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^ is a Martian phone operator, technician, salesperson, saboteur, and eavesdropper.
^ has a direct line to Alpha Draconis
^was one of the first public advocates of nappies for old people.
^ Nappies salesman.
^ is the hottest Victoria's Nappies Angel.
^Is a space cowboy named spike.
Post edited August 12, 2012 by uruk
^ has a space camp on venus, but no friends
^ scares all Martians on Mars that now it looks uninhabited.
^ he can hit you, that's how tough he is
^ is the hitman. What he does is hitting people or something with anything.
^kidnaps midgets when there's a full moon.
^ is responsible for many appearances of fake full moon, so that the midgets are getting frightened and there goes kidnapping spree.
^ sells half sized sausages, quarter price
^ sells sandwiches with only one slice of bread, for full price minus one cent.
Post edited August 12, 2012 by le_chevalier
^ has eaten all the moon cheese