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Bookwyrm627: Ooh, all sorts of new things to try! Will there be an electric fence I could touch too? Maybe an asp that needs a back massage?
trentonlf: My dad told me a story once about him an a electric fence. Seems him and a bunch of friends had been drinking one evening and had to relieve themselves. My dad thought it would be funny to relieve himself directly on an electric fence. His demonstration of how it caused him to shake and not be able to stop until he had finished relieving himself had us rolling in laughter. Needless to say my dad did not relieve himself on anymore electric fences ;-)
After this, I found it impossible to not watch part of this. In college, I went through a Ren & Stimpy phase. :-)
It's a lot better. The infection made the eye so sensitive to light, a picture was the last thing on my mind. I had turned the brightness of my monitor down to 0% and it was too bright. The doc counted 4 ulcers, they finally closed by this Wednesday, so things are on the upswing.
cristigale: After this, I found it impossible to not watch part of this. In college, I went through a Ren & Stimpy phase. :-)
I don't...I...uh. Yeah, I have no idea what to say after watching that.
cristigale: After this, I found it impossible to not watch part of this. In college, I went through a Ren & Stimpy phase. :-)
Bookwyrm627: I don't...I...uh. Yeah, I have no idea what to say after watching that.
Don't whiz on the electric fence ;-)
Bookwyrm627: So I'm catching up, but you'd already switched to Candyland. Imagine my confusion trying to picture how it looks like a demonic sheep, or where the braces are, or the potted plant.
Sage103082: LOL I thought about that after all the switching pics. Here is my 8th grade pic back for a bit. This was right before my braces came off and I said I would smile in this pic and not care I had them. I should have really thought twice about the black and red? bands on them.
You need some earrings....
Awesome, a not-LOTR game. I'm way to crazy busy right now to really play, but I'd love to sit in on the observer thread and see if I can figure stuff out.
yogsloth: ahhh, my Barefoot Essentials doesn't work right so all I get is the small one. :)
Mine wasn't working for quite a while now and I actually thought the feature is no more. Now that I saw your post I looked it up and fixed it. Removed the old version (was a Chrome add-on) and install the user script directly from here Barefoot Essentials Script and it works like a charm once more.
flubbucket: You need some earrings....
I killed the thread... I must be mafia.
Vote Sage. ;-)
Nearly there, folks. This should get up and rolling Monday, and possibly even Sunday if I have enough time.

Unless anybody wants to push it back more...?
yogsloth: Nearly there, folks. This should get up and rolling Monday, and possibly even Sunday if I have enough time.

Unless anybody wants to push it back more...?
I'll probably be out half the day Sunday, so just don't give me a role with a N0 action ;)
This should be fun to follow, would appreciate access to the observer's thread.
Dang, forum ate my post. I was going to say I have a friend visiting from out of town, they're leaving Wednesday. I would be participating the minimum until then.
Leonard03: Dang, forum ate my post. I was going to say I have a friend visiting from out of town, they're leaving Wednesday. I would be participating the minimum until then.
Don't worry, I'm also all kinds of tied up. Earliest launch will be Monday. :)

Everyone can at least enjoy their weekend Mafia-free.