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What a time to be alive.
Oh shit

This is great, but makes me wonder.
Does this somehow open the door for a possible Persona 4 non-golden on gog then?
Very likely it does not, because most publishers tend to be real fucky about releasing older versions of their games, and this is Atlus we're talking about here.

Either way, good game, hope it's a good port.
Glad it's here on the PC.

Hope Denuvo gets removed one day over on Steam; and that it winds up on GOG at some point.
Once they drop Denuvo, I'll get it. Great news that the japanese VO is available. :)
Makes me want to get my old PS2 out of the closet and plug it in. :P
Post edited June 13, 2020 by NuffCatnip
We got a Shin Megami Tense spinoff on Steam, hurray! I hope this one does well so we'll have a higher chance of seeing less mainstream titles on PC.
Not my genre but cool to see older console exclusives get PC ports like this. There's still some small sliver of hope for my wishlist.
0. it's great! glad to finally see the PC version of "Persona".
1. hm, minimal OS is Win 8.1. hmmm... should I give it a try on my Win 7?
This is pretty sweet :D

And Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town is coming to PC too next month! (Remake of Harvest Moon by original creators)
denuvo infected.
I will wait for a gog release.
That Denuvo bullshit again...
onkelll: Persona 4 non-golden on gog then?
Why? Golden is an expanded version of the original game, including new story elements. Why would you want the old version?
Post edited June 14, 2020 by MadalinStroe
Wasn't the first game ported to PC once? I wonder why it was never sold anymore.
karnak1: Wasn't the first game ported to PC once? I wonder why it was never sold anymore.
That must have been a Japan only release. There are plenty of Japanese PC games, but most of those are windows 95-98 releases, and since PCs were actually rare in Japane they never got the numbers to make it, to worth to continue releasing games on PCs.
Post edited June 14, 2020 by MadalinStroe
Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 Royal would be two games that would be great to have on GOG. We can hope but it's great to see these JRPGs on PC.
would by if it was here. but alas, it is not, so i will not.