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bler144: You can learn very important things, like that Bookwyrm is totally convinced the entire game that Trent is scum :)
trentonlf: My game was so poor last time I think everyone but the actual scum and Sage thought I was scum LOL
I only thought you were scum for a brief part of D2 and most of D4. /shrug
bler144: Based on my observation of the last game, only the newbs and the criminally insane do more than minimal participation on D1 anyway ;)
You were alright until the "criminally" modifier on insane. I wasn't a criminal!

adaliabooks: ...will be available to post as soon as the game starts (probably within seconds of it going up unless I'm working or asleep) ...
Race you, I guess?

bler144: You can learn very important things, like that Bookwyrm is totally convinced the entire game that Trent is scum :)
He was! He totally was! How could a Mad Bomber be anything but scum?!
flubbucket: I gots the voodoo.
sO you're saying thiis amgame hasn't evne starteed yet??
yogsloth: Patience, fake drunk, patience.
That would then lead to the insinuation you are a fake prick, no??
yogsloth: Patience, fake drunk, patience.
flubbucket: That would then lead to the insinuation you are a fake prick, no??
Lol, burn!
I'll be an alternate/replacement. I am not planning to follow along, however, so, if I am a late game replacement, it might take me a while to get caught up. So, essentially a replacement of last resort, I suppose.
Krypsyn: I'll be an alternate/replacement. I am not planning to follow along, however, so, if I am a late game replacement, it might take me a while to get caught up. So, essentially a replacement of last resort, I suppose.
You can drop in at any time to dazzle us with youtube goodness.
adaliabooks: Lol, burn!
Ha! Burn! That's funny.
yogsloth: One thing I hate about going back to read old games is that the death & reveal list is right smack at the top.
I thought about putting mine in spoilers tag but not everyone uses Barefoot Essentials so they would see it anyway.
yogsloth: One thing I hate about going back to read old games is that the death & reveal list is right smack at the top.
Vitek: I thought about putting mine in spoilers tag but not everyone uses Barefoot Essentials so they would see it anyway.
Yah, just a little addition I thought of, since I spent so much time reading previous games when I was gearing up to become a Mafia player.

And thanks for the bump! I almost forgot:

Haven't read my role yet but my week got a bit weird last night. Ex- passed out from dehydration/heat stroke/malnutrition/etc. (and ended up in the hospital for 6 hours) so I had to drive down last night to provide childcare while ex- recuperates.

I'll post while she's napping and again in the eve, but at least for the next few days my engagement will be more intermittent than what it would be if I were at work and connected to the internet 24/7.
Post edited August 03, 2015 by bler144
Great. Seems that I'm a bit late to the party, but let's get the game started!
I'm a bit bummed I didn't try and get in this one :( What was I thinking? Next time perhaps.
I have a general mafia-related question -

is Ziggurat any good?
bler144: I have a general mafia-related question -

is Ziggurat any good?
Unbiased review.
Ixamyakxim: I'm a bit bummed I didn't try and get in this one :( What was I thinking? Next time perhaps.
Vote Ixamyakxim

Feeling better?