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We love Good Old Games. We care for them, we give them home, and we do our best to make them last forever. In fact, the classic titles were the main reason to start our platform all those years ago (hence the use of our initial acronym). And our love and passion for them still remains as strong as ever.

That’s why we are incredibly happy to say that 4 great classic games and Silver Box Classics (containing 4 more), all straight from SNEG, are now available on GOG – find them all (alongside their other D&D classics) HERE! And because we are celebrating our Spring Sale, each of today’s releases are on -15% discounts for the duration of Spring Sale (until April 3rd, 10 PM UTC).

Let’s take a look at what amazing adventures we’ll be able to (re)discover!

Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace
An adventure RPG with strategy elements that provides swashbuckling excitement and the magic of D&D adventures, but in wildspace! In this gem you’ll captain your own Spelljammer ship, recruit officers and crew to man your magical ship, and soar into the ether and explore the planets of Realmspace.

A D&D dungeon delving the way you like it - fast, furious and fun! An evil Necromancer has escaped from his icy prison and is wreaking havoc upon the surrounding lands. Journey to this frozen wasteland and destroy the forces of evil - if you dare.

The first-ever dragon combat simulator! In this title the deadly skies above the Dragonlance game world of Krynn explode before your very eyes. The first-person viewpoint propels you into a fully animated, 3D world of action and excitement. So to the skies brave knight - and victory!

Fantasy Empires
A D&D adventure and the first title to feature a computer Dungeon Master who mediates all elements of the game play. Create alliances, defeat enemy kingdoms and forge an empire in this exciting world. Under the computer Dungeon Master, you’ll interact with fantastic races, command dozens of troop types, send your heroes on quests and construct a variety of buildings and fortifications.

Silver Box Classics
A collection that’ll bring back some great memories. It gathers adaptations of the events in the first four Dragonlance role-playing modules, at the beginning of the War of the Lance – these were the first games that brought the world of D&D to PC gaming:

Heroes of the Lance – D&D epic where we discover the world of Krynn. Control the Companions of the Lance (they aren’t Heroes until they succeed!) in their quest to recover the Disks of Mishakal. Only this can defeat the Queen of Darkness and restore the balance between Good and Evil.

Dragons of Flame – Takhisis, Queen of Darkness, and her Draconian hordes have overrun much of the homeland Krynn, even the elven armies of Qualinost, valiant in their resistance to this evil power, struggle on the edge of defeat. It is only the returning Companions of the Lance that can halt this wave of tyranny before Krynn is consumed by evil.

War of the Lance – That's the first D&D computer wargame. Prepare for fierce battles and all-out war when the forces of Whitestone clash against the evil Highlord Dragonarmies. The prize: absolute rule over all Ansalon on the Dragonlance game world of Krynn.

Shadow Sorcerer – A tie-in with the Dragonlance series of novels. The player controls a party of four adventurers that have just rescued 800 slaves and must shepherd them through the wilderness before the evil Dragon army catches up with them. There are three levels to the game: - strategic, tactical, and political. All three take place in real-time with the evil dragons constantly on the adventurers' heels slowly picking off the escapees.

In addition, by purchasing the new releases, along with Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection One, Two and Three, Dungeons & Dragons: Krynn Series, Ravenloft Series and Dark Sun Series, Al-Qadim: The Genie’s Curse, and D&D Stronghold: Kingdom Simulator, you'll receive a special completion offer with a -54% discount!

Time to feel the ultimate wave of nostalgia and relive amazing gaming experiences. Check out the D&D SNEG titles and be sure to make full use of all the Spring Sale goodness (like THIS curated collection of classics). Sale ends on April 3rd, 10 PM UTC.
I am so glad that Fantasy Empires is finally on GoG. That game is a gem.
Spelljammer actually looks cool. I like sci-fi and fantasy combination.
Gudadantza: The wrapper used is not the one used in other GOG games, it is a modification of one created for CnC and Red Alert. It works fine for a lot of games I tried.
Keep in mind that this wrapper is configurable in the ini with a lot of tweakings. One config I noticed is the resolution selection, by default, in this game it is selected an incompatible resolution for my rig. The first thing I have done is change it, so I can not say If the game would crash with the default one. Probably

There are other configurations for borderless and fullscreen etc and also gameticks to modify the framerate if it is too slow or too fast. I need to experiment with it to be sure but the game runs fine when I have been playing a bit.
After I read this I had a quick play with the original ini file and ddraw.dll that the game ships with and you're right, it can be made to work (in my case I set it to borderless-windowed, specifically set my screen resolution, set maxfps to 60 and set the output to opengl just to be sure). I just had no inclination to mess about with ini settings last night so the GOG file copy-paste was a 'quickie' solution to see if I could get it working.

Guessing it's something with my display setup that makes the default config go splat.
tremere110: The manual for Fantasy Empires seems to be German only, no English version.
Yeah, to release a game in english with a german manual, it's a poor package. Unfortunately, given the recently Blade of Darkness mess, my expectations are low for an english manual...
Post edited March 28, 2023 by Glaucos
I might be wrong, but doesn't this now mean that the only classic D&D games without a digital release are the Interplay-published ones, ie Blood Magic and Descent to Undermountain?

EDIT: Oh Birthright too.
Post edited March 28, 2023 by Crosmando
Crosmando: I might be wrong, but doesn't this now mean that the only classic D&D games without a digital release are the Interplay-published ones, ie Blood Magic and Descent to Undermountain?

EDIT: Oh Birthright too.
And Stormfront's Pool of Radiance Ruins of Myth Drannor.

It was published by Ubisoft If I am not mistaken. Stormfront were the guys behind Gateway of the Savage Frontier, Treasures of the Savage Frontier, Stronhold and Demon Stone, just to mention the Dungeons and Dragons titles. And Maybe the first Neverwinter Nights online Iteration, also developed in the Gold Box engine)
It's great to see these titles available again. Shame about the no extras though.
So not even the clue books are included this time around?
Any of the four games have their points of interest. I never played deeply, or nothing at all any of them in the past so I am lucky to discover these games. It will be fun, indeed.

DeathKeep is the Windows version or a port of an originally 3DO game. It is a real time, free movement Dungeon Crawler using a weird Engine and control. I am sure it is the heritage of the original 3do version, intended for gamepads of some kind, the mouse support is mad, nearly uncontrolable or too sensitive. Engine wise it reminds me a lot to Killing Time; imagine the original DOS version of Doom and the mouse based vertical movement. If a comfortable way of playing is achieved tweaking some things It can be a pretty straighforward and interesting game for fans of the genre. In concept it reminds me a lot gameplay wise to Battlespire or a simplified Ultima Underworld.

It was the last SSI game using the franchise label, and I thnk It is not the best thing they produced. For a 1996 game it is a bit outdated.

Some people above have mentioned Birthright, well, Fantasy Empires reminds me a lot to a simplified Birthright married with Lords of the Realm. Manual needed to undertand things because some things, even the specific real time battles interface needs to be learnt.

Spelljammer took my attention because of the concept. Space travelling and turn based battles managing your party/Crew. Trade, side quests, space combat...
This game is similar to Planet's Edge or Space Rogue.

And DragonStrike surprised me. I always wanted to ignore this game. I didn't was interested but it is a very good arcade simulator. It is purely a light retro flight simulator/RPG with a very good control and creativity. Great Westwood Studios polishing. In what I Itried it is perfectly controlable with Keyboard, Joystick or mouse. Any of them are very functional.
Praymettin: Regional pricing really hits GOG very hard here, it is like 10 times the price for me on GOG.
I don't know how it looks for me on Steam (I don't consider them as a real alternative for building my good old games' library), but I must say that 89 PLN (after -54% discount) is perhaps not a bad deal, but still a bit too much for me, so I have to wait for a better price.

Wishlisted for now and I'm really happy these titles are available on GOG.

• $5.09 • -15% • DeathKeep
• $5.09 • -15% • DragonStrike
• $8.49 • -15% • Fantasy Empires
• $8.49 • -15% • Silver Box Classics
• $8.49 • -15% • Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace
Post edited March 28, 2023 by ciemnogrodzianin
In addition, by purchasing the new releases, along with Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection One, Two and Three, Dungeons & Dragons: Krynn Series, Ravenloft Series and Dark Sun Series, Al-Qadim: The Genie’s Curse, and D&D Stronghold: Kingdom Simulator, you'll receive a special completion offer with a -54% discount!
Nice! I already had all the old ones except for Al-Qadim so a pretty good deal for me...
avatar In addition, by purchasing the new releases, along with Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection One, Two and Three, Dungeons & Dragons: Krynn Series, Ravenloft Series and Dark Sun Series, Al-Qadim: The Genie’s Curse, and D&D Stronghold: Kingdom Simulator, you'll receive a special completion offer with a -54% discount!
I missed that part. Already had the previous games but didn't get the correct discount for these "new" ones. Oh, well. Here's what I paid for them:

Spelljammer: $4.59 (was bought after I bought the rest because I accidentally left it out of the cart)
DeathKeep: $5.09
DragonStrike: $5.09
Silver Box Classics: $8.49
Fantasy Empires: $8.49

When I go back to the store to look at their prices, I see:

Spelljammer: $8.49 (not sure why it went up)
DeathKeep: $2.75
DragonStrike: $2.75
Silver Box Classics: $4.59
Fantasy Empires: $4.59

Edit: I just looked again and Spelljammer went back down to $4.59. What is going on? :)
Post edited March 28, 2023 by DoomSooth
Just noticed that none of these titles has its release date listed on the store page, either. Not that most of these seem to have their exact original release dates known, but year would be nice, at the very least.

Also, I take it the Silver Box Classics games are fully available via both Galaxy and the website? GOGDb hasn't detected the individual titles at all, which is weird.
avatar In addition, by purchasing the new releases, along with Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection One, Two and Three, Dungeons & Dragons: Krynn Series, Ravenloft Series and Dark Sun Series, Al-Qadim: The Genie’s Curse, and D&D Stronghold: Kingdom Simulator, you'll receive a special completion offer with a -54% discount!
DoomSooth: I missed that part.
Thanks for posting. I missed it too. It changed my mind from wishlisting to purchasing. I did get the 54% discount on all of them, since I already had everything else.
When does it display the "-54% discount"?

I put them all into the site's cart but they still had their -15% discounts instead of the expected -54% off.

Is the additional discount not shown unless you click the "Go to checkout" button?