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Killer on the road.

Carmageddon: Max Damage and Carmageddon TDR 2000 are now available, DRM-free on With them comes a pileup of high-octane offers so let's get right on them.

48h GIVEAWAY: Get Carmageddon TDR 2000 completely FREE until January 20, 2PM UTC. Claim it through the front page banner. No catch, no clutch!
NOTE: Giveaway has now ended.

Discounts: Max Damage 50% off until January 25, 2PM when bought individually or 75% off when you complete your Carmageddon bundle including all four games in the series. Once the giveaway expires, TDR 2000 will also be 50% off.

Drive straight into the ultimate road carnage! Race the time as you turn pedestrians and drivers into gooey roadkill with your highly customizable vehicle and use all manner of silly power-ups to unleash mayhem in the most creative way possible. Make up your own brutal style as every game mode, car, environment, pedestrian type or enemy driver adds their own flavor into this bubbling cauldron of human members, bent metal, and unapologetic fun.
Thanks for the giveaway! I remember playing the 1st game in the series at the end of 90's and nostalgia always kicks in. I wonder why I didnt become mass killer because killing was so much fun in that game. Especially when I was never a FPS player. Carmageddons best years are long gone but for the nostalgia I will gladly play it occassionally.
high rated
krakra_cz: I wonder why I didnt become mass killer because killing was so much fun in that game.
Fact: Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Charles Manson never played Carmageddon. You are not a psychopath because YOU DID play it, not the other way around! :D
seppelfred: And another banned game for germans.
It was indexed in late 2016 already, GOG fixed their "error" and blocked it after finding out about that.

I was surprised to find the nice combo sale here yesterday. Everything is back to normal now.

Thanks for this sale for us germans GOG, at least yesterday we could participate. ^^
Call me weird, but I personally think that smashing pedestrians in Carmageddon series was always the lamest/most boring part of the game. Especially in C2/TDR2000 - they're looking like bunch of blocks and sound so terribly artificial... And where is the fun in smashing helpless people?

Also, regarding the controversial past of Carmageddon - to be honest, on the one hand I'm aware that press were bashing Carmageddon and threw thesis that it will generate mass amount of bloodthirsty killers... But on the other hand, I don't feel that attitude of players left a good imperssion. Especially players, who were enjoying this "pedestrians-carnage" and were telling, that it was one of the most important (if not the important) parts of the game, which also gave them fun. It simply doesn't sound good.

Don't get me wrong, it's not about the violence itself. I'm fine with shooting to hordes of enemies in FPS games... But those are always aggresive and armed. I'm also fine with smashing tons of zombies in Zombie Driver, but those are also agrresive and dangerous for player (and other people in the game). It's both challenging and satisfactory.

But smashing innocent pedestrians? Where is fun in that? And WHY it's supposed to be fun at all? I personally don't get it. I know, there are different tastes, different opinions, but still - I don't feel convinced with that.
Post edited January 19, 2018 by MartiusR
Mjauv: As a rather hilarious side note, on their KS-campaign page they managed to draw the ire of an SJW who turned out to be a massive querulant as well and said dude has been harassing Stainless on every update since.

In 2013, in an update for CR, one of the developers described something in the game as "gay" in a derogatory manner and a couple of vocal backers voiced their criticism, deeming it "homophobic" and "gay bashing". The developers stood by their previous post, arguing that said fans lacked humour. The fans (two of them) were upset and one of them asked for a refund (and was granted one). The other one didn't but apparently asked for a refund a couple of months later but was ignored by Stainless.

After that, the same dude has been commenting on every update that Stainless posts on KS, calling them "homophobic", "babies", "thieves" etc. Everyone else has gotten so used to it that a lot of sarcastic remarks have been made towards said backer, someone asked him if he suffered from a mental disorder and a couple of other backers offered to pay whatever amount he put down just to get him to shut up.

Needless to say, nobody has succeded so far.
Not so sure about "babies" but ask the Lunix and Mac users who backed the KS for Stainless about the thieves part and you might get some confirmation. They also promised a DRM free released which I guess they technically delevered now years later (although they've kept some backer rewards steam exclusive AFAIK, but maybe I'm mistaken). For Stainless to promote their crowd funding by offering Mac, Linux, and DRM free then to turn around (once backed) and relese on Playstation and xBox before they fulfill the rewards they offered as part of their campaign... well I don't think it hits the legal requirements for theft but I also don't think a reasonable person could deny they're meeting the common usage requirements.

Who knows though maybe Stainless will decide to delever on the platforms they offered before a decade goes by :P
sztihamer: Anyone that backed the Kickstarter for Carmageddon: Reincarnation go to your Humble account and get your free GOG code for Carmageddon: Max Damage. Finally they gave us a DRM-Free version, but still not Linux and Mac versions.
Thank you for the PSA with this :)

I totally agree they should have done this years ago as they promised, say before adding consoles (which were not part of the inital offering) to their supported platforms. I feel really bad for the Linux and Mac users who are still waiting for fulfillment after all these years. Yes it was a KS project and sometimes those don't turn out as intended but this isn't a case of a small dev (or single person) not properly assessing the cost or scope of their project. This isn't even a case of the Stainless running out of money to produce the game. They decided to release on additional platforms before fufilling their advertised platforms and then they didn't communicate about it with their backers (aside from trying to hype the new release options).

I will play Max Damage, and likely enjoy it. I paid for it years ago because of enjoying the first entries in the seires when I was younger. But I doubt I will ever trust Stainless again or be inclined to give them one red cent let alone a reccomendation to any gamers I know.
nightcraw1er.488: Whats up, its just like real life, except you don't get all the respiratory problems associated with emissions. You must drive you 16 wheel monstrosity around running down pedestrians and cyclists left right and center, how else will you get your fat stupid body those 10 yards down the street to Aldi!

NB I think cars should be banned from all cities and towns fully, keep them only in the gaming world!
NovumZ: Well people get ideas and absorb them. We had already quite few scenarios around the world imitating video games.

I don't mind destruction derby style game but Do Not include innocents.
I've played the Caram games, and GTA both from a rather young age.
Also played games like Doom, and many D&D RPGs both digital and with books.
I've also played TSRs Panger General (both 1 & 2).

I can quote game data and world framing from all of them off the top of my head (perhaps imperfectly?)
but I've never used an automatic weapon, magic sword, battled deamons, rescued a princess, killed anybody, and I don't even choose to drive a car.

Cencorship is bad for cultural and mental health. An idea should be assessed and addressed not 'ignored' if one wishes it's potental problems to be accounted for. The book 1984 has been on various 'banned' lists but it hasn't stopped many modern countires from enacting vastly over reaching and invasive servalience programs.
Banning Fahrenheit 451didn't stop cencorship, and I very much doubt that banning the movie 2012 would have changed the way humans are currently effecting the climmate of the globe.
NovumZ: Well people get ideas and absorb them. We had already quite few scenarios around the world imitating video games.

I don't mind destruction derby style game but Do Not include innocents.
RoseLegion: I very much doubt that banning the movie 2012 would have changed the way humans are currently effecting the climmate of the globe.
I think you got your disaster movies mixed up. :P "The Day After Tomorrow" was about climate change. "2012" was about the Mayan calendar's supposed prediction about the world ending in 2012.
RoseLegion: I very much doubt that banning the movie 2012 would have changed the way humans are currently effecting the climmate of the globe.
tinyE: I think you got your disaster movies mixed up. :P "The Day After Tomorrow" was about climate change. "2012" was about the Mayan calendar's supposed prediction about the world ending in 2012.
ooops, yep I dropped the ball on that one.

Good catch :)
tinyE: I think you got your disaster movies mixed up. :P "The Day After Tomorrow" was about climate change. "2012" was about the Mayan calendar's supposed prediction about the world ending in 2012.
RoseLegion: ooops, yep I dropped the ball on that one.

Good catch :)
I LOVE EM ALL! Just watched "The Towering Inferno" this morning.
tinyE: I LOVE EM ALL! Just watched "The Towering Inferno" this morning.
But did you watch "That's Armageddon"?
tinyE: I LOVE EM ALL! Just watched "The Towering Inferno" this morning.
Grargar: But did you watch "That's Armageddon"?
I watched it in "Feel Around".
tinyE: I watched it in "Feel Around".
Must have been quite the experience.
Stainless Games and GOG, thanks for the game! =)
And no Release in Germany right? Yeah bloody Pedestrians, Germany does not like Violence against ppl so i guess its on the List.