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<span class="bold">Hand of Fate</span>, a tabletop card game that comes to life, is available now DRM-free on with a 20% discount!

<span class="bold">Hand of Fate</span> is a mixed deck of roguelike randomisation, choose-your-adventure storytelling, deckbuilding, and action-rpg gameplay. As the dealer/gamemaster reveals your upcoming adventures, a simple card game transforms into playable 3D worlds where traps, mazes, enemies and great rewards await. Each playthrough will provide you with more and more exciting cards to expand your collection, and the story will unfold according to which cards you choose. <span class="bold">Hand of Fate</span> has been praised for its fluid and responsive combat, atmospheric narration and setting, and an absolutely unique concept in gaming to date.

What cards will the <span class="bold">Hand of Fate</span> reveal to you? Available now, DRM-free on The 20% launch discount will last for one week, until Tuesday, February 24, at 10:59 AM GMT.
Looks pretty interesting, and will be if done properly. Will have to wait for a big discount though, as I'm not rewarding regional pricers.
thiagovscoelho: wait I'm confused
Partially due to the Greek government failing to pay their dues, but also due to other economically weak members of the EU and the cash injection by the ECB, the Exchange Rate per € is about to become less than 1 US $.
Post edited February 17, 2015 by jorlin
Looks pretty cool. Is this a day one release or is there anyone here that has played it and can offer a bit of insight?
Does this have anything to do with Manos: The Hands of Fate?
Bouchart: Does this have anything to do with Manos: The Hands of Fate?
Nope :P
Ixamyakxim: Looks pretty cool. Is this a day one release or is there anyone here that has played it and can offer a bit of insight?
I was one of the original Kickstarter backers and I got into Hand of Fate Beta.

It is an interesting ARPG in the vein of Diablo1/2 in terms of dark flavor/action.

Even with the slight graphic bugs in Beta, the game played well and was different each time as you build a deck of tarot-like cards that when laid out upon the table build your dungeons and so on.

Once you turn over an encounter or other action card, you are then transported to a 3-D playing area to carry out the encounter/quest.

I have not played the full game yet, due to a slight error of not getting my Steam code but Defiant has been very supportive of getting me a code and is working on getting me a GoG code as well.

I have also asked Defiant to get with GoG to work up a stream/interview to get more people to see this game and ask questions of the development team. It is a different kind of ARPG in some ways due to building a card deck, randomness of the layout and then entering a gaming world to carry out your adventures. The more cards you unlock the bigger the challenges and experience. Sometimes you feel you just playing against the Tarot Reader and want to strangle them ;)
gamesfreak64: exactly, however sometimes reviews were average or bad... but sometimes i still bought the game cause i liked it ofcourse we had demos, now we only have tube videos, videos dont show how a game playes, demos do :D
Why so few demos?
maz.588: urban legend or not, but demos are known to bring the sales down, not up. While teaser trailers usually brings them up.

For example :
true... but then the game is 'crap' anyways in my honest opinion :D
in the win95 and DOS days, i saw a playable game from jagged alliance (the first game) i played it and i had to have it, i knew that right away after playing.

reviews and vids are unreliable
with vids you cant judge the controles, and reviews can be posted by 'family'or friends of the developer, you will never know that :D

so i only judge by myself and a playable demo OR sometimes by a review made by pc gameplay (dutch/belgium magazine)

i saw the screesnhot of xulima and i thought if that fighting is not 3d fps i must have that game... and it was no 3d so i got it when i saw it on steam cause i did not know when gog would get it... and i just had to play the game myself, now then you can say that a game has made impact :D

so i have a steam version i wont play ( steam client not installed on my win7 and i wont install steam on win10 or later aswell)

win XP installation will be removed when the new windows is a few years old and i have bought it, then i have win7 in use and the new windows as latest windows.
Post edited February 17, 2015 by gamesfreak64
Bouchart: Does this have anything to do with Manos: The Hands of Fate?
Imagine if someone made a game tie-in for Manos. It would be the most expensive inside joke of all time.

And hopefully someone would make Joel play it. XD
MasodikTiasma: I've heard a lot of praise about this game, but full price 23€???

Even on Steam it's only 20 at the moment. Maybe the Steam price will go up now that it's not early access anymore...
Zoidberg: Mmh, interesting, curiosity tickled. I'll wait for some reviews though.

Are the mini quests procedurally generated?
MasodikTiasma: Extra Credits did a video about this last year. It was still early access, though.
It's the same full price on steam, the same percentage off but a couple dozen cents less on Steam, strange maths... :P

Oh wait, it's actually regionally priced... well, on hold and no wishlisting then...
Post edited February 17, 2015 by Zoidberg
After all these months I finally figured out the secret behind the dealer: He is the merchant from Resident Evil 4 and started playing cards :D

Seriously though, this game made HUGE changes during beta and became so much better in the process. Highly recommend it!
Great release, thanks GOG for bringing it. I had this wishlisted on Steam for awhile and now that it has come to GOG, this will take priority on GOG for me! I like the mix of card and action in this game and I look forward to playing it when I can manage the funds to buying it. I hope someone does a twitch stream of this someday at the gog channel, would be nice to see! :)
sector3600: I was one of the original Kickstarter backers and I got into Hand of Fate Beta.
Neat thanks! I like the idea of a Diablo 1/2 atmosphere. How's the loot? I'm not looking for a metric ton of stuff but is there a decent variety? Are the "encounters" short / long, "level size" or quick 2 minutes romps?

I like the idea of a Pathfinder Adventure Card Game mixed with a Diablo dungeon level - am I sort of on the right track with this thought?

Regardless, thanks for the quick impressions, appreciated!
Rogue-Like and Linux are music to my ears, I shall get this tomorrow :-)
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<span class="bold">Hand of Fate</span>, a tabletop card game that comes to life, is available now DRM-free on with a 20% discount!
Uhm… that link 404s right now, what’s the matter…?
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<span class="bold">Hand of Fate</span>, a tabletop card game that comes to life, is available now DRM-free on with a 20% discount!
Lyeengray: Uhm… that link 404s right now, what’s the matter…?
It's disappeared off the "What's New" featured game carousel too. And I just got a GOGbear. Something's happening behind the scenes.