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Great giveaway Doc! +1
Post edited May 03, 2018 by DeMignon
Thanks for the generous giveaway!

I'm in for
- Tyranny
- Lumo
- Curse of Monkey Island

If I'd have to pick sides, I'd probably choose cats. Smaller, softer, quieter, prettier, more elegant, dextrous and nimble, less smelly, less needy, more mysterious etc. I never had a pet myself, but the dogs of other people are much more likely to show annoying behavior towards strangers than their cats ...
Thanks for giveaway. I'm in for:

- The Curse of Monkey Island™
- Tyranny - Commander Edition
- STAR WARS™ - The Force Unleashed™ Ultimate Sith Edition

I like both, but choose cats camp, they not so big animals and do not require much attention, that is nice for those who live in a small flat...also cats are cute.
Thank you for a lovely giveaway.

I'll be in for:
2. Tyranny - Commander Edition

I know, I know, nearly everyone is going to be hoping for that one, so low chance to win - but the remainder either doesn't come in a Linux version, or doesn't appeal to me, so I'd rather they'd go to others.

As for animals, while dogs and cats will be fighting it out on the ground, I'll be soaring far above the fray with the birds, and revelling in their inherent majesty.
I like both dogs and cats. Both can be very loving, cuddly, entertaining and somewhat quirky. Every animal is an individual. Only reason that I'm just a bit more in cat camp is that they are smaller and I have very small yard unsuitable for medium size or little bigger dog and they need space. Cats and Dogs can be friends as you can see from image I have made in my aunt's yard :) There can be only one camp of furry friends

I'm in for Tales from the Borderlands and The Curse of Monkey Island. Thanks for another great giveaway!
Awesome giveaway! Please count me in for the Curse of Monkey Island and Star Wars: Force Unleashed.

Concerning your question, I'm quite partial to all animals. However, I'm fairly allergic to cats so I suppose that makes me a member of the "Dog" camp.

Thanks for your generosity!
low rated
Thank you for the awesome GA! If you don't mind, I would like to try my luck for

1. The Curse of Monkey Island™
2. Tyranny - Commander Edition
3. BattleZone 98 Redux

About animals, I'm totally into dogs, all of then. Well, except Chihuahua, but those things are condensed evil.
I like them because they are beautiful, funny, loyal and they will never give up on you.
I have a young Golden Retriever, and since he came into my life everything is not as dark and depressive as it could be. Also, I have been training him to help autistic kids, and he does a wonderful job, being affectionate and patient.
Maybe he's even too good, as I suspwct that if somebody wanted to kidnap him he would cheerfully follow the criminal without having a clue! XD
Cats, of course, because of how murderously fluffy they are. Om nom nom *squeeze* fluffy fluffy fluffy.

Not in cuz regional pricing.
WTF Doc? You named your dog Valentina? That's the name of my first love LOL
I'm definitely a cat person. I love how independent they are and sometimes hard to predict. Despite common opinion they can really get attached to their owner/servant and be very affectionate. In their own way of course ;)

I'm in for

The Curse of Monkey Island™
Tyranny - Commander Edition
I'm definitely a cat lover. (oh, really ??)
I have always loved cats, how calm, cute and friendly they can be, and yet how independant they are.
Still it can be the most upsetting animal on earth when it has decided so.

Besides, cats have incredible secret powers. They have been the inspiration source for the development of zeppelins.
They also can talk.

Oh, and they love to massage themselves.

I'm in for :
1. The Curse of Monkey Island™
2. Tyranny - Commander Edition
3. STAR WARS™ - The Force Unleashed™ Ultimate Sith Edition
5. Tales from the Borderlands
8. Firewatch
greeklover: WTF Doc? You named your dog Valentina? That's the name of my first love LOL
There used to be an old guy lived around here with a Yorkie named "Bob". XD

I loved the guy and I loved his dog, but he knew is a weird name for a dog and knew that everyone else knew it was a weird name for a dog because WHEREVER he went, he introduced the dog. I'd see him on Monday, "Hey, this is my dog, Bob!" The I'd run into him on Tuesday, "Hey, the is my dog, Bob." Wednesday, Thursday, same shit. :P
greeklover: WTF Doc? You named your dog Valentina? That's the name of my first love LOL
tinyE: There used to be an old guy lived around here with a Yorkie named "Bob". XD

I loved the guy and I loved his dog, but he knew is a weird name for a dog and knew that everyone else knew it was a weird name for a dog because WHEREVER he went, he introduced the dog. I'd see him on Monday, "Hey, this is my dog, Bob!" The I'd run into him on Tuesday, "Hey, the is my dog, Bob." Wednesday, Thursday, same shit. :P
Oh people are much more proud of their dogs here. Some have named them Napoleon, Cleopatra and Moses (the one from the Bible) :D
tinyE: I loved the guy and I loved his dog, but he knew is a weird name for a dog and knew that everyone else knew it was a weird name for a dog because WHEREVER he went, he introduced the dog. I'd see him on Monday, "Hey, this is my dog, Bob!" The I'd run into him on Tuesday, "Hey, the is my dog, Bob." Wednesday, Thursday, same shit. :P
My father was blind and our family did preliminary training for seeing eye dogs. He insisted that the dogs be greeted by name. When he first went into the program, whatever association back then was doing a study on seeing eye dog depression and it bothered him.
