ah, I forgot about that one! Never played it myself, only heard about it a few times while looking up information about the later NWN.
darthvader39560: Star wars galaxies.

MMO's I've played (that I offhand remember):
Anarchy Online
Asheron's Call
Everquest II
Star Wars Galaxies
Fallen Earth
Secret World

Of those, I end up liking SWG the best. It had a very immersive "universe" and off all those MMO's, the most "different" things to do if you didn't feel like going out and killing things. Even through the changes that turned so many away from it - it was still the best "sandbox" IMO and way better than it's "replacement". I do miss it.