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montcer9012: The score point system only exist in Xbox world and you can acumulate it in order to buy things in the Market Place. It seems a good deal but you have to play LOTS of games in order to get a decent amount just to get a... DLC hahaha. At the end isn't worth it.
Do they do that on the xboxone? I know ps4 doesn't do that crap.
tinyE: What about the people who suck at gaming? Seems a little harsh that since this is a leisure activity that people should be shut out just because their reactions are shit.
yyahoo: Achievement: Died 500 times on the same level!
Okay I was joking before, but that would be really cool!

I remember when Diablo 2 came out someone over at (I think it was PC Gamer) put down a comprehensive list of every time he died using the Necromancer.

Tomb Raider: Number of times accidentally walked off cliff.
BG: Number of times you accidentally cast something on your own party.
FlatOut: Number of times you got halfway through a lap before you realized you were going the wrong way.
Post edited May 06, 2015 by tinyE
yyahoo: Achievement: Died 500 times on the same level!
tinyE: Okay I was joking before, but that would be really cool!

I remember when Diablo 2 came out someone over at (I think it was PC Gamer) put down a comprehensive list of every time he died using the Necromancer.

Tomb Raider: Number of times accidentally walked off cliff.
BG: Number of times you accidentally cast something on your own party.
FlatOut: Number of times you got halfway through a lap before you realized you were going the wrong way.
I think you've found your next calling: Game Achievement Writer.
coreyblueexclusive: Do they do that on the xboxone? I know ps4 doesn't do that crap.
Don't know, but due the low sales it is likely they keep this feature to keep larger amount of clients.
I'll pay real money for a script which grants achievements (released to the public, of course).
I think that these achievement thing can make you paranoid. I agree with some comments in this thread, but, hey, gaming is about to scores as well - at least, I remember we had those for several games in the past - so, I don't think it's all that bad. If someone thinks this is important, they should post it right?

A good point I see in all of this stuff that I do not see in the other platforms: If we are talking about Galaxy, it's possible to disable them right? That, for me, makes all the difference.

I rather prefer to have those "in-game" achievements (in my opinion, this is the thing that adds replay to the game, like, collecting all the stars or unlocking all skills, etc) than some "hey, look! it's my score!" to show everybody on some online page. But again, I don't mind having these "achievements" stuff. The problem is, this shouldn't be the main goal for the game, and sometimes people act like it is and I understand. The purpose of the game is enjoy it to the fullest in my opinion, not to do whatever it takes so you have a score that you can show off. But then again, if this is important to someone, then is part of the game right?

If it can be disabled, I don't see an issue =)
Post edited May 06, 2015 by BispoSnake
Narakir: Yeah what about a "remove achievement" button, so we don't get frustrated by pointless grind-dots that add nothing to the gaming experience whatsoever.
there is going to be a disable achievements option.
montcer9012: The score point system only exist in Xbox world and you can acumulate it in order to buy things in the Market Place.
Nope. Gamerscore is unrelated to Microsoft Points, the ones which you actually use to buy stuff. And while the points gained through achievements exist only on Live the PSN has an experience level which grows as you unlock trophies, much like on Steam.
I dont understand what the op is trying to say
mobutu: I dont understand what the op is trying to say
By punctuation he meant score, that's for sure. He's spanish, so that's probably a false cognate, whatever the hell that works in spanish :P
I kinda see his/her request as *probably* leaderboards and/or gamerscore (I hope).
Post edited May 06, 2015 by vicklemos
mobutu: I dont understand what the op is trying to say
I don't understand how people can possibly not understand what OP is saying. He wants this. And frankly I kinda understand it. I was also disappointed when Steam introduced achievements and there was no score.
Post edited May 06, 2015 by F4LL0UT
BispoSnake: not to do whatever it takes so you have a score that you can show off.
(ง •̀_•́)ง keep fighting those bastards, bro!

Gotta agree with ya. The purest form of fun shouldn't be all numberish, for show off purposes and stuff, albeit some achievements are pretty fun, creative et al :P
Post edited May 06, 2015 by vicklemos
Shmacky-McNuts: I'm inclined to agree with TinyE. We can see how one pile of crap can amount to huge mountains using Steam-ing-pile.

I've been of mind to view achievements in gaming like a pathetic gimmick to get people to play a piece of $h!t game; that in the first place if it were good, should not have to have silly gimmicks like hollow achievements for a player to feel engaged by it to play.

Just imagine how $h!t old Willy Shakespeare would be if he charged the audience a penny every paragraph in order to continue watching. Giving a "thumbs up" to as a reward every other sentence because people keep watching.

It's the level of intelligence behind these gimmicks and those who follow such, that I find so appalling. I hope it is a trend that doesn't last long.
You pretty much just described what I think has been wrong with gaming since its inception. It saddens me that gamers have not evolved beyond such primal motives.

I still remember when I first discovered "Space Invaders". I played that so many times. I put so many coins into that machine. Over and over. But I could never clear the wave of Invaders. Weeks this went on. All my money sunk into the machine. Then one day, my life changed forever. I finally, killed the last super fast guy. I did it! I won! I killed all the Aliens and Saved earth! I AM A GOD! SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!

... and then another wave of aliens arrived.

I was gutted. "But.. but I saved the world. I got that last super fast guy. I killed all the things."

I stood there on my milk crate for a little while. Just staring at the screen. I saw my unmoving cannon get destroyed. Another one popped up. The Invaders kept on marching. What was the point?

I just stepped down from the milk crate and walked away.

My soul crushed, I was lost in my own little world. It was just so.. pointless. I felt betrayed. I felt like it was just all some huge joke and the universe was having a good old laugh at me. I must have looked a state as a nice lady actually stopped and said "are you ok sweetie? Are you lost? " That sort of brought me back to reality a tad. I thanked the lady and told her I was fine.

She walked off and I looked around at the arcade as if I was seeing it for the first time. Lights flashing, Candy bar. Parents sitting at the little plastic tables talking to each other while their kids fed their machines. The ching and bloops of all the sounds echoing around the hall. The waka waka waka waka waka.

wait, the what now? I looked around.

waka waka waka waka.

It was coming from a table behind me. There was a game just under the glass top. A yellow smiley thing was running around a maze trying to avoid ghosts.

waka waka waka waka

I watched it for a minute or two. The weight of my coins in my pocket now somehow far heavier than I had noticed before. I sat down at the table. I kept watching.

waka waka waka waka

Oh, they have names. Pinky? there's a girl in this game. heh. Cooties! I giggled to myself. I kept watching as the smiling face ate a fruit and all the ghosts changed. The smiley then chased them and ate the ghost, but it just turned into eyes and came back out again. "Pfft. Lame." Another pointless game.

"Insert Coin" it flashed at me. "One coin = one credit", it told me.

At this point I noticed that with out realising I had done it, I had taken my coins from my pocket and had placed them on the table just off to the side, where the fruit and the little pictures of the characters were displayed. "when did I.."

I looked back over my shoulder at the Space Invaders machine. Just in time to see some kid slap the buttons in frustration, kick the front of the machine and step down off the milk crate which just minutes earlier I thought was my pedestal for king of the world. It only took seconds for an older kid, probably even a teenager, to nudge the crate aside and take up his position of control.

I returned my gaze back to the .. oh.. the "Pac-Man" in front of me. I watched for another minute or so. It didn't look that bad, really. I wonder what happens if you eat all the dots?

Letting out a sigh, I slid a coin off the table and fed it into the coin slot. I knew I wasn't going to save the world, but it might be fun anyway. It was worth a shot.

welcome to the game, son
The majority of the users we want points in the achievements.But there is a minority of user to which it will bother the points in the achievements.It is very sad to see the comments of some users when the achievements are an option that does not bother anyone and who have triumphed in the gaming world.
I would love have prizes for achievements like:

- Witcher medallion signed by the team.
- T-shirt with GOG logo.
- Cyberpunk 2077 Knuckle duster.

And things like that :D :D :D